[ORDER SOLUTION] History Of Video Games

I’m going to have a presentation online about my favorite video game. And that is FIFA. Here are some instructions for you.Introduction.- General facts about the game/the app. (What it is, how to use it, when it wascreated, how many use it etc.)- Why do you play this game/use this app? How often do you play/use it? How longhave you played/used it for?- Discuss advantages and disadvantages about the game/app. For you/for otherpeople?- Conclusion.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Concept Of Culture

THIS WEEK’S OBJECTIVES:1. To provide students with an overview of the development of the concept of culture and its study using historical figuresfrom classic, 20th century anthropology2. To provide a frame that helps students read and understand two classic texts, Geertz’s “The “Deep Play:notes on the Balinese cockfight”3. To help students understand, define and describe “culture” and its main characteristics.TO READ/WATCH1. Video: Prof. Brusi’s mini-lecture (2 lectures in one, for both weeks 3 and 4)2. Video: Kelli Swazey, anthropologist, talking about “life that does not end with death”. (week 3)3. Reading: C.Geertz’s “Deep play:notes on the Balinese cockfight” (week 3)4. Reading: M.Harris’s “Mother Cow” (week 4)WHILE YOU WATCH THE MINI-LECTURE, LOOK FOR AND TAKE NOTES ABOUT:1. How is Malinowski’s anthropological method different from Tylor?2. What is the difference between Clifford Geertz and Marvin Harris?3. What are the characteristics of culture? List them and also describe them. Think about examples, especially examples different from what I offer in lecture.4. A good exercise: link some of the characteristics of culture with the anthropologists that used them or made thempart of the discipline.WHILE YOU READ GEERTZ’S “DEEP PLAY”, (week 3) LOOK FOR AND TAKE NOTES ABOUT:5. Note that, like Jason de León, he starts with stories of him in the fieldsite. What is this story? How is the story connected with the analysis he makes of cockfights?6. How did they became no longer invisible? Why did that happen?7. What does the author mean when he says that Balinese men identify with their cocks?8. Why do you think the title of the essay is “deep play”? What does ”deep play’ mean in this context?WHILE YOU SWAZEY’S TED TALK (week3), LOOK FOR AND TAKE NOTES ABOUT:9. How does she describe funeral rites among the Tana Toraja?10. What meaning do they attach to these practices?WHILE READING “MOTHER COW” and the book’s PREFACE , (week4) LOOK FOR AND TAKE NOTES ABOUT:1. What is Harris’s position, according to the preface? What is his purpose in this book?2. What are the reasons Hindus gave for not killing cows, the kinds of explanations Harris is arguing against?3. Write down all the “real, practical, material” reasons Harris offers to explain why cows are not butchered for meat.4. What are the differences between Geertz and Harris? In other words, what would Geertz look at if looking at the same phenomenon Harris is describing?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Potential Solutions

Main task: Locate two potential solutions/improvements to the problem you wrote about in your CP (the previous writing we did) and answer the following questions about these solutions. To be clear: you will answer the 7 questions below for each of the two potential solutions/improvements:What does the policy/law/call to action aim to solve or improve?How does it aim to solve/improve? How will the solution or improvement be achieved?Who will solve the solution/improvement?Who will the solution/improvement impact? How?Are there any risks or potential drawbacks?Who supports the solution/improvement? Who is against it? For what reasons?Who do you need to persuade? In other words, who is the focus/target of your advocacy?Use at least two new sources to support each solution/improvement and your claims about them. For claims that you can’t yet support with evidence, note where you’re making an assumption by using the mark (A) and where you need to do more research with (R).In total, then, you should locate at least four new sources and add these sources to your corresponding CP bibliography.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Vision Of Education

Answer the questions as you are reading the article – Cultivating Una Persona Educada: A Sentipensante(Sensing/Thinking) Vision of Education.In order to prepare for a vibrant, energetic discussion on the first research article, use this reading guide as you read. You should be taking notes of your thoughts and feelings as you progress with the items below as you read. Type your answers here, save, and submit.1. As you read the intro and first section in Rendon’s article (The Best and Worst of Times), ask yourself what the author is concerned about.a.    What are some questions Rendon believes ought to drive our daily existence?b.    What are the specific complex issues Rendon believes you should be concerned about?2. Read the section named Una Persona Educada.a.    In the first two small paragraphs of that section, Rendon describes what una persona educada does. What does she explain?b.    In the rest of that section, Rendon describes five major dimensions of personal and social responsibility. Which two most speak to you, and why?3. Read the section named Toward a Newly Designed Vision of Education.a.    What are the agreements about education Rendon identifies in the first paragraph of the sectionb.    Read the end of that first paragraph. Why is it hard to challenge those agreements about education?c.    Read the second paragraph. What type of vision do we need in order to transform education?4. Read the section named The Agreement of Monoculturalism.a.    In your own words, what are the three characteristics of a vision of monoculturalism?b.    What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to culture?5. Read the section named The Agreement to Privilege Intellectual/Rational Knowing.a.    In your own words, what two specific things does this agreement yield/do?b.    What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to learning?6. Read the section named The Agreement Work Addiction.a.    In your own words, what is the main thing Rendon says about the negative aspects of this agreement?b.    What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to work and our lives?7. Read the section named Toward a Sensing/Thinking Pedagogy.a.    What two seemingly contradictory terms does sentipensante combine? What does each mean/entail?b.    In your own words, which three specific things a professor embracing a sentipensante approach speak most to you? Why those three?8. Read the section named Pairing Content With Contemplative Education.a.    In your own words, describe three practices connected to both intellectual and inner knowing skills.b.    Why might creating a cajita in this UNIV class be an important project?9. Read the section named Focus on Multiculturalism and Social Justice.a.    Which three of the six Rendon multiculturalism suggestions speak most to you? Why those three?b.    How does the Naropa University course Rendon describes “assist students in seeing hope and possibility and in becoming compassionate humanitarians”?10. Read the section named Transdisciplinary Model of Learning.a.    What exactly is a transdisciplinary approach to learning concerned with, and what exactly is its goal?b.    What two things can learners do by “cutting through disciplinary approaches”, and what are six specific aspects are needed to do this?11. Read the final section named The Challenge Before Us.a.    In your own words, describe what Rendon says will have to be done in order to cultivate the new persona educada.b.    What do you think of the two new “simple powerful questions that can start us on this adventure of inward and outward transformation” at the very top of page 9?12. How are Cronon’s 10 qualities of a liberally educated person connected to Rendon’s ideas presented?  (Use article attached “Only Connect…” The Goals of a Liberal Education by William Cronon  to answer)13. Why might this be an important article to read and discuss in a UNIV 1301 class?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Social Justice Concerns

