[ORDER SOLUTION] Environmental Movement

Respond to each of the following questions.1. Some students interpret Heglar’s essay, “I Work in the Environmental Movement: I Don’t Care If You Recycle” as, “There’s no use in recycling (or changing light bulbs, or installing solar panels, or adopting a vegan diet). There’s not much the individual can do.” But is that Heglar’s point? What is the basic argument that Heglar makes in her article? Write a one-paragraph summary of at least 100 words that explains her argument. You need to read to the end of the article to really understand her main idea. It is not what the title implies.2. Do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with Heglar’s point? Write a one-paragraph argument of at least 100 words that explains your answer to this question.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gregory Bateson’s Theory

written on one (1) of the questions?Please note that you are REQUIRED TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEAS WITH DIRECT QUOTATIONS.  Good paraphrasing (including detailed descriptions of the diagrams) is important too, but there must be at least three direct quotations from the text-based reading for the assignment.  Page references must be provided in brackets or by a citation method of your choice.Please note that, for purposes of the Essay, Korzybski’s Structural-Differential and the associated red-pill/blue-pill diagrams count altogether as one ‘source.’ After all, the ‘pill diagrams are just ‘Bizarro/colonial’ Structural-Differentials. Except for question 4, it is crucial that you fully understand the meanings of the diagrams and relate them in detail to the other source. Your writing process should start from quotations from the readings and precise analysis of the diagrams, not vague ‘feels’ from the audio-lecturesthe QUESTIONS1. Explain how the political and social dynamics that produced the CBC in the 1920s demonstrate the uniquely explicit relation between blue-pill and red-pill ideas – and also the idea of a ‘no-pill’/ ‘new leaf’ epistemology – in Canada.Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, “Magic in the Air” and “God in the Air” (excerpts from The Microphone Wars) by Knowlton Nash.2. Explain Gregory Bateson’s theory of natural systems as abstracting systems (with conscious purpose as a kind of extreme and potentially dangerous extension of the abstracting process) with reference to the Structural-Differential and the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams.Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, “Conscious Purpose Versus Nature” (excerpt from Steps to an Ecology of Mind) by Gregory Bateson3. Drawing on the scientific insights of both the Structural-Differential and Horowitz’s ethological perspectives, explain how the limitations of humans’ sensory capabilities can lead to problems in our relationships with nonhuman animals. Compare and contrast anthropomorphism and Uexküll’s concept of “umwelt” as two different approaches to relating with nonhuman animals across sensory divides.Sources: the Structural-Differential, the blue-pill/red-pill diagrams, “Umwelt: From the Dog’s Point of Nose” (excerpt from Inside of a Dog) by Alexandra Horowitz4. Explain the contrast between the human and the Cetacean umwelt. How does the analog- digital relation operate differently in the communication systems of each species (or family in the case of Cetaceans)? How might we more precisely imagine the communicative matrix of the Cetaceans?Sources: “Umwelt: From the Dog’s Point of Nose” (excerpt from Inside of a Dog) by Alexandra Horowitz, “Some Problems in Cetacean and Other Mammalian Communication” (excerpt from Steps to an Ecology of Mind) by Gregory Bateson5. The Structural-Differential proposes a semantically (i.e. both sensorily and conceptually) reliable map of the differences between what we say – the label levels – and what we sense – the object level – and between both of those levels and W.I.G.O. – whatever is going on at the Event Level. But Korzybski, though he did advise children should be taught with the structural differential from the age of kindergarten, was not so foolish as to believe an infant would be born with that scientific sense of order.Explain Daniel Stern’s concept of the Weatherscape as one demonstrating a fundamentally different experience from the sense of order that the Structural-Differential models. Six-week old Joey does not ‘have’ an object level – she IS the object level (and in some sense, almost ‘is’ closer to the Event than we). And yet she (or he, as in Stern’s text) is already developing the epistemological sense we all naturally develop when we learn language. Where do we find the roots of the ability to sense Structure and to Differentiate in the midst of the Weatherscape?Sources: the Structural-Differential, “The World of Feelings” (excerpt from Diary of a Baby) by Daniel Stern

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Importance Of New Beginnings

