[ORDER SOLUTION] Why We Should Not Change History
write a persuasive essay explaining why we should NOT change history. Using historically accurate facts, persuade your audience that the 16th century England should not be changed.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Art And Business Of Recording
The Art & Business of RecordingALBUM ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONSIn this final paper, students will place their work and future plans in an historical context.STEP 1: Listen critically to ALL three required albums for this course.STEP 2: Choose TWO to on which to research the following information regarding the ways in which the production teams contributed to each albums achievinglegendary status in both the Art and Commerce of Popular Music. Topics to research are: Who were the key production personnel? What is the albums significance to the growth of the ART of popular music? What production choices made by the team were key to those artistic successes? What other factors (economic, social, legal, etc.) may have contributed to thoseartistic successes? What is the albums significance to the growth of COMMERCE in popular music? What production choices made by the team were key to those commercial successes? What other factors (economic, social, legal, etc.) may have contributed to those commercial successes?TIP: do not limit your research to the album artist alone consider the fact that the producers, engineers, songwriters, and other members of the creative team on each of these landmark albums are very well known in their respective fields, and so have had a great deal written about them over the years as well some of this material can be found in the required reading for this very course!STEP 3: Assemble your findings into a 3 5 page draft.STEP 4: Choose ONE of the following more recently released landmark albums on which to research the same topics as above:1) Adele: 212) Taylor Swift: 19893) Outkast: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below4) Eminem: The Marshall Mathers LP5) Green Day: American Idiot6) Linkin Park: Hybrid TheorySTEP 5: Compare and contrast the approaches taken by the production teams of that more recent album to those taken by the teams responsible for the historic albums.STEP 6: Add your findings on to your 3 5 page draft on your chosen historic albums into a finished papers of 5-to-7-pages in length.NOTES: as this exercise involves proper, academic research, all papers must follow the APA format. For those unfamiliar, APA guidelines are available in separate handouts available on Canvas). All papers must include a minimum of 2 non-web-based items for each album researched (books, documentary films, academic journals, etc. OK if accessed online). Wikipedia is not an acceptable academic research source.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Diseases And Disorders
First Draft of a Review Writing AssignmentWrite a 750-1,000 word review of a website about ADD or ADHD. You will write this review for the general public, so you might target a particular publication, such as a student or local newspaper or one of the national magazines. This will help you anticipate what your readers already know, what they value, and what criteria they accept as a basis of evaluation. Complete the following:1. Develop a set of criteria that the general public would see as acceptable for a website about diseases and disorders (like ADHD).2. Describe the website you have chosen, and then explain how it does (or does not) perform the criteria you established above.3. Use at least two scholarly sources outside of class texts to augment your understanding and perspective on these facts and elements.
[ORDER SOLUTION] How Is Happiness Obtained?
Looking at Inner Contentment by Dalai Lama and Cutler and J.Coles song Love Yours, the authors of both of these texts make various claims about what can and what cannot make a person happy. Keeping in mind the implications and arguments made in these texts, plus at least one additional external text, how does a person obtain happiness? When you are writing this, it is very important to examine the assertions made regarding what does NOT bring happiness, too.This essay will need to be 4-5 pages and must adhere to MLA formatting. If you are unclear about what that means, please revisit the MLA PPT which can be found in course files, or visit the TLC website.Please make sure that you are directly answering the question of the prompt in your thesis and your topic sentences.Please make sure that you are supporting all of your arguments with textual evidence- personal stories and opinions should not be in this essay.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Chinese Literature
Dont simply questions but make your own thesis1. Think about womens role in modern Chinese literature. Choose one or two works we have read by far (The Sea of Regret, The Journey, Intoxicated, Diary of Miss Sophie, Shanghai Baby, Xiaoxiao, etc) and discuss how gender issues are examined and represented in modern Chinese literature and how female images are created.***Below are the order requirement and the source. You can use “The Journey” and “Diary of Miss Sophie” to conduct the writing, they are in the same file below.The Journey P1-6Diary of Miss Sophie P14-34
[ORDER SOLUTION] Nutrition And Weight
PLEASE WRITE ABOUT THIS TOPIC AND ALSO WRITE 2 SEPARATE PARAGRAPHS TO RESPOND TO 2 PEERS.Review all the materials discussed in this and thepreceding module. After reading the information and guidelines, discuss why nutrition and weight status are important for health. Post one reference you used for the evidence-based information you are discussing.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Negative Aspects Of Modern Society
1. Essay Purpose: To analyze some aspect of the second supplemental book you read for this class.Sources: Your second supplemental book will be the source of support for your analysis. You may occasionally draw from a secondary source, but the bulk of your paper needs to be your original ideas about this novel.Formatting: 2016 MLA 8th EditionTopic Ideas: Because students in our class are reading different books, not all of these topic ideas will be relevant to your book. Choose one of these topics to focus your analysis. If you have a different idea, please let me know.Analyze the aspects of social criticism in the novel. In what ways does the author explore