[ORDER SOLUTION] Identifying the Worldview Frame

Read the Prologue and Chapter 1 of Ted Dekker’s book, Chosen.  You will be taking what you observed in your reading and attempting to begin to formulate the intended worldview within this story.  The reality is that this is going to be hard.  An author does not often reveal all of these elements within the first chapter.  However, I don’t want that to deter you from trying to think on this deeper level.  The worldview framework elements are listed below again for your reference.  I want you to take what you read from Dekker’s work and respond to each element in three or more sentences (for each part – for a total of 12 sentences or more).  If you cannot find the element present in the reading so far,  I want you to say why and what would be needed for you to see that element present.  Please include any quotations from the reading to support your conclusions.  You will need to cite your source in MLA format as well.• Creation – Where did we come from and who are we? How did things come about?• Fall – What has gone wrong with the world? How did it get broken?• Redemption – How can it be fixed? What can we do to fix it?• Fulfillment – What was it supposed to be about to being with?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Music Based on Literature

Why is music not considered as literature?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Plato and Aristotle

FIRST PAPER PROMPTPHIL 1000 PW2, Summer 2021—THIS PAPER IS DUE ON BLACKBOARD ON 6/30 BY 11:59 PM ESTThis paper is based off of Plato Gorgias book and other PDF files I will attach as well.Papers:The first paper will be based on a prompt I will provide and must be a minimum of 7 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font, with one-inch margins. I expect quotes and paraphrases from the material in the course, correctly cited, in any paper handed in to me. Any bibliographical or cover pages will not count toward that total and the seventh page must be 4/5ths full for it to be considered a complete page.In our readings for class we have seen two perspectives—Plato’s and Aristotle’s—on rhetoric/oratory (remember, both terms translate ????????). In this paper you will need to:1. Give an account of one of these thinker’s positions concerning rhetoric, using textual evidence, you must quote and paraphrasewith proper citation, to show that your recreation of the account is accurate.2. Give a preliminary evaluation of the account with argumentation for why the position is right or wrong.3. Provide some criticism of the position using the position of the other thinker, again with quotes or paraphrases properly cited, or a plausible account of their position.4. Write a response to the criticism from the perspective of the first position you described and indicate if you hold that this response is able to answer the criticism.Now, you need not ultimately develop the position that Plato and Aristotle are opposed in their views on ????????, but whatever position you take, you will need to argue for that position. The paper is an argumentative paper; it cannot consist only in comparing and contrasting Aristotle and Plato—you must stake out a position using those two thinkers. This means you will come down on a side and what side you will take should be indicated in a thesis at the start of your paper. Please reach out to me if you are unsure in any way with what you want to do; offering guidance with these sorts of things is part of my job.Do not forget that you will need to give a thesis at the start of your paper concerning your ultimate position, i.e. who you take to be correct and why, before you launch into the account-giving, and that what is in that thesis should direct what is relevant for the account that you give. Given the number of tasks in this prompt, the page minimum for the paper is 7 double-spaced pages, with 4/5ths of the last page needing to be full for it to count, and bibliographical or cover pages not counting.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Fifty Shades

Examine a book and a movie that was made of that book. Compare OR contrast these versions in an essay (choose to either compare or contrast).Use clear examples and development to help your points. Your essay should be between 500-650 words long and five paragraphs long.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Magician’s Nephew

For today’s assignment, you were asked to read through Chapters 1-2 of The Magician’s Nephew.  As you read through each of these chapters, you were given some perspectives to which you needed to pay attention.  This is what we will be addressing in your responseAssignment:Please identify the elements of fantasy that you see so far in The Magician’s Nephew.  Please write at least one sentence for each characteristic. 1.  Supernatural creatures:2.  Magic (or lack thereof):3.  Love:4.  The Villain: 5.  The Weapon:6.  The Setting:7.  Language:You will also identify some examples of Biblical worldview.  Please identify aspects of this that you discovered in the first two chapters of The Magician’s Nephew. You will need to write at least two sentences for each of the questions.1.  Is there an element of Good triumphing over Evil within this work?  If so, how?  If not, what is the scene promoting?2.  What characteristics are the characters demonstrating?  Goodness?  Deception?  Kindness? Explain what you observe.3.  What main message do you discern is being promoted?  What makes you say this?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Community Food Security

explains way(s) to reduce food insecurity (this should include a process that leads to a solution to a problem). Include one or more diagrams in your paper and synthesize information from multiple sources.Times New Roman fontsize 12 fontdouble spaced paragraphsan introduction, body and conclusion a thesis statement1000-1500 wordsat least FIVE outside sources paraphrased OR summarized within the textcited in APA citation formatmust be from credible sourcesnewspapersacademic journalsgovernmental or academic websitesTwo graphics (integrated and explained in body paragraphs)one graphic should display a processone graphic should be a graph with visual data

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Aviation Maintenance Technician

** Helicopter Pilot***Consider that you are a writer for a widely distributed aviation magazine. Your boss has charged you with writing an article on employment trends in the industry. For example: If you want to be an Aviation Maintenance Technician are there any gaps or surpluses in that field? If so, where are they?Your article must be 2-3 pages, not including the title page and reference page. Through thelens of your chosen career field address the following elements:Identify the major contributors/companies in your career field.Which of these companies are currently/actively hiring?Examine the impact of employment trends on the industry, explaining what it means for those just entering the field.Explain gaps or surpluses in that field.APA format required.3 reference minimum

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Formulation of Utilitarianism

Assignment #3:ETHICSINSTRUCTIONS: This assignment consists of a single short essay question. The main intent of this question is to ensure that you have a sound grasp of the fundamentals of the material presented in this unit. To that end, there is a 3 to 4 page (1000 words) limit for this question. I’m not so concerned with whether you agree with a particular author or not. The quality of your answer is based on your exposition of the competing positions, your comparative analysis of those positions and, lastly, your argument in support of the position you defend.As with all the assignments in this course, the short essay question is not designed to be a “research” question. There is no requirement to get material from external sources such as other authors, or reference websites, who have summarized, or criticized, the authors you are dealing with. In effect, including such material defeats your purpose in completing your essay because you are essentially telling me what some other person thought about the material you should be explaining and assessing. If you make reference to sources external to the course readings it will be detrimental to your mark. In some cases, I may ask you to re-work and submit your assignment. The point of your essay is to formulate the course material and develop your critical response. You can do this by working with the course material and developing your own ideas about the issue. The essay is simply your opportunity to set that out in paper.So, the material you need to successfully complete this assignment can be found in the online course materials available through the course site. There may also be some reading material that is part of the hard copy course readings package. You can find this information on the course materials section of our course website.The total possible mark for this assignment is 100 marks.Short Essay Question: (100 marks) Making reference to our course readings, provide a concise formulation of Utilitarianism. In particular, explain the distinction between Bentham’s and Mill’s formulations of it. Making reference to the course readings, provide a concise formulation of Kant’s deontological ethics. In particular, explain the role of the Categorical Imperative in Kantian ethics. In light of the criticisms offered of both accounts from the course readings, which account is more plausible? Provide an argument in support of your conclusion.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] August Wilson’s Gem of the Ocean

In August Wilson’s Gem of the Ocean, Citizen and Caesar are both responsible for a man’s death. Who bears more guilt for that? Explain and support your answer.2. You will use at least two secondary sources in addition to the literary text you are analyzing. Your Works Cited, then, should have at least three entries.3. Secondary sources must be scholarly, not popular. (No websites unless that’s how you’ve accessed a scholarly journal). Use the Leatherby librarians (available through the Library link in your class shell) for help if needed.4. Your paper must include both in-text (or parenthetical) citations and a Works Cited page. The Works Cited will not be included in your word count.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Idea–Expression Distinction

Practice expressing your ideas clearly and concisely in writing.Practice critical thinking by evaluating theories and constructing your own argument.Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and arguments in Epistemology including indirect realism, idealism, materialism, primary and secondary qualities.Critique your own argument.Resources (found in Modules: Personal Identity, Overview).Refer to Stich Chapter 6For the Galileo case, refer to Stich and Donaldson “Discussion Question #4” page 117.DO NOT USE THE INTERNET OR OTHER OUTSIDE SOURCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT. USE ONLY THE TEXT. IF YOU USE OUTSIDE SOURCES YOU, WILL HAVE TO REDO THE ASSIGNMENT.Task:Write 4-5 paragraphs that address the following question:In The Assayer, Galileo wrote: “If living creature were removed, [tastes, odors, and colors] would be wiped away and annihilated.” Galileo is suggesting that if there weren’t any animals or people with senses such as tasting, smelling and seeing, then there would be no such thing as tastes, odors, or colors. These properties or qualities are wholly dependent on there being creatures to perceive them.”Do you agree with Galileo that if living creatures (animals and people) were removed, then there would be no tastes, odors, and colors? Why or why not? ” Use the template below for your answer.Template:The basic signposting in your response is: (do not number paragraphs)(1) Explain the Galileo’s idea briefly to  your reader who does not know the case. [Focus on relevant details you will need to support your position.](2) I think ________, because ________.  [State your thesis. Fill in the blank with  (1) “agree with Galileo that without living creatures tastes, odors, and colors would not exist”  or (2) “Disagree with Galileo. Tastes, odors, and colors would exist without any living creatures to perceive them.”  Follow this thesis with sufficient explanation of an argument to support your position. That is, give a reason WHY you think tastes, odors, and colors would or would not exist without living creatures.(3) My argument seems to rely on the ______ .  Fill in the blank with (1) “Locke’s indirect realism and the distinction between primary and secondary qualities” or (2) “Berkeley’s idealism.”  [Explain how this theory it supports your argument. If you explain Locke’s theory you also should define and explain indirect realism as well as Primary and Secondary qualities. Use examples. If you explain Berkeley’s theory,  you also should define and explain Idealism and Materialism.](4) One might object that _______. [Fill in the blank with a possible objection to the claim you support. You may use critiques from the Stich and Donaldson].(5) Give a brief response to the objection.Professional Writing Tips:Include citations in every paragraph as (author, year, page number). Include bibliography at the end.* Do NOT use the internet. Use the Stich and Donaldson or chapter only. Use of the internet will result in a failing grade.* Write in essay style with paragraphs that connect with signposting. Keep your paragraphs separate (write one topic per paragraph).

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