[ORDER SOLUTION] Bullying in School

The topic is Bullying in school and how it effects a student’s academic performance. A sample of the proper formatting will be provided.InstructionsWrite an introduction to your topic that incites interest and depicts the need for the study. Why should the reader be interested in this topic? What should the reader hope to gain from this project? Find a quotation, anecdote, news item, or some other element on the topic that can incite such interest as you open your paper.Then, briefly describe the reasons for this choice of the topic and study, along with the other elements required as indicated below. Keep in mind, academic writing is supposed to be as objective and dispassionate as possible, which means you should avoid a conversational tone, all slang, and writing in the first or second person. Try wherever possible to write in the third person throughout academic writing. Even if there is some personal aspect that is to be addressed, there are ways to format such writing that do not involve using the first person.This written assignment must include the following:Introduce the topic.Discuss your topic selection.Explain its background and your rationale for choosing it.Describe your personal interest in it.Explore its relevance to professional life and of such a research project.List the key words used to refine your topic or problem statement.Provide the purpose of the paper (explain, analyze, or argue).Identify intended audience (general or specialized).Indicate your voice as the writer (informer or advocate).Identify key points or main question to be studied.Draft a preliminary problem statement, thesis statement, or opening hypothesis that includes mention of the context of your topic.Provide a summary.GuidelinesOrganize your thoughts in such a way that every aspect of your work has the preliminary thesis statement or main question in mind. Do not allow yourself to be sidetracked by tertiary issues. All written assignments are initial drafts of the final capstone project, so your mentor will provide you with the necessary feedback best suited to the development of your ideas and the formatting of your work.Include a title page.All formatting should be in accordance with APA or MLA, depending on your discipline. Formatting conventions for each may be found at the Online Writing Lab of Purdue University.Your assignment must be submitted as a Word document. Do not submit your work as a PDF.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Trials and Tribulations

Pick a prompt to write aboutWhat does “home” mean in this book, and what do Frank and Cee have to go through in order to find it?Compare the journeys of two characters in the book. What do their trials and tribulations reveal about America?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Strengthening Self-Control

Material to read:This week, try to find and share your own video from TED Talks or somewhere else that connects with the concepts we’re learning! GO!If you were able to find a video that relates to the content this week, please share it and why you think it’s relevant.True or False? “Everyone engages in self-serving bias.”  Make sure to support your opinion with evidence and examples.Share some tips for maintaining and strengthening self-control. What works best for you and why?Where do you stand on Freudian ideas? Do you think his theories have value today? Why or why not? In your response, discuss your thoughts on dream interpretation and defense mechanisms. For example, how much do our dreams reveal to us, and are they worth examining or a waste of time? Or what do you think is the most common defense mechanism and why do you think it’s used so frequently?Previos class materia example of video for the one you need:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Global Population

NO WORK CITED PAGE NECESSARYPROMPTChoose any of the following angles or questions to write a thoughtful closing statement about happiness in a massively interlinked society of 8 billion people who all equally matter as much as the relatively few Americans . Out of the approximately 8 billion people, there are 331 million people in the USA (that’s like one-third of a billion), which makes us the third most populous nation in the world, says this article, which also notes some key demographic shifts to come in your lifetime: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/3-ways-that-the-u-s-population-will-change-over-the-next-decade#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20population%20today%2C%20at,just%20under%201.4%20billion%2C%20respectively (Links to an external site.).Since the global population is expected to grow to about 10 billion people within your lifespan, it seems urgent for you to consider how much you value happiness and opportunity for all people — not just for yourself, your family, or those who live in the USA. For all angles of approach here, consider what  you are willing to do to help others — and yourself — to a share of whatever you deem as true happiness. You don’t have to use Aristotle’s notion of virtues (the greater good) and the Golden Mean if you think you have a better definition or more workable system of happiness, but please do reflect on how serving mostly one’s own personal interest has led to “collapse” according to a number of our assigned authors throughout varying historical periods.• Given the possibility that your century is expected to see perhaps 20,000 years of change, what changes might you and your community make to contribute to greater happiness for yourself and others?• How is this pace or rate of change likely to impact or shape things you and your community care about?• How are your chances at personal and collective happiness helped or undermined by such an inevitable rate of change brought about by technological improvements and societal needs and demands?• What role do you personally have in ensuring the pursuit of happiness continues beyond your own personal interests?• What key facts about local, national, or global population or demographics suggest that things will get better, worse, or stay about the same for you, your community, or your nation?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Causal Relationships