Notes:Question: How far is the United Colors of Benetton advertising campaign a reflection of social justice concerns over time?Introduction:Context Use the “History of Benetton” article to write a brief outline of the company. How controversial is it?Purpose: Benetton’s purpose is to sell clothes. It’s not to change society yet they use social issues to create a narrative in their advertisements?Audience: Young people because Benetton want to sell their clothes to young people and young people are often the drivers for social change. For example, in the 1980s and 90s, sexism and racism were first seriously considered as social issues and great progress was made during that time. Nowadays, the environment is a big issue along with gender politics, BLM and immigration.Development: Analyse four different Benetton adverts from different time periods.1: 1980s: Pieta (Very famous advert with a real family of someone dying of HIV)2: 1990s: Bosnian Soldier uniform3: 2000s: Unhate (Religious leaders) New Pope is about to allow gay marriage.4: Most recent (2018) Migrants on a boatConclusion:Answer the question: Did these advertising campaigns reflect social issues at the time and have things changed?Does courting controversy help or hinder a brand?Is it moral to use controversial images to advertise your brand?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Black Lives Matter Riots

Describe BLM, why the riots should be stopped and what people can do to help put them to an end

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[ORDER SOLUTION] English Studies

Assignment: Write a letter of several (three or more) paragraphs, containing 300 or more words, introducing yourself to your instructor.In the first paragraph, focus on personal information (career, family, academic) you would like the instructor to know.In the second paragraph, focus on your literary background.  Consider answering questions such as the ones below.Do you like to read? What are you favorite books?What did you like best in other English courses?Do you keep a journal?Are you a poet?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Technology Changes

Write an essay in which you take a position on how social media and technology changes the nature of relationships.In what ways does it nurture relationships? In what ways does it diminish them? In other words, what is gained and what is lost? What is the future of relationships in an increasingly virtual world? Will virtual relationships ever supplant physical ones?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Theory Of Justice

The Wilt Chamberlain ArgumentRobert Nozick uses his Wilt Chamberlain argument to defend his entitlement theory of justice over a patterned theory of justice like that of John Rawls. Describe the Wilt Chamberlain argument in your own words. Explain what can be said in its favor. Raise at least one problem for it, and discuss whether it can be adequately addressed by someone who defends Nozick’s theory of justice.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Imprinting Theory

The visual aspect of children’s literature is immense and difficult to cover in a text-based; you will be showing one detailed analysis of an illustration. An infographic is a document that uses both text and images.?An original Infographic, 1 page?Written Reflection, 1-2 pages, 500-750 words (double-spaced,12-pt font in a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Calibri, in the default format of a Word document, with 2.54 cm margins on all sides).?Value = 10%?MLA FormatInstructions:Find an illustration from one either one of the fairy tales(Struwwelpeter, Little Red Riding Hood (Cap)) or another fairy tale of interest.Create an infographic to show how the illustration represents one or more aspects of the fairytale. Consider these questions in your infographic:a.What does the illustrator do to visually portray the moral of the fairy tale?b.What do they do that’s different from the text?c.How does the Illustration match the techniques discussed in “Amuse and Instruct”?d.How does (or does not) the illustration you picked reflect John Locke’s “tabula Rasa” imprinting theory?e.Write a debatable thesis your infographic argues about the illustration2)Write a reflection answering the following questions:a.When was it produced/which version of the fairy tale did it appear with?b.Who is the illustrator?c.Why did you pick the illustration?d.What did you learn in the process of creating the infographic?e. How will you use what you learned in this process going forward in academic contexts?What I am Looking For:1)Clear, simple (but effective) graphics2)One major argument (one clear thesis/point)3)Evidence from the text (“To Amuse and Instruct” & your chose fairy tale)4)Clean writing (academic tone, no contractions, no personal pronouns, no grammar mistakes, etc.)5)Include a copy of the illustration that you created the infographic6)Works Cited Page (be sure to cite the fairy tale AND the illustration)Research Resources:Osborne Children’s Collections: https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Erp=20&N=38537+38533&view=grid

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