[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Workers

I need something about the mental and physical effects that COVID has caused healthcare workers such as emotionally worn and not enough supplies.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Biomedical Engineering

I need an personal statement regarding why my chosen career biomedical is the right choice for me .

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cause Of Depression

Here is the topic I would like this done onHas social media become major cause of depression among teenagers – Connection of depression with social media .Has social media become major cause of depression among teenagers ?- this research topic is chosen because depression among teenagers have become very common although specific connection is not identified but as student i feel that depression among teenagers is related to their life on social media and virtual platform which build self consciousness among teenagers also can be a major cause of low self esteem among them . Social life between friends and family has reduced and online relationship has developed leading to reduced social life which is considered as one of major cause of depression . Thus i feel that depression aming teenagers is connected with their life on social media and it influence their mental health .CompetencyCreate a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.ScenarioYou are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked that you create a research question for a topic you are interested in and that you also perform an initial literature review.InstructionsIn a paper, do the following:Explain the research question you would like to pursue and why you chose it. It should be researchable, feasible to pursue in the time span of a school term, and of interest to you.Explain what type of research will be most appropriate to answer your research question.Perform a literature review to help identify how your research study will contribute to current knowledge about the topic. Include at least ten (10) scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to your research question. In your literature review, you should analyze the content of the articles reviewed, compare findings in different articles, and integrate the literature into an organized discussion.ResourcesFor assistance on a writing literature review, please visit the Rasmussen College Answers page.Library databases such as the following are great resources for this project:Health SciencesCINAHL PlusHealth Sciences and Nursing via ProQuestMedlineBusinessBusiness Source CompleteBusiness via ProQuestAnother database that you may be interested in knowing about is ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.  You can view original research, view research design, data gathering techniques, etc.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Global Economy

What futures do you imagine for the global economy in 2030?1.    What will happen to technology: linear or exponential?2.    What will happen to growth: abundance or stagnation?3.    What will happen to inequality: more or less?4.    What will happen to energy: hydrocarbons or renewables?5.    What will happen to geopolitics: cooperation or conflicts?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Educational Aspirations

Write a comprehensive essay addressing the below questions and articles. Notably, you are not limited only to the provide resources, you can incorporate as many additional resources as needed to support and substantiate your overall argument or thesis.   Remember that is an Opinion Essay that presents the author’s point of view(s) on a particular subject(s) supported by reasoning, examples, and research   Accordingly, there are NO wrong or right answers to the questions and you will NOT be graded by the such rather by your ability to formulate a rational argument and support/defend it…Conceptual Frameworks: Be assured to invoke an academic tone and utilize scholarly resources, APA format, and synthesize connections to- Growth Mindset (Week I & II)- Overcoming Obstacles & Setbacks (Week III & IV)- Diversity & Inclusion (Week V & VI) ————————————————————————————————————————————————I. Which do you believe plays a more important role in the evident societal inequalities and discrimination: Race or Class? Why?? Consider one’s overall educational aspirations and vocational trajectory in relations one’s own internal (e.g. shyness) and external barriers.? Consider if “our society is structured so that certain groups are setup to fail and these same groups are inherently placed at a disadvantage.” i. What are your thoughts?        ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.1.Why do inequalities and discrimination persist in our ever-expanding global economy, esp. when people and nations are supposed to: (i)  value multiculturalism and diversity,  (ii)  assure fair treatment and equal opportunity to all, and (iii) discrimination + racism are supposed to be things of the past and no longer play a role in the fabric of our society and one’s ability to progress? i. What are your thoughts?        ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.2. Read the Case of Felix Hernandez Vs. Randall Clay In your opinion, who is the more successful of the two individuals (Mr. Hernandez or Mr. Clay)? Why?  a. Do you think that race or class played a more important role in this article (or maybe they are linked and inseparable)? Why? b. What does it mean to be successful (to you)? Consider both societal values and your own personal values/beliefs and how they differ. c. Consider the idea “certain groups and individuals are behind because of their own lack of effort and they do not work as hard or try.”Summarize the article.              ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position3. Read “The Strange Engima of Race in Contemporary America” by Eduardo Bonilla Silva.i. Summarize the article.          ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.4. Read “White Privilege” by Peggy McIntoshThis article was written over four decades ago, how is it concurrently relevant and how has it changed?i. Summarize the article.                        ii. What are Examples?          iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.4a. In the article by Peggy McIntosh, White Privilege, at the beginning she mentions gender inequality but does not expand on this topic.How would you expand on this issue [of genderism] as relevant and its key issue(s)?  Do gender privileges?Many people who are double minorities (i.e. Black women) or triple (Gay Latinx women) find themselves torn between multiple worlds i. What are your thoughts                          ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.5. Read “Uses of Global Poverty” by Diane Eglitis i. Summarize the article.                          ii. What are Examples?          iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.6. In Rage of a Privileged Class, Ellis Cose (1994) argued that      Unlike most individuals, Middle Class & Educated Minorities (MCEM) believe their race plays a more important in continuing inequalities Notably, MCEM rage is fueled by “America’s Broken Covenant”—the pact ensuring that if you work hard, get a good job and good education,and play by the rules, you will be allowed to advance and achieve to the limits of your ability (despite your race, gender, sexual orient., etc)In essence, they argue that despite the fact that they “have done everything right” (i.e. educated, good jobs) that they are still at a significant  disadvantage, viewed as lesser, discriminated against and/or treated unequally (i.e. make less with same education/experience, etc). Thus, they conclude their race not class is the main reason for their unequal/unfair treatment.  Esp. since MCEM have achieved relatively the same social status, class, educational level, and other accomplishments as their non-minority counterparts? Consider the notion that “if certain minority groups would just stop complaining and work hard instead of expecting underserved handouts and society to accommodate/(re)adjust to suit them then they could be successful”…Hard work, continuous effort and determination are keyi. What are your thoughts                          ii. What are Examples?      iii. Write a comprehensive and constructive argument explaining your position.****This is  a final grade paper *******scholarly and academic resources*** 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Analytical Skills

Instructions:This exam is designed to test your analytical skills and whether you are able to apply fundamental concepts to a piece of argumentation.You MUST address every task to get credit for the test.Follow MLA format.There will be no summary. Opinions will be based on the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the author’s rhetorical methods.These are the tasks:Identify the thesis and supporting arguments in the Op Ed. Explain your answers with examples from the text.Identify two (2) examples of appeals and how it relates to the values outlined by the article. Give me concrete evidence from the text.DO NOT GIVE ME A DEFINITION.Select two assumptions made by the author. Articulate the premise and explain the assumption.Select one weakness in the Op Ed. Justify your answer and use evidence from the text.4 Ways to Make the Right One.pdf

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Death Penalty

Should the death penalty be abolished? After reviewing the videos below, as well as the information from the lecture, please respond to the question above. 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Technical Skills

Write a reflection on how your view of higher education has deepened and changed after reading Sanders’ work. Include at least two quotes from the textbook with proper in-text citations (Last Name and Page Number). You can use the following questions to help you write your essay (but you do not need to include the questions themselves in your essay). You must answer a minimum of 5 of these questions in your reflection.Write a new paragraph or paragraphs when addressing each question.  You should also have opening and conclusion paragraphs.  This means a seven paragraph minimum for your paper.What did you learn that may have been surprising about the kind of students who receive jobs after graduation?What does Sanders suggest employers are looking for in an employee? Is it always someone with the degree in that major?What kind of loaded questions does Sanders suggest that we avoid? Why should we avoid these kinds of questions?What is it about a degree that Sanders suggest is important?What does Sanders argue is more important than learning technical job skills?According to Sanders, what do critical thinkers do to solve problems?What does Sanders claim are the differences between students and learners?What distracting conversation have you been guilty of saying? Did your perspective change after readingSanders’ correction of these common misconceptions?How should learners view their relationship to professors?How does humility help you learn?Pick at least 2-3 of Sanders’ reflection questions from chapter 5 and provide your own answer.After reading Becoming a Learner, how has your own perspective of learning and higher education changed?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Covid 19 Pandemic

Expanding on case study 3, deeply analyze two industries and two companies within the said industries of your choice’s supply chain network. ( 4 companies, 2 in each industry).a) that you think might have been affected by the current Covid 19 pandemic and whyb) that you think was not affected by the current Covid 19 pandemic and whyc) Using financial statements and KPIs learnt in class compare the companies and industries to see if they equally struggled or notd) Which of the two industries was affected more if indeed that was the case? Where you surprised by your findingse) and tell me What you think the companies did well and didn’t do well inf) and provide recommendations to improve company and industry to preventsomething like this from happening again….i.e contingency and scenario planning strategies (my example – think of others)NOTE: An industry and company was already chosen for case study 3 (Document uploaded). find another company in the same industry as the one in the case study. Then choose another industry and 2 companies within that industry. Compare the companies as well as the industries they are in. In total you should have 4 companies in two industriesKey indicators to use: Revenue – Gross profit/ revenue – C2C – Inventory turnover. (Feel free to add more).In-text citations required as well as a bibliography.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Free Health Care

The Unit 4 assignment is going to be focusing on one pro and one con of these issues:Climate ChangeFree Health CareEmployer’s Access to Employee’s Social MediaYou are going to use this discussion board to explore these three issues. This exploration will help you with your Unit 4 Assignment.InitialResponse:For your initial post, answer the questions below:What is one positive aspect (pro) for each of the three issues above?And, what is one negative aspect (con) for each of the three issues above?

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