[ORDER SOLUTION] The Study of Terrorism

Research Paper InstructionsThe Research Paper must be approximately 6–8 pages of text, not including the title page and bibliography page, and be in current APA format. You will choose the topic you write on, but your topic must be directly related to the study of terrorism.Your paper must be written in 12-point, Times New Roman font with 1” margins. It must include a title page with the paper title, student name, course name, and instructor name. Include page numbers in accordance with current APA guidelines. You must use a minimum of 5 sources from both online and printed source material. Save the paper as“lastnamefirstinitial.doc” (E.g. doej.doc). You must use Microsoft Word. (Neither MS Works nor WordPerfect are acceptable.)Your paper must make a point. Do not merely report facts. Take what is, analyze it, interpret it in light of a personal Christian worldview, discuss options, and discuss things you think should change. Support your ideas, give alternatives to current practice and support them, and integrate material from textbook readings or lectures. If you are of a different major taking this as an elective, integrate your field into this project.Proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are expected. Short, choppy sentences are NOT acceptable. This is a college course, and deductions will be made accordingly. You must not use personal pronouns (I, me, we, us, our, etc.), and the standards of academic writing must be applied. Have someone else proofread your paper before turning it in to ensure what you are saying makes sense.The Research Paper will be completed in 3 parts—the Bibliography, the Outline, and the Final Submission.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Perspectives About War

Reflective Essay AssignmentComplete all lessons prior to this assignment.Frederic Henry’s perspective and attitude about war changes drastically in this story by Hemingway.  How and why does Henry’s change happen?  Write a reflective essay in which you explain Henry’s change in thinking about war and connect this to a personal experience where you underwent a significant change of perspective, how and why this change happened, and how this benefited your life.  The essay’s thesis statement and body contents should refer to A Farewell to Arms and clearly state the connection. The conclusion should refer back to A Farewell to Arms too.Note: Henry’s change in perspective about war has nothing to do with Catherine or romance! Thesis statement:  Your introduction’s thesis statement must include story title and author (A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway), the controlling ideas of Henry’s change and your change, and why this is important.  Do not use announcements such as “In this essay…”.The essay should be 1 typed page in length and include essay structure with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and edit carefully for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Views on Utilitarianism

Write in first person.4 full pages.Must have clear intro, body, and conclusion.Include works cited page, but keep citations to a minimum.I have included an attachment of the paper guidelines, please read.The topic will be utilitarianism and the two philosophers you MUST write about are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. State the issue (utilitarianism), summarize each thinkers’ arguments, take one side or the other, or argue that both are wrong and offer your own novel solution. Both of these philosophers had their own views on utilitarianism.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Virtue of Perseverance

Just an essay regarding the virtue of perseverance and why it is useful in our lives.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Science-Based Conversations

PromptYou get to choose the subject matter for this essay!—however, bear in mind that it’s in the argumentative style, so you need to have a stance on an issue, rather than simply providing the reader information.Issues can be derived from socio-political, philosophical, or science-based conversations (i.e., nearly anything). The paper is designed so you can apply it to your major and/or a subject of interest; that said, over the next three weeks, we’ll look at three example conversations—and you’re invited to lean into one of those examples for structuring your essay—so if you do best when you’re provided with options, (or if you just need some inspiration,) I’ll provide those grounding points for you.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Light in The Forest

identify the themes in Light in The Forest, explain how they are developed throughout the text, and discuss their overall significance or meanings. Be sure to use examples and quotes from the novel to support your assertions.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Suicidal Characters

This essay is about For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway.You answer these question about the book.1) Although Robert Jordan does not overtly commit suicide at the end of the novel, he is one of Hemingway’s most suicidal characters. Explain.2)To what extent does his feeling toward suicide seem determined by his father’s suicide?3)How does the reader feel toward Jordan at the end of the story?In the paper you must included cited evidence directly from the novel For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway. Cite evidence must be used after answering the questions to back up the claim.I have attached a copy of the novel so that you can read it and cite evidence from the book.Use MLA Citation format.Paper must be written in the standard convenctions of EnglishTimes New Roman Double Space 12 font.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Conducting Academic Research

Academic ResearchAcademic research begins in an academic library. Although our first instinct may be to Google for answers, we must differentiate between how we find answers to everyday problems and how we conduct research for an academic topic.share your experiences with personal research and how the academic research process differs.•    Think about the research you have done for a major purchase, life decision, or personal problem.•    Describe the process you used to find the information you needed.•    Now think about the academic research you will conduct in this course.•    Describe the process you will use to find the information you need.•    How will this process be different than research for personal problems?•    How do you decide what information to trust when doing thistype of research?•    What recommendations do you have for your classmates?In your follow up posts, respond to a minimum of two other students and provide constructive feedback on their topics. Have you had a similar personal research experience? Did your classmate make a clear distinction between personal and academic research? What recommendations do you have for your classmate in addition to what they described for conducting academic research?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Normative Ethics and Meta-Ethics

In 500 words or more (no less), explain the difference between normative ethics and meta-ethics. You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary. You may use any scholarly source other than a dictionary, to include online video lectures. You may use Wikipedia as a starting point, but be aware that Wikipedia is not a scholarly source and therefore can never be quoted in your paper. You will need to include in-text citations in your essay (last name, date, pg#) and an APA formatted References page.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Part Time Student

Compare & contrast students who work while going to college vs students who do not work while going to college

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