[ORDER SOLUTION] The Immune System

1-2 page paper that describe the followingWhat are the different types of immunity and give an example of each.Describe how stress impacts the immunity of a person.Include 3 scholarly references, in text citations and a reference page Apa format.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Atheistic Existentialism

Please watch/read the following links and answer the questions below- https://imgur.com/a/h6KbhiW (read up to the point where all the questions are answered for the textbook section)-Textbook reading1. How does the reading define (or explain) human freedom? Is it something all human beingswant, and do you agree with the explanation given?2. What points does the textbook use Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov to illustrate?3. What is ‘bad faith’? Do you have any examples from your own life that illustrate this concept?-May reading1. A paradox is a logically confounding event or idea–something that doesn’t seem to make sensebecause it has internal contradictions. Why is the relationship between freedom and destiny aparadox ?2. How does May use the grand inquisitor to explain a concept?3. According to May, what is the difference between how western and eastern cultures view theindividual’s relation to community? What do you make of his account of cultural difference?-Sartre reading1. What does Sartre say is the purpose of his essay (why is he writing it?)2. Explain the dilemma sartre’s student faced. What advice did Sartre give them, and what advicewould you have given them?-Frye reading1. How does Frye characterize the common response to feminism? What is the typical response tothe claim that women are oppressed? Do you think this still holds true today?2. What does the metaphor of the bird cage represent?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Pattern Of Development

Use prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing to write a formal, college-level essay.Distinguish among different patterns of development.Apply an appropriate pattern of development to a specific purpose and audience.Write an effective thesis statement.Develop paragraphs using topic sentences, adequate detail, supporting evidence, and transitions.Employ responsible research methods to locate appropriate secondary sources.Quote, paraphrase, and summarize secondary source material correctly and appropriately.Use APA (American Psychological Association) citation and documentation style to reference secondary source material correctly and appropriately.Apply the conventions of standard written American English to produce a correct, well-written essay.The required secondary sources are:• At least one nonprofit or government organization (online or print). Look for website domains .org, .edu, and .gov.•One source that you choose.Begin with an introduction that gives a broad overview of your topic. End this introduction with a thesis statement. Your thesis statement must make your argument and name three supporting reasons. These reasons must be named in the same order they’re discussed in the body paragraphs.Each body paragraph must describe one reason, with the exception of the last body paragraph before the conclusion; this paragraph must consider your opposition.End with a conclusion that reinforces your thesis statement and names your three reasons.I need this done as instructed nothing less

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Professional Writing Skills

Objectives:Practice citation and bibliography.Explain an informal fallacy.Reading:”Informal Fallacies by John Arthur.” (attached below)You may also use FallacyFiles.org for examples of fallacies. On the left-hand side of the web page, there is an “alphabetical list of fallacies” that you can searchthrough.*Practice structure. Keep paragraphs separate, and introduce topics in order. See Professional Writing Skills: Structure*For citation and bibliography instructions, see Professional Writing: Quotations or APA citation HELPSHEET .pdfInstructions:Write 3 paragraphs explaining the following:1. Define ONE SPECIFIC informal fallacy (i.e., “ad hominem,” “slippery slope” etc.) Make sure to use a formal definition and cite the source. Cite as (author, year, page number)2. Explain the informal fallacy by using an example of an argument that commits that fallacy. The example of the argument should be in quotation marks. Or, provide your own example of an argument that commits the fallacy. Remember, you are USING the example to support your explanation of how the fallacy works, so explain the example briefly.3. Explain how the fallacy is a using faulty reasoning (i.e., explain WHY it is a bad form of reasoning). Give sufficient explanation to show your reader why that fallacy is irrational.4. Provide bibliography.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Dominant Ideology

Do a close comparison of any two Cinderella versions. You can consider such issues as nature, materialism, class dominance, violence, and relationships between women and women or women and men

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[ORDER SOLUTION]  Hamlet’s Soliloquy

Write a minimum of 300 words explaining which version you liked the best and why? Be thorough and detailed in your writing.Version 1- Kenneth BranaughNote: This is a modern adaptation of the play.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjuZq-8PUw0Version 2- Adrian Lesterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muLAzfQDS3MVersion 3-Andrew Scotthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6CLdCl9TB0&t=7s

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Great Chicago Fire

Write an informative essay on the Great Chicago Fire. Your essay will use research to explain what caused the fire to burn out of control and to describe the fire’s effects and aftermath.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Parental Substance Abuse

Base on reading in the assigned textbook, Class discussions, You-tube Videos coupled with independent research from credible sources, prepare a ten (10) typed APA research paper (complete with a cover page and reference page) that addresses one (1) of the following:1. Parental substance abuse, misuse and child welfare2. COVID -19 restrictions and the impact on Child Welfare and child Abuse prevention3. Illegal immigration and child safety in the United States (separation of parents and kids at border crossings in the United States.4. Remote Learning (due to COVID-19 Pandemic) and UPK and Kindergarten Kids.Once you have selected a topic from the above list, include answers to the following questions as part of your response.a) Define the selected topic.b) Discuss the in detail the facts surrounding the issue. Include any focusing events that are relevant.c) Why is this a child welfare and child abuse problem?d) How can this problem be resolved?e) How does the current COVID-19 pandemic impact the problem you identified?f) You have just been tapped to be the new Drug Abuse, COVID-19, or Immigration Tsar for the Biden/Harris Administration. What five (5) policies would you implement to address your selected topic/problem?g) Be sure to include relevant theories and term from the assigned text for the class.This final project paper must be submitted no later than January 27th 2021, 11:59 Eastern Standard Time. The PowerPoint presentation is due January 28th 2021 11:00 AM Easter Standard Time. Late submissions will be subject to a grade reduction. One copy must be uploaded into the Turnitin assignment in blackboard and a copy emailed to the instructor using the following email address eharvey@asa.edu. Assignments must be emailed from your ASA student email. Emails from personal email accounts (Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, yahoo etc.) will not be accepted.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Functionality Of Relationships

Imagine that you are a licensed psychologist who specializes in serving Cubans and Cuban-Americans. Your degree is in Marriage, Family, and Child Therapy. Members of the Del Pino family, as depicted in Cristina Garcia’s Dreaming in Cuban, have come to your for help. Select two or three characters in the novel and analyze the role that historical and/or current events have impacted the (dys)functionality of the relationships in their family. For this authentic assignment submission, you will introduce specific members of the Del Pino family, analyze their relationships, and help them become more self- and globally aware.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Alcohol Education

i need it to say what the consequences are for bringing alcohol to school in junior high and how it affects the parents and what they have to go through as well as the child that brought it to school

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