[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthy Food Environment
Explore and Compare: ResourcesEvaluation Title: Source ComparisonThis assignment will give you the opportunity to carefully explore two different resource types to further your understanding of selecting the appropriate resource type for your information needs. There are three parts of this assignment. For Part 1, you’ll be reading an article posted on the web and answering questions about the article. For Part 2, you’ll be reading a scholarly article and answering questions about it. In the final part, Part 3, you are asked to sum up your experience and compare/contrast the two information sources.Part 1Take a look at the article 9 Lessons I’ve Learned About Feeding KidsPreview the documentPlease respond to the following prompts:Who do you believe is the intended audience for this article?What is the purpose of this article?Briefly summarize the article by describing the main points used by the author.Provide an APA reference entry for this information source.Part 2Next, review the following scholarly journal article, Challenges and Facilitators to Promoting a Healthy Food Environment and Communicating Effectively with Parents to Improve Food Behaviors of School ChildrenPreview the document: Please answer the following questions:Who do you believe is the intended audience for this article?What is the purpose of this article?Examine the references at the end of the article. Please explain how these references contributeto your understanding of the credibility of the source. Provide an APA reference entry for this information source.Part 3Summary question: Compare and contrast the two information sources. How is the information found in the USNews.com article different from the information found in the scholarly journal article? What would you use each type of information for? Finally, describe what you feel is the most important thing you learned from this assignment.Your assignment submission should be a Word document that fully adheres to the instructions listed above and meets all APA formatting requirements. Be sure to proofread your assignment.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Myths Of Reading Instruction
Which of the 10 Myths of Reading Instruction do/did you believe prior to this weeks lessons? How do you plan to adjust your teaching to accommodate the new understanding of reading instruction?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Employee Engagement Program
Your Signature Assignment requires you to act in the role of a consultant to assist in developing an employee engagement program. Your program proposal must consider work-life balance. Include at least one activity for each of the following four categories:· Employee appreciation· Employee-customer engagement· Diversity and inclusion· Community engagement/social responsibilityIn addition, at least one activity should incorporate an explanation of how social media could be used to enhance that activity.Support your proposal with at least 10 references from peer-reviewed journals.No CoVEr PAGELength: 10-12 pagesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to the topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards
[ORDER SOLUTION] Process Analysis
Must be submitted as a word document (.docs, .doc)* For your process analysis prewriting ,* identify and describe the steps you take to manage your time balance school , work, family and other responsibilitiesIf you have difficulty managing your time, identify the steps you could implement to help accomplish your school works, family and other responsibilitiesPREWRITING INSTRUCTIONS:Requires two paragraphsEach paragraphs employs a pattern of developmentMust use first person point of viewFirst paragraph , use the narration , description and illustrations techniques . Write about activities you dedicate time to including schoolwork, family , responsibilities and your job also include other pursuits such as hobbies , sports ,volunteer and social activities that occupy your time . Paragraph should be 500-550 wordsSecond paragraph, focus on steps. Identify 3 steps that you have taken or that you could take to manage your time or achieve a work/life balance . Use process analysis to explain each step in detail
[ORDER SOLUTION] Exotic Animals
What could be some of the causes of the continuing trade in exotic and endangered animals?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Types Of Broadcast Media
DescriptionWk 3 – Broadcast Media Types and Their Influence [due Mon]Assignment ContentConsider the types of broadcast media presented this week: music, radio, movies, and TV.Write a 300- to 400-word answer for each of the following questions:Which of these types of broadcast media do you feel has had the greatest impact on American culture over the past 50 years?Which of these types of broadcast media do you feel has been the least influential over the past 50 years?Cite sources to support your assignment.Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Anne Frank Legacy
Write an essay explaining the importance of Anne Franks legacy. Use evidence from the passage sets. Be sure to include text evidence in your essay
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Importance Of Dogs
At least 3 sources must be cited.Be sure to address benefits of having a dog and what good they are to humans. Also talk about potential risks and sacrifices that come with having a dog.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Narrative Of An Artifact
perform a reflective analysis on an artifact in your life. Much as Julius encounters various artifacts (books, paintings, music, psychiatric theory, etc) and they inspire deeper thought and analysis, introduce the object and then tell its story.I want the artifact to be an actual object (so, unlike Julius, this will not be a story that you hear, but rather an actual thing). I can be personal (a meaningful photograph) or public (a dedicated park, for example), but it should trigger some cascade of thought and reflection.In the essay, first introduce and describe the artifact. What does it look (or sound, or taste) like? How carefully and minutely can you explain it – so that I, as the reader, have an image of it in my mind?Then, move outwards. How does it make you feel? What associations or memories does it inspire? Then: what public importance does it hold? What does it mean to other people (those you know, or those you don’t)? What is the historical significance of this artifact?By telling the story of the artifact, what larger stories and meanings are illuminated?This paper should be written in the first person
[ORDER SOLUTION] Research Strategy
This order goes along with the uploaded paperCompetencyDesign a research strategy in order to answer a research question.ScenarioYou are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked you to design a research strategy for a research question and write the Methods section of a research paper.InstructionsIn a paper for your professor, create a methods section for a research study:State the research question and explain what your research strategy will be for answering that question. Will you follow quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method strategy? Explain why you chose the strategy. If possible, use research to justify your choice.Detail the steps you will need to follow in your strategy and what you will need to consider.Explain your plan for collecting data:What type(s) of data will you collect and how much?Where will you get your data from?How will you analyze and interpret the data?
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