[Get Solution]Central Idea
The purpose of our last project is to give you an opportunity to reflect on your learning this quarter. At the end of every class, it is helpful to think through what you learned and how you might use that information. Therefore, our final assignment will be a writing project reflecting back on your journey […]
[Get Solution]Public Obseravation
you need to observe a public place for fifteen to twenty minutes and then write two paragraphs, one a positive description, one a negative. Each should be in MLA format, Times New Roman, 12 points, double-spaced. Each paragraph should thoroughly describe the scene. So much stress and so little time? We’ve […]
[Get Solution]Photograph and Emotions
Choose a photograph that affects you in a powerful way emotionally, that brings up strong positive or negative feelings. Write about it in two ways: Write the facts. What can you KNOW by looking at the photograph? What can you imagine that is not clear in the photograph? Make up a story about what you […]
[Get Solution]Being Positive
Is being positive important? So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.
[Get Solution]Black Literature
*Attempt only two questions. *Question # 1, Section A, is compulsory. *Choose one more question from Section B. *Keep your answers clear, concise and analytical. *Address your responses to the specific demands of each question. *Illustrate your answers with apt references, and cite key sources used. *Limit your responses to 4 pages per question. total […]
[Get Solution]Planning Workshop
Major Assignments Assignment 1: Rhetorical Analysis Assignment 1 asks you to use basic rhetorical concepts to analyze a written, spoken, or visual text of your choosing. You will study the text and make observations about it in order to explain how it responds to a specific rhetorical situation or call to write. Final Length: 3-4 […]
[Get Solution]Importance of Visuals in Audience Connection
Consider the importance of visuals in connecting with an audience. Discuss a moment or experience in your life when a picture, drawing, or other visual had a significant impact. Consider whether the same impact could have occurred if you heard about the image rather than experiencing it visually. Find a poorly designed PowerPoint slideshow and […]
[Get Solution]Diagnostic Writing Exercise
There are a total of three articles to read in order to properly answer the questions. Article one is a link I have presented below. Article two is also linked below however I have presented a summary of the article and clicking the link is unnecessary for this one. Lastly, Article three has been uploaded […]
[Get Solution]Response Journal
Response Journal 1 – Each response journal assignment usually takes about 30 minutes to complete. Response journals are considered free-style writing assignments prepared in essay format. They are accumulated (filed) in a separate folder (portfolio) on your computer or another memory device for later submission. Complete the assignment below NLT August 23. The journal must […]
[Get Solution]Artist Inventory
Write about 2 pages (typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font) responding to the following questions. Do you consider yourself an artist? Do you consider yourself creative? Explain. How much and what kind of creative writing have you done? Tell me about it. What kinds of artistic, creative work have you done? Tell me about it. Has your […]
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