[ORDER SOLUTION] Sociocultural Issues

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the sociocultural issues and implications involved with the concept of information literacy.Throughout the course, you have applied the concept of information literacy to your academic work. For this unit, please expand your scope and in a 2-3 page reflective essay, share your thoughts on how you see information literacy being applied in our society.Possible prompts include: are some groups more informationally literate than others? If so, why? Is this related to the concept of “information privilege”? If so, can you explain how? How does society benefit from a population that is informationally literate? How does a society suffer from a population that is not? Do you believe our society values information literacy? Why do you feel as you do? Should we care about whether a society possesses information literacy skills?You may use the personal pronoun “I” in this essay. If you use secondary sources, be sure to provide a citation such as (Smith, 2002, p. 82) and the corresponding reference in APA style.Your assignment submission should be a Word document that fully adheres to the instructions listed above.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Native American Film

1) A brief summary of the assigned materials. What are the most important points in the text or film? What is the author’s main argument?2) Discussion of one key aspect of the text(s) or film(s). Pick out one thing that stuck out to you as you were reading and discuss it. How does it relate to what we have been discussing in class? Does it highlight a different point of view or reiterate things we have already discussed? Do you agree or disagree with it (this should be an informed analysis based on course readings, not your personal opinion)? Does this text speak to any other texts we have discussed? This should comprise the bulk of your paper. Remember: analysis, not a book report.3) Two or three discussion questions that arise from the text. Do not ask for explanations of things you could easily look up. Discussion questions should make you think critically and analytically about the course material. These questions can– and often should – be longer than a single sentence.The paper should discuss the following above.The movie “The Searchers (Dir. John Ford; 1956; 1hr. 59mins)” has to be watched because this paper will be on it.I will attach the readings required for the class which need to be discussed about within the paper.PLEASE reach out to me by email if the instructions are unclear

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[ORDER SOLUTION] National Wildlife Refuge

Read about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge then discuss the following questions.  While the articles below and attached are not recent, the basic arguments haven’t changed.  Your comments should be substantive and reflect some thought and research into the issue.Should exploration and drilling be allowed in ANWR or should we forego the fossil fuels that are there to preserve the habitat and animals that live there?Should drilling and/or fracking be allowed offshore of Florida? What about in the rest of the Gulf of Mexico?Does everyone have the right to drive whatever kind of car they want, regardless of gas mileage and the impact that our need for oil has on the environment?Does everyone have the right to use however much electricity they want,regardless of resources used or the impacts on our environment?Do you agree or disagree with the commentaries below from the Florida Times-Union newspaperIf you said no to drilling in ANWR, drilling and fracking off of Florida, but yes to individual rights to drive any car and use unlimited electricity – how can we manage to do both sustainably?Articles to read and comment upon:1.  Less Drilling a Fantasy to Politicians  Mark Woods article.docx2.  Florida must move away from fossil-fueled power plants Apr 6, 2015

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Creative Nonfiction

Why did elie Wiesel chose to tell his story through a creative nonfiction rather than traditional nonfiction

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Movement Of Emotion

focus on rhythm and movement in editing. Movement of story. Is the story clear? How well organized is the flow of information or plot events to convey the film’s intentions? Movement of emotion. Is the film compelling? How well-shaped are the performances and interactions in the film to convey feeling and provoke emotional responses? Movement of images. Are the film’s images shaped effectively? From cut to cut and over a sequence or series of cuts, how well has the editor shaped the flow of images to create a visually engaging experience?Style. Whether obvious or unobtrusive, has the editor established and sustained an approach to cutting that is appropriate to the production and supports the ideas and themes?POST 1: In 3-5 sentences, summarize the film as if you are describing it to someone who has not seen it. Do not give a blow-by-blow report, but convey the main story, characters, and theme(s) in your own words.In 3-5 sentences, give your personal critique* of the film – you may focus on any elements you wish. Be specific – don’t just say “I liked the acting” or “It was boring” – tell why you liked the acting and give specific examples, etc. Try to avoid statements starting with “I like…” and instead try statements such as, “The first thing I see is…” or “This _______ stands out for me because of the …(color, composition, sound, movement).POST 2:should be a question of your own about the film. What confused you? Was there a scene you want to know more about from your classmates? Ask your classmates what they thought of a particular scene, sound score, editing technique. Make sure your question includes your insight and isn’t completely open-ended. For example: “Did anyone also notice that whenever the villain appears in the film, there is a constant drumbeat sound? It made me think of a heartbeat and added to the suspense. What other interpretations do you see? And are there more places in the film that music is used this way?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Effect Of Cannabis

Read the research article is about the effect of cannabis use on the Stroop task (Battisti et al., 2010) and include the following things in  journal entry:1. A statement on what the main goal of the study was.2. Describe the methods used, with enough detail to understand how the study was conducted, using your own words.3. Describe the results of the study using your own words. What does this study suggest about how cannabis use affects cognition?4. Provide a properly formatted reference for the article in APA format.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Studies Of Humanities

1.Define Humanities-  In detail explain what humanities are2. Area Of Studies of Humanities – Include all the subjects the humanities covers and lists many examples of each3. Why Study Humanities – Explain in detail why it is important to study humanities4. How Does Art Influence Culture – Explain in detail how Art  influences culture and provide many specific examples5. How Does Culture Influence Art- Explain in detail how culture influences art and provide many specific example

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Author’s Thesis

It has to be 2-3 paragraph long, is not really an essay, just a paragraph response* Read either William Dunning (for Debating Reconstruction) or Frederick Jackson Turnerhttps://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1901/10/the-undoing-of-reconstruction/429219/*  What is the author’s thesis, which is the main argument or point?* Can you find what it is that makes these works of history outdated?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Black Storyteller

Students will be required to write a short paper (4 to 5 FULL/COMPLETE pages) on two Black storytellers (director, writer, and/or producer) from the 20th or 21st century. [10%Be sure to include:Brief biographyHow do they function as a storyteller? Producer? Director? Writer?What does their work include? What are their contributions? How are they significant? What stories are they telling?Influence on culture? Influence from previous and on future generations? Why are they important?You must cite your sources (inside the paper and a resource page; you are able to use informal—that is not peer reviewed or scholarly work—and formal—peer reviewed articles and books—citations as long as you cite your work)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Freedom In America

essay on the three things you learned or know that will help you understand the relationship between Faith and Freedom in America.

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