[ORDER SOLUTION] Madame Bovary

analyze a key theme in Madame Bovary.  The essay should be one-two pages long

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Freedom of Movement

Why shouldn’t the government makes decisions when it comes to people’s vacations

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Witch and The Wardrobe

The topic is about Narnia a book you need to Write Chapter 18 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – describe what happens when the four kids get home to London and to their mother. Be sure to give the chapter a title. (400 word minimum)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Virtual Reality

how can you maintain the use of computer or technology without disconnecting from reality?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Human Connection

In his essay following the conclusion of the novel, David Williams says the following about the story: “It reveals, or so I hope, a little about who we are as human beings and how fundamentally connected we are no matter our beliefs—Amish, English, all of us” (251).Do you think Williams succeeds in his goal?  How so?  If not, why not? Support your thesis with examples from the novel.Please do not summarize. Clearly state your thesis in the first or second paragraph.write a well organized, multi-paragraph essaySupport your thesis with specific examples from the novel.The essay MUST BE in correct MLA format.The essay MUST include in-text citations and works cited page.The essay should be a minimum of 2 full pages, but no more than 3 pages, using MLA format.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Coming Home Again

In a one-page composition (300-500 words), write a literary analysis of Chang-rae Lee’s “Coming Home” that:-identifies a central idea in the text-analyzes how the author’s use of one writing strategy (literary element or literary technique or rhetorical device) to develop this central idea. Examples include: characterization, conflict, denotation/connotation, metaphor, simile, irony, language use, point-of-view, setting, structure, symbolism, theme, tone, etc.-uses and cites strong and thorough evidence from the text to support your analysis-organize your ideas in a cohesive and coherent manner-maintains a formal style of writing-follows the conventions of standard written English

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Geographical Segregation

Honky                   Dalton Conley1.       Describe what Conley calls “the racial geography of my childhood.” How does he managesocial travel across boundaries which determine exclusion and inclusion in black, white, andother groups? As part of your discussion, choose one of the following to answer this question:(A) Is Conley an X among the O’s? (B) Is Conley “marginalized,” straddling the borders of tworlds but not accepted in either? Does he move freely across group boundaries of both worldssocial worlds managing benefits and costs? Is the management of movement mainly self-imposed or imposed by others? Provide examples to support your understanding of Conley’ssituation. See pages 110-111.2.       Basing his observations on his own life and that of his sister Alexandra, Conley remarks, Aschildren, “we had no idea we belonged to the majority group.” “Learning race is like learning alanguage.” What does he learn about racial distinctions? How does he learn about race throughthe process of socialization? Examine the institutions of family, school and neighborhood peerplay to support your discussion.3.       What does Conley learn about class? How does he learn it? Provide examples drawn frominstitutional spheres of family, school, home visitations and neighborhood peer play.4.       How does Conley learn about “white privilege?” For example, has Conley acquired “culturalcapital” through social and family connections, education, and the prestige of his parents?5.       Conley uses “the day of the hawk” as a literary device. Briefly describe the symbolism of the

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Quotation and Interpretation

Write an interpretive essay that analyzes literature from the perspective of a quotation. In your essay, interpret the quotation and explain how it applies to literature you have read. Support your viewpoint with evidence from a variety of literary texts that you have read. Include precise language and literary terms.The quote is-“That’s what literature is. It’s the people who went before us, tapping out messages from the past, from beyond the grave, trying to tell us about life and death! Listen to them!”The interpretation -In the quotation from Passage, Connie Willis states that literature is a way for authors from the past to communicate with readers of today. We can read their stories, books, and other texts to learn lessons about life. Willis refers to these lessons as messages “from beyond the grave.” Willis has a favorable viewpoint about the timelessness of literature.My Outline -IntroductionQuotation and interpretationThesisFirst TextReason and ConnectionSupporting Evidence/CommentarySecond TextReason and ConnectionSupporting Evidence/CommentaryThird TextReason and ConnectionSupporting Evidence/CommentaryConclusionEvidence: I need to find supporting evidence from “The Tragedy of Julies Caesar” , “The Waters of Babylon”, and “A Doll’s House”.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Theory of Posthumanism

An essay on the theory of Posthumanism offering a detailed discussion of its arguments, its philosophical foundations and current/future assumptions.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Volcanoes and Earths Interior

A research paper about how volcanoes work and plate tectonics.

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