[ORDER SOLUTION] Recycling Program
For this assignment, you should be interviewing a person who has expertise about a topic you are interested in. Please note that you should be conducting an actual interview; you should not be summarizing an interview conducted by someone else. Part #1: Choose a Research Topic and an Interviewee You do not need to submit this portion in writing, but you do need to accomplish this in preparation for your research assignment. In preparation for your research proposal letter in the next topic, you will need to choose a topic for your proposal. This research proposal letter will be directed to an audience who can create change (Congressperson, business administrator, or other similar audience). In the proposal, you need to suggest a change or a solution to a current problem. Examples of strong proposal topics would be things like funding ideas for an animal shelter, starting a recycling program in a community, suggesting a better plan for public transport, or another idea that interests you. You will be proposing solutions for these issues. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and for which you will be able to develop at least one solution. While this information should be enough for you to choose a topic, please consult the assignment sheet within Topic 7 if you have more questions about this assignment. Once you choose a topic, it’s time to choose a credible expert to interview on that subject. In other words, you should avoid choosing an interviewee who is a close friend or family member unless that person truly is an expert in the field. This credible expert should have 10+ years of experience in his or her discipline. Choose an interviewee who not only could offer some specific details about the problem but one who may also be able to offer suggestions of a plausible solution. Use the information contained in the lesson presentation to secure and conduct a successful interview. Part #2: Summarize and Synthesize Your Interview When you summarize and synthesize, you take the smaller pieces (the sections of the interview) and develop them into one cohesive piece. Doing this exercise will help you prepare for the research proposal letter, where you will need to incorporate at least a few ideas from the interview. To successfully summarize and synthesize, you might find it helpful to follow this sequence for your essay: 1) Provide Background Information: In your introductory paragraph, introduce your audience to your interviewee. What is his/her name? What is his/her experience? if relevant, where is the interviewee employed? 2) Summarize the Interview: While you want to avoid the all-too-predictable question and answer format, you should provide information about what you learned from the interview. Take a look at your original questions, group them into categories, and use those categories to build your body paragraph(s). Also, you may note the interviewee’s reactions in your summary as well. Was the interviewee nervous about answering a question? Did he/she seem knowledgeable in the subject matter? Make this summary work for you by including whatever details and responses you feel are important and will help you when you write the research proposal. 3) Synthesize the Interview: In the conclusion, synthesize the interview. To synthesize just means that you should consider all of the information you gathered from this interview and draw conclusions. What did you learn from the interview? How did the interviewee and/or the interview help you gain a deeper understanding of your topic? Other findings? No source citations are required for this assignment, but please review the rubric to get a better idea of how you will be assessed. The guidelines for this assignment are as follows: Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 350 words. Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information: Your first and last name Course Title (Composition II) Assignment name (Interview Summary) Current Date Format: MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited1 Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page Double-spacing throughout Standard font (Times New Roman, Calibri) Title, centered after heading 1″ margins on all sides Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Historical Sources
Now that you have a better understanding of Historicism, it’s your turn to do some research. For this discussion, find two historical sources that you can use to further your understanding of one of the readings. Remember those themes we mentioned? You can use those ideas to start your research. You can also use dates, the author’s background, or like in the sample, the setting of a text can help your search. What you want to avoid is simply googling a historical analysis of one of the readings. Sure, that is a source you can use, but try your hand at some original thought; then you can use someone’s historical analysis to help make your point.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Wuthering Heights
wuthering heights prompt; Who or what does HeathCliff represent in the novel? is he a force of evil or a victim of it? how important is the rule of class as it relates so HeathCliff and his life? MLA format double spaced times new Roman font 12
[ORDER SOLUTION] Discussion On Existentialism
In 1962, James Baldwin wrote: in order to change a situation one has first to see it for what it is With that quote as an inspiration, select two novels and consider the ways in which a character sees the situation for what it is. Then write an essay in which you analyze the characters insight and how they attempt to change a situation or conceive of an alternate point of view. Explain how the authors portrayal of this character and their situation illuminates the meaning of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot of the novels. Rather, use evidence in the form of direct quotation or strategic summary to advance your argument. Whenever possible, include information from our class discussion on Existentialism. Novels: The Stranger and Native Son
[ORDER SOLUTION] What Is Enlightenment
Answer the prompt with the attached pdf file.PROMpT#1: In his essay What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant draws a distinction between how people should act in their private and public rolesand, to be clear, in drawing this distinction, he is defining private as professional. In contrasting these roles, he argues that The public use of ones reason must always be free, and it alone can bring about enlightenment among men (104). What is he getting at with this distinction? He talks of priests and kings to illustrate his argument, but can you think of more contemporary examples to explain the meaning and significance of his point?PROMPT #2: As a picaresque novella, Candide moves quickly from one adventure to another, each poking fun at some aspect of European society in the 1700s. What part of Candide resonated with you the most? Why?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Central Conflict
Write an essay of at least 800 words analyzing the theme of the story “Dead Men’s Path.” How does the author characterize Michael Obi and describe his objectives after he is appointed headmaster of Ndume School? What is the central conflict of the story? What attitude does Michael Obi demonstrate towards local customs and people? What is the consequence of Michael’s action and attitude? What message does the author want readers to take away from the story? Link to the story (PDF): https://www.sabanciuniv.edu/HaberlerDuyurular/Documents/F_Courses_/2012/Dead_Mens_Path.pdf Suggested Structure Introduction – Definition of theme, the theme of the story (thesis) – 100 words Body 1 – Characterization of Michael Obi and his objectives – 200 words Body 2 – Central conflict, Michael’s discovery and his action, village priest’s request and Michael Obi’s response – 200 words Body 3 – Death of the village woman, villagers’ belief about the death, their reaction, and consequence for Michael Obi – 200 words Conclusion – What does the author suggest about how to treat different cultures and traditions – 100 words
[ORDER SOLUTION] Young Goodman Brown
. Analyze the character Faith in “Young Goodman Brown” and her role as a victim.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Media Production
For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production. Note that you should select only a single piece of media; you should not be discussing more than one film, for example. You should choose one1 of the following parts to explore: ? Genre: Explain how the production you chose fits into its genre. ? Camera: Analyze how the cameras use (camera angles, for instance) affects the overall production. ? Lighting: Describe how lighting is used to enhance or detract from the production. ? Actors/Characters: Analyze how the actors OR the characters themselves enhance or detract from the production. ? Symbols: Explain what the symbols are and how their usage affects the overall production. ? Music: Describe how the music enhances or detracts from the media production. ? Sound Effects: Analyze how the sound effects enhance or detract from the production. ? Special Effects: Explain what special effects are used and how they affect the viewing experience. ? Comparison to a Literary Work: (Note: This option may only be chosen if the film you chose is also in print form.) How are the book and film similar? How are they different? Which is better, and why?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Global Communications
(1) what undergraduate research and/or professional work you have conducted in the field of global communications, (2) your reasons for applying to the program, and 3) your career objectives.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Feminist Literary Criticism
By the end of the play, in your opinion does Henry Higgins change his perspective of women or of people in general (maybe of the lower classes) and if so, does he change enough? Does he change his perspective of Eliza? Does he truly respect her? Using archetypal, cultural, and feminist criticism compare Henry to Pygmalion in their perspectives of relationships to others, perhaps with a particular focus on their relationship to women.
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