An introduction that briefly outlines the issue along with the major arguments that define it (context and text) and makes a claim about what how importance of understanding the issue and/or proposes a course of action (thesis). This section should contain only one or two citations just for the sake of establishment of the issue and its importance. (200-300 words.)A brief causal history that establishes what factors either contributed or directly led to the issue becoming such (Causal Analysis). The purpose of this section is to place the issue in an historical context and demonstrate how the formation of the issue was the result of a series of factors that need to be addressed in varying degree. Most of the citations in this section will be mostly informative, mostly claims of fact. Think of this section as a summary of the issue’s emergence within a causal context, or how it came to be an issue. Any argumentative content in this section will relate to causal relationships. (250-300 words.)A literature review/methodology/rhetorical analysis that establishes how the paper or research project addressed the issue. Use of research methodologies, critiques of major arguments, or designation of prior work that circumscribes the particular focus of the final project’s thesis should be presented here. The degree and quantity of each of these concerns depends on the nature of project’s thesis, i.e.—if the thesis proposes a legislative change, then rhetorical analysis of arguments and data from established scientific research will be the only tools needed for this section; if, however, your own thesis is a claim of fact (scientific and/or social scientific), based on observations and previous studies,  then a methodology that outlines methods of inquiry, experimentation, data collection and interpretation will be necessary. This section provides the groundwork upon which the actual disputation, or argument, of the thesis can built. (350-400 words)Presentation of argument/counterargument of the thesis should occupy the major portion of the research paper. This section should fully address the specific stance that project took. It might include the full proposal of a legislative argument, or it might present the initial findings from primary research. Whichever it may be, this section serves the locus, or center, of the research project that fulfills the argument the thesis proposed in the introduction. It must clearly outline what its claims mean and how they are specific to the thesis. It must also address possible objections to its claims and demonstrate in what contexts such objections might be valid. It must also draw on sources that help create a logical argument backed by solid evidence and reasoning. (350-400 words)A conclusion that summarizes not only the issue but also the major points made throughout the paper. It must re-affirm the issue’s importance and include the reader in any call to action. It must also give the reader further thought, opening the particular context of the thesis back to the general subject from which it is derived, i.e.—re-establish how the thesis fits into the big picture. This section should not include presentation of new sources. (250-300 words)Research Requirements:The final project should have at least 10-12 sources to be considered minimally researched. Most of the sources can be drawn from general periodicals found in the databases or other venues. At least three sources have to be scholarly in nature. At least two sources have to be longer than 10 pages long. One source must be multi-media.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] General Knowledge

NO WORK CITED NECESSARYPROMPTWrite your own good question and respond to it. Please think about what a good question does or should do

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Social and Cultural Rules

Assignment Description: A synthesized analysis of OthelloOthello is a rich tragedy, filled with intrigue and spite and horror. The many ideas and ideals explored by the play have not left the human experience in the 400 years since the first performance in London. In fact, these considerations are still some of the most important in human experience. In class, we have discussed some of the major themes Othello explores: Jealousy, Reputation, Identity, Loyalty, Friendship, Misogyny, Miscegenation, Sexuality, Social and Cultural Rules/Norms (among others). Synthesize a discussion of the play around two thematic aspects or understandings. This synthesis must include 3 things: the text of Othello, your own experience or understanding of the theme/idea under consideration, and the ideas of one or more critics of Shakespeare and Othello.This is a writing exercise meant as exploration, using your own background knowledge and understanding of the world, along with the text of Othello. Integrate three aspects of writing- literary analysis, integration of outside texts and personal writing.Explain how Iago uses his power of persuasion with Roderigo, Brabantio, and Othello to create his scheme to undo the Moor. Explain the 3 types of persuasive rhetoric (Logos, Pathos, Ethos) used by Iago and give examples of each.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Good Moral Character

Prompt: do you agree or disagree that good character is important to an individual’s success has to be 700 words.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Early Intervention to Preschool

For this discussion, first, review the video Transition from Early Intervention to Preschool: Model IEP Meeting provided in the Readings and Resources.After viewing the video, complete the following:Describe two (2) critical components of the IEP meeting, which provided information to develop an appropriate IEP for Hayden.Identify the sections of the IEP addressed in the video.Explain how the members of the team set the tone for a positive transition meeting to ensure Hayden’s parents had a voice during the meeting.  Give specific examples from the video.Discuss how you think you would feel as Hayden’s parents regarding the IEP meeting.  What did the team do well, and what is something you think should be changed?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Establishing Feasibility

-5 paragraphs.- identifying and defining a problem( why child bully others? ), proposing a solution, giving reasons and support, establishing feasibility-The problem I choose is “why child bully others?” and the reason is family factors.-This is a proposal argument.

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