1) Reflect on the importance and function of beginnings (in literary works or in films). What role do openings play? How do/can/should the first pages or minutes of a narrative “set the stage,” as it were, for the rest of the work? What kind of work does an opening do? What – in your view – makes a beginning effective?2)Write an academic paragraph in which you analyze the beginning of Shaw’s play

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Early Childhood Curriculum

1.    The goal of this assignment is to (1) summarize and synthesize information in your text and (2) critically reflect upon it. For (1) use bullet points. This part requires that you to combine and integrate a large amount of information into “digestible” nuggets of information. If you copy information directly from your text in a “word-for-word” format, you will get 0 points for this section.For (2) use full sentences and paragraphs.Please “challenge” the text by reflecting on multiple perspectives of knowing and knowledge. Knowledge is created by people who have opinions and beliefs.What implicit or latent “beliefs” does this text embody? A good place to start is exploring your own beliefs related to course content.1. Chapter Summaries(a) Chapter 2.Observation and Assessment: Compare and contrast (8-12 bullets for each section)•    Core concepts: Observation•    Core concepts: Assessment•    Similarities of observation and assessment•    Differences between observation and assessment(b) Chapter 14. Evaluation (8-12 bullets for each section)•    Evaluation (overview)•    Process of evaluation•    Interpreting evaluation results•    Documentation(2) Critically reflection upon the content presented in 1a-1b. Respond with 6 to 10 full sentences for each.•    Whose interests and experiences are privileged and whose are marginalized?•    Whose accounts of a particular topic or issues are missing?•    Whose reality is presented and whose is ignored?•    What are the social positions (identities) from which you reading and interpreting content?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gender Digital Divide

As we consider representation in the online world, the course material refers to the idea that race and gender are “done”. Using only the content from Weeks/Modules 1, 2, and 3, argue points around all the following questions:How are race and gender “done”? [Develop your answer around how race is done through privilege and how gender is done through through the body].What does it mean to borrow privilege? How does one borrow privilege?How does the idea of “doing” limit the way we understand race and gender? What can be done to enrich the notion of “doing”Define all the terms that you use and develop your arguments as thoroughly as possible. Use your own words whenever possible. You are permitted to bring examples from outside of the class, but remember that you are being marked on your ability to articulate arguments around the course material. Examples are specific cases to prove your argument. T his Assignment will be written as a formal essay and must be submitted as a Word document or PDF. About 4 pages (Max. 5), double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, standard margins. Do not go over the page limit. Additionally, include a works cited page. Make sure to number all pages. The works cited page does not count in the page length, but you can number it in sequence. Make sure to cite all material that you use. There is no title page needed. Please see the attached marking rubric for more details concerning how you will be evaluated.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Photographic Conscience

This module contains two brief essays regarding the role of an artist photographer, “The Thing Itself,” by Bill Jay, and “The Unforeseen Wilderness,” by Wendell Berry. Read both essays carefully and, in at least one paragraph per response, respond to the following prompts based on those readings:(See the rubric below for specific grading criteria.)1) Describe some reasons why subject matter is so important to Bill Jay (there are several).2) What does Bill Jay mean by “photographic conscience”?3) How would you relate being what Wendell Berry calls “a tourist photographer” to today’s use of social media?4) Describe how, according to Wendell Berry, the photographic artist is, in a way, a pilgrim.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Benefits Of Having A Dog

At least 3 sources must be cited.Be sure to address benefits of having a dog and what good they are to humans. Also talk about potential risks and sacrifices that come with having a dog.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Overarching Themes

The Basic Elements You Should Include in Your Review:I.)  What is the main argument(s)/finding(s) made by the author(s) in the book? Briefly and coherently, summarize the main findings/arguments/assumptions in the work.II.)  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the argument(s) made by the author(s)?III.)  Are there any overarching themes, which can be discerned across the work?IV.)  Where do we go from here?This link should help : https://www.supersummary.com/more-than-just-race/summary/

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Family Traditions

Explain why it’s important to follow family traditions.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Vitalized Symbolic Language

In “Once More to the Lake,” E.B. White uses vitalized symbolic language to convey meaningful themes. In a formal essay of a minimum of 600 words, identify the overarching theme of this work. How does White employ symbolism and figurative language to project these perspectives? Does this essay offer any form of identification value for today’s readers?

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