[ORDER SOLUTION] Tragic Themes

One of the most tragic themes in Night is Eliezer’s discovery of the way that atrocitiesand cruel treatment can make good people into brutes. Does he himself escape this fate?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Selma To Montgomery Marches

write 2-4 paragraphs on what you thought was most meaningful and important about this critical moment in history where people fought for their voting and civil rights in this country (Selma March in the United States).  Use at least one paragraph to address what you would have done if you were a minority in that community at that time.  Do you think you would have joined the cause and risked your life?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Under Age Drinking

An essay on under age drinking the effects and problems it have

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Environment

Does it seem reasonable to you after completing the associated readings. Does anything trouble you about the stereotypes listed here? Is it wrong to care more about certain aspects of quality over others? What challenges does this present in a healthcare environment.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Poverty In America

WATCH VIDEOS :Part 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: FOLLOWING QUESTIONS, INCLUDE NUMBERS SO I KNOW WHICH ANSWER IS TO WHICH QUESTION:1.  Did anything in the first film shock or surprise you in terms of poverty in America?  Did you know that the very poorest Americans live on Indian Reservations?  Although this first short video can be heart wrenching and depressing, did you find anything positive in the young “warrior’s” attitude toward his situation, especially near the end when he talks about “the muddy road” and the “easy road”?  Based upon his words and thinking, in your opinion how important is the “attitude” of poor people themselves in the effort to fight poverty in America?2.  In video #2, we learn the story of young Louise Clifford, whose Lakota Sioux name is “Stands Against the Wind.”  What touches you most about her story?  Clearly, her Sioux people are trying to help her in the ways that they can by giving her a prayer feather, a bag of marbles representing her family, and a Lakota name that reminds her to be strong.  A deeper question is to ask is this:  Is the U. S. Government, which overseas all Indian schools, providing good schools and education to these poorest Americans?  What do you you think, based upon what you have seen in this second film?3.  In video #3, we meet 18-year-old Elaina and see the struggles that she faces to reach her dream of a better life.  Is there anything hopeful in her story or in the mother boyfriend and stepfather in her life?  If you could give Elaina advice about what to do next to succeed in the mainstream world and to get out of poverty, what you advise her to do?4.  Video #4 is especially valuable for the statistics that it works into the flow of the story of little dancing Tashina Iron Horse.  There are 15 people who sleep in her house each night.  Some 80% of the adults in her community suffer from alcohol addiction.  They get the alcohol off the reservation in a white “town” of 11 people who sell 4 million cans of beer each year to their Indian neighbors.  At the end of the film, we see Tashina dancing with narrator Diane Sawyer.  How hopeful are you that Tashina will escape from poverty to a better life?  What forces do you think are most likely to hold her back?5.  Do you find anything hopeful in this final video in the five-part series?  Explain.  More than the other videos, this one shows how much the U. S. Government has played a role in creating poverty on the Sioux reservation.  If this is true, might the Government have a big role to play in helping to solve the poverty issue there?  Based on this and the other videos in the series, what are some things that the Government could do, in your opinion, to help Lakota people create better lives for themselves?  What are some things that the people themselves could  do to create better lives above the poverty line?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Medical Marijuana Programs

Informed Consent: A Policy Prescription for Communicating Benefit and Risk in State Medical Marijuana Programs Opinion (20 points)Directions: In the opinion piece, Informed Consent: A Policy Prescription for Communicating Benefit and Risk in State Medical Marijuana Programs, the authors recommend that states that declare marijuana to be a medicine should inform the public about the quality of medical evidence behind each approved use and publicize all scientifically credible risks. Read the article then answer the corresponding questions:  3-5 sentences in response each1.    What are your thoughts on the article’s stance? Do you believe states that declare marijuana to be a medicine should inform the public about the quality of medical evidence behind each approved use and publicize all scientifically credible risks? 2.    What are some current limitations to using cannabis-based evidence-based medicine? What do you think should be done to overcome these limitations?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Global Internet Governance

See Attachments:Please read the Instructions:Rise of China and Global Internet GovernanceAuthorities in every academic discipline share certain expectations and norms for publication in their scholarly journals and texts. While specialists in some disciplines uphold a strict standard of academic writing, other experts allow a more flexible rhetorical style. In general, however, academic writers strive to influence their discourse communities by following the expected norms.While communities of scholars strive to ensure quality in their disciplines, they also recognize a certain level of subjectivity in determining the quality of academic writing. Analyzing each author’s quality of evidence, awareness of the target audience, and potential for personal bias will help you determine the appropriateness of books, articles, and other documents that you read. For this Assignment, you evaluate a scholarly article. As you review articles, consider the ways that the different backgrounds of the authors and their readers may affect both the creation and the interpretation of the writing.To prepare:•    Select an article: My article is on The Rise of China and Global Internet Governance. See attachment for the article.•    Consider how different audiences could interpret the selected article. Pay particular attention to the quality of evidence that the author presents.Write: a 1-page evaluation of the article. In the evaluation, be sure to do the following:•    Evaluate the quality of evidence, appropriateness of the content and writing style for the target audience, and the author’s potential bias. Then, explain whether the article meets professional standards for scholarly writing and why.•    Explain how various audiences might perceive the author’s intent and message.•    Explain how you might revise the article to make it more appropriate for an international audience.The article is attached:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Scholarly Sources

Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)InstructionsFor this assignment, select one of the following options.Option 1: Chronicle Adolf Hitler’s rise from failed art student to political speaker to eventually gain control over Germany.Option 2: Describe Benito Mussolini’s revival of European Imperialism in North Africa and how he came to be Adolf Hitler’s ally.Option 3: Chronicle the rise of extreme militarism in Japan and how it led them to conquer huge chunks of land in Asia and so many islands in the western Pacific basin, and how this led to their conflict with Great Britain and the United StatesOption 4: Describe Joseph Stalin’s rise to total power in the USSR and how his paranoia and desire for total control led to the terrible purges of the 1930s.Writing Requirements (APA format)Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)1-inch marginsDouble spaced12-point Times New Roman fontTitle pageReferences pageDuiker, W. J. (2015). Contemporary world history (6th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Apartheid In South Africa

Write 5 paragraphs about South Africa not improving after apartheid. The topics are introductionone paragraph about job opportunities second paragraph is about education third is living conditions and the last paragraph is the conclusion

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Share a short-term SMART goal for this course. Be sure to make your goal Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.• How can SMART goals help you achieve a long-term goal?

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