[ORDER SOLUTION] How Media Impact Culture

Reflective essay.Reflect on how media and rhetoric have shaped your perception of the world. Discuss our readings during this unit. Discuss your personal experiences with media. Draw conclusions about how media and rhetoric impact culture and society using specific examples from our readings and your personal experiences.The first draft should achieve at least 400 words. The second draft should achieve at least 800 words. The final draft should achieve at least 1,200 words.Language:Does the writing contain few language errors?Is the writing organized in a manner that clearly communicates the main ideas?Details:Does the writing discuss specific details from the appropriate sources?Does the writing clearly and accurately introduce sources?Does the writing correctly employ paraphrase, summary, and direct quotes?Reflection:Does the writing address the assignment prompt in detail?Does the writing draw connections betweendifferent ideas and sources?Does the writing draw logical conclusions based on the evidence presented?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Plato Symposium

NO WORK CITED NECESSARYDraw or Write about the POINT about LOVE implied by Plato’s multiple “frames” or “stories” in The Symposium, which means “drinking party.” You can use any of the questions and the framework below to help you shape your final discussion and reflection.• How does ‘framing’ in Plato’s Symposium serve the development of an argument about love?• How might you also “toast” to love at this Symposium (or “drinking party”)?• Whose toast or words most reflect your own thinking now that you have read more, talked more, thought more, etc.?  If you don’t agree with Diotima’s assessment of the ‘order’ or love-learning, what in your world needs to change or happen for you to align with Socrates and this “wise woman”?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Allegiance to Authority

Part 2/(25 points each=100) and answer in AT LEAST 10 sentences for EACH QUESTION.  Please answer the question showing that you understand the story (without a doubt!) and the question being asked. Prove to me that you read the stories!a)    In the Al Jazeera stories, all of them have at least one thing in common. What is that thing they have in common? How do the stories make you feel and why?b)  What do these little interjections do in My Homeland? What type of literary devices do these employ?”They’re safe here. Therefore they should be happy!”c)  How do point of view and structure contribute to the theme in My Homeland?d)  In Shooting an Elephant, Orwell must choose between allegiance to self and allegiance to authority. Which does the narrator end up choosing and why?(Al Jazeera

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Discrimination and Judgement

I want you guys to write about how they were these disabled people were affected like discrimination and judgement and also finding ways to resolve this issue

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The 48 Laws of Power

Step 1Review Machiavelli’s TextFind 3 main points that Machiavelli makes in his textStep 2Review The 48 Laws of Power by Elffers and GreeneFind 3 laws that you could relate to MachiavelliStep 3Discuss 3 Ideas from MachiavelliExplain 3 Laws of Powera comparative analysis of the intersecting ideas between three concepts found within the two text

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Imagined Conversations

Choose two influential thinkers ( CARL JUNG and SIGMUND FREUD)that we have covered in class. Write a transcript of an imagined conversation between these two individuals (they may or may not have been alive at the same time). What are some questions they would ask each other? What are some things they might agree or disagree about? What would they each like to know about the other’s experiences? What has changed in psychology, what has remained the same? Have they faced similar or different challenges and why? What observations might each have made of the other’s career and their specific lines of research or practice? Your paper should communicate each individual’s perspective and major ideas, and how they compare and contrast to one another. Make sure the conversation is bi-directional (that information flows both ways) and is historically/contextually accurate. Cite at least 2 sources total.2 will be formatted more like a transcript than a traditional research paper (although you should still cite sources). The organizational structure will be more conversational, but should still have a flow.•    Include an introduction that introduces the date, setting, your two psychologists thinkers, and the setting. The main body should pose several questions, issues, or ideas. The conclusion should wrap everything up and close the scene.•    Example:Freud: I heard that you did an experiment on _________. I appreciate that you focused on ________ but disagree with how you interpreted ___________.Skinner: My belief is that Psychology should focus on ______________. While I agree that _________, I firmly belief you are mistaken about ___________.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Theme Femininity

1800-2200 words Double-spaced.Discuss the theme femininity in the text Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  Decide what the text is arguing about that theme.  Write an essay that uses detailed close reading to compare and contrast the philosophy of each text. Essay must contain extensive and detailed close reading. Avoid vague, general statements about the texts or the world. Ground every claim in close textual analysis.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Incurable Illness

If a person is not suffering from an incurable illness, is suicide ever morally permissible?Describe perspectives from patient,doctor,family and mortality,ehthics.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Importance Of Memory To Peace

Wiesel emphasizes the importance of memory to peace, humanity, and justice. This includes our own memories, the memories others share, and memories expressed in history and literature that contribute to our shared cultural heritage.Choose a story that is relevant to you. It might be something from your own past, from someone else’s, or a story that is part of a broader religious or cultural heritage. Reflect on why this story is significant. What meaning does it have for you? How could this story, if shared with others, do some of the work of memory that Wiesel describes? How could it encourage us to respond with peace and compassion to others?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Food Security

What could be done to combat famine?

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