[ORDER SOLUTION] Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Summarize how the film and the roles that Murrow and McCarthy played with respect to Mass Society Theory and compare it to social responsibility theory. Start by watching the film, Good Night, and Good Luck (2005) When you reference the film in your paper, MLA style, the Good Night, and Good Luck will be in italics, not quotes, not underlined – just italics. Then review chapter 2 and 3 in the textbook, with particular attention to Mass Society Theory and Social Responsibility Theory. This is to be a full paper with an introduction, main points, using transitions between points, and a conclusion. In following the strictest MLA rules, you should not have bullets, numbers, or subheadings. Transitions are important in all writing. 1. Summarize the film and the roles that Murrow and McCarthy played with respect to Mass Society Theory. This section should include some terminology from mass society theory and and the assumptions of mass society theory. . 2 .The linked passage, Murrow vs McCarthy, above, indicates that some film critics believe that the film was not only about Murrow and McCarthy but about the contemporary news media and their absence of investigation and criticism when President George W. Bush went to war with Iraq, based on what we now know is misleading or false information about Weapons of Destruction. Explain, how these two issues are related, according to the film. What are the dangers of fearful journalism? How does concentrated ownership of media affect the journalist or media outlet? What is the responsibility of the journalist and the media outlet to the media consumer? How much responsibility should the individual take to seek out the truth? 3. Provide a brief analysis that explains the point of view of the film. Give at least 1 example from the film to support your perspective. Some additional information for your consideration in writing an excellent or superior paper: Use information and theory from the text to support information and analysis related to Mass Society Theory and the film. You may also use information from other academic sources if you choose, but are not required to do so. Murrow vs McCarthy passge paraphrases some critics who believe the film was not just about McCarthy and Murrow but about the medias role in not challenging President George W. Bushs declared certainty that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. These critics say that this lack of challenge and investigation of the truth of these charges influenced the American public to support the war on Iraq. Some of these critics maintain that in the early post 9/11 environment of hyper patriotism that journalists were afraid that challenging the truth of Bushs claim would make them appear unpatriotic and against fighting a war on terrorism. What are your thoughts about this viewpoint and its relationship to the power of the media? These thoughts (analysis) must be stated in third person. In the first assignment, analysis could be in first or third person voice. This assignment must be totally in third person voice. For an easy way to compose third person analysis, write your sentence with I think… and then take off the I think part and see what you have left in the sentence. Reword as necessary for proper expression and grammar. Use the MLA stylebook for internal citations and a Works Cited page. You may find easy to use guidelines on the Webster University Library Website or on the Online Learning Lab (OWL) at Purdue University. Your paper should be submitted in Microsoft Word and should 5-6 pages typed and double-spaced with 12-point font. Please use a font such as Century or Times New Roman. Be sure to number the pages and include your name and the assignment title on the first page. PROOF YOUR WORK. I WILL TAKE OFF POINTS FOR TYPOS, MISSPELLINGS AND LACK OF NOUN/VERB AGREEMENT. You should have a works cited page at the end of the paper, properly formatted and the text, the film, and any other source you use, should be cited correctly. If you do not cite the text or the film (both of which you should be using to write this paper, that lack of effort will also cost you 3 points).
[ORDER SOLUTION] Belief Perseverance
Focusing on the concepts of critical thinking and belief perseverance.Think about the differences between and among common sense, science, and beliefs.Consider how the differences between common sense and science and the connections between common sense and beliefs relate to critical thinking and to being a scholar-practitioner in your area(s) of interest.Identify at least one strategy you might employ (or have employed) to ensure that you think critically in the presence of your personal belief system.Write a 150 to 200-word Explanation of the relationships between and among common sense, science, personal beliefs, and critical thinking.Next, explain the role each of these four elements plays in the practice of scholarship.Then, provide your own definition of belief perseverance and explain how it influences critical thinking.Finally, share at least one strategy that you might employ to ensure that you think critically in the presence of your personal belief system.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Heterosexual Marriage
Although marking the passage beyond heterosexual marriage as a narrative ending, Lily Briscoes rise as even an alternatively public woman and meaning-giver does not then fully dismantle the ideological dichotomy of public/private that To the Lighthouse encodes in Part One as masculine/feminine Mary Lou Emery, Robbed of Meaning: The Work at the Centre of To the Lighthouse. Do you agree with Mary Lou Emerys statement that Western feminism is about the construction of the subject through processes of exclusion? Is this what To the Lighthouse does with Lily? Discuss by making close reference to the text and the article.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Disability Discrimination Act
I need to write an essay how people with disabilities are treated very differently than other people.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Patient Health Practices
Based on your experience with mindful eating either from the video lecture or your own previous experiences, create a PowerPoint describing how you could incorporate this intervention with patients. Include a TITLE slide, a REFERENCE slide, and five to eight content slides with speaker notes. Your content slides should address the following:Define mindful eating and provide two examples of how mindful eating can be used in nursing practice.Describe a mindful eating intervention that could be used with patients.Identify at least one rationale for choosing this specific intervention.Integrate two resources that discuss and support mindful eating practice. Make sure to cite your sources.Discuss how the intervention will benefit patient health practices. Provide at least one benefit.Discuss at least one potential barrier to implementing this intervention.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Character Assessment
In preparation for this assignment watch one of the following movies:Boys Dont CryPreciousBlack SwanFor Colored Girls- Janet Jackson’s CharacterSelect a character from the movie for which you can make a strong case for a DSM 5 diagnosis.Prepare a 1,250-1,750-word paper in which you evaluate your selected character. As a part of your evaluation, please include the following components (each component should be a sub header within your paper):Background InformationSummarize your characters demographic information; individual, family, cultural and social history; mental health history; and alcohol and drug use.SymptomsDescribe the symptoms demonstrated by the character.Clinical ConcernsEvaluate the clinical concerns associated with the character.Cultural Assessment and ImplicationsExamine cultural assessments and implications of the character.Preliminary DiagnosisExplain how the characters symptoms do or do not meet diagnostic criteria.Make a preliminary diagnosis of the character.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Labor Movement
Describe your relationship with the union and the labor movement. In what ways has it personally affected your life and your familys life?Please add these informations and check the CSEA union website: I added the CSEA benefit guide and the president of CSEA union letters.please add these information.Being part of CSEA family helped me break ground in some toughest times.- CSEA union helped me with a lot benefits and since the covid 19 started the worked to make sure that all members continued get paid and keeper our jobs.–when the schools started to reopen, the CSEA union was there to keep members protected and safe .– CSEA is committed to supporting me and my family with an array of money saving programs and services.__ CSEA helped secure full funding for our public schools despite an economic downturn, helped determine how and when our schools would reopen safely, and we won historic layoff protections for classified staff.– gave advice and guidance – CSEA TOLD US TO continue to remain vigilant and take all precautions to protect ourselves and our families.This is the union that I participate (CSEA) and I am proud in being part of this family.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Literary Genre
Analyze the genre characteristics of Fire in the Hole OR the western you found. Discuss how it evolves or subverts or stays true to western genre characteristics.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Professional Writing
Choose at least two qualities listed in Table 2: Importance of Qualities to Officers Writing Skills. Explain how learning these skills are important for a career in policing or any other career. Why might it be better to learn those skills now, while earning your degree, than later on the job? In 175 words. https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/writing-skills/
[ORDER SOLUTION] Alcohol Dependence
Answer one or more of the following questions in your own words based on your reading of “Under the Influence.” How did growing up with an alcoholic father shape the author’s personality? What do his father’s struggles and his own struggles reveal about how masculinity can be damaging to women, children, and and the men themselves? How could knowledge of the Bible help a reader understand and appreciate “Under the Influence” more fully? Total length of assignment: 200 words minimum (Note: the minimum length refers to how much you actually write. If your response repeats the questions, that part doesn’t count) you can find the article in the Norton reader 15 th ed “under the influence” by scott russell sanders. I will attach the book where you can find the article.
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