[ORDER SOLUTION] Computer Programming Courses

First, read this article by Bidgood and Merrill (2017) on academic policy in computer programming courses:https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/29/us/computer-science-cheating.htmlaction=click&module=inline&region=Lists&pgtype=collection (Links to an external site.)Now, answer in a separate document the three related questions posed by the Caroline Crosson Gilpin (2017) at the end of this article located here (you do not have to post them to their platform, though you are welcome to):QUESTIONS ARE LISTED BELOW: Please read articles prior to answering questions.— Do you think academic dishonesty should be handled differently in computer programming classes than in other subjects? If so, how? If not, why not?— Is the Harvard professor David J. Malan’s “regret clause,” which lets students who cheat and admit it within 72 hours receive an unsatisfactory or failing grade on the assignment, and avoid further discipline — unless they do it again — a good idea? Why or why not?— Would you use the “regret clause” if your teacher offered it after a test, and you needed it? Why or why not?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health-Related Service

write an essay that evaluates a health-related service, app, or place (for example, a healthy food delivery service, an app to track exercise, or your local gym).Use 3-5 criteria to develop the evaluation.udge how the service, app, or place meets that criteria.Offer evidence to support that judgmentour paper should adhere to MLA document formattingMinimum word count: 750The essay must incorporate three photographs you yourself take in order to further illustrate your supporting criteria and judgment

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Educational Achievement in Adolescents

A research topic that interests me is eating disorders (EDs) among collegiate athletes. One study I found compared the differences in gender in relation to this risk for EDs amongst collegiate-athletes on the track and cross country teams at the highest level of college sports in the United States (Krebs et al., 2019). This is a topic of interest to me because when I was a Division I volleyball player, there was a high percentage of cross-country runners who were female that struggled with body image, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and purging at my university. To collect the data needed to test the hypothesis, the researchers created a questionnaire survey which could determine this risk and received six hundred thirty-eight responses (Krebs et al., 2019). The variables in this study were male or female student athletes who ran in races at least of 800 meters at a Division I university, and the risk of positive screenings for EDs. The research question of this study is what is the difference between genders in NCAA Division I distance runners in relation to the risk for eating disorders (Krebs et al., 2019). The purpose of this study was to compare the gender differences in this population when it comes to EDs and to raise awareness for the need for screening, particularly in these populations. Researchers hypothesized that although female student athletes would have a higher risk of EDs, but also that this specific population in males also has a high risk of eating disorders that is being underrepresented (Krebs et al., 2019).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Academic Dishonesty Policy 

First, read this article by Bidgood and Merrill (2017) on academic policy in computer programming courses:https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/29/us/computer-science-cheating.htmlaction=click&module=inline&region=Lists&pgtype=collection (Links to an external site.)Now, answer in a separate document the three related questions posed by the Caroline Crosson Gilpin (2017) at the end of this article located here (you do not have to post them to their platform, though you are welcome to):https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/01/learning/is-a-regret-clause-a-good-idea-for-cases-of-academic-dishonesty.htmlQUESTIONS ARE LISTED BELOW: Please read articles prior to answering questions.— Do you think academic dishonesty should be handled differently in computer programming classes than in other subjects? If so, how? If not, why not?— Is the Harvard professor David J. Malan’s “regret clause,” which lets students who cheat and admit it within 72 hours receive an unsatisfactory or failing grade on the assignment, and avoid further discipline — unless they do it again — a good idea? Why or why not?— Would you use the “regret clause” if your teacher offered it after a test, and you needed it? Why or why not?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Crabs Dig Holes

What is McPherson’s message in “Crabs Dig Holes According to the size of their shells”?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Value of Competitive Sports

Reflect on the significance of the modern Olympics and the value of competitive sports in the formation of personality.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Postmodern Evolutionary Theory

“Fowles allows us only a very limited certainty about Sarah’s motives. We can see that she plans, but as to the extent of her plans and as to the motives of her plans, Fowles leaves us with an enigma” – [italics in original] Tony E. Jackson, “Charles and the Hopeful Monster: Postmodern Evolutionary Theory in The French Lieutenant’s Woman”How important is it for the construction of the character that Sarah remains an enigma? Would you agree with Jackson that “a postmodern version of evolution can best explain the enigma”? How so?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Political Leaders Influence In Politics

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast two cars, cities, or political leaders.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Chicano Movement

This famous mural was made by Victor Ochoa in San Diego, California. Its history reflects many of the themes of the Chicano Movement discussed in Chapter 5. What can you find out about the mural and its location? What subjects can you see in the mural? OR what are some of the relevant topics addressing the Chicano Movement we see in mural arts?Feel free to add and discuss other murals in San Diego, such as the many found in Chicano Park, OR murals from the Mission District here in San Francisco. You are welcome to add contemporary murals addressing current events and/or the fight against racism.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Perception of RTI

My Qualitative Research Topic: What are the perception of RTI being handled by a classroom teacher? Is it being done with fidelity?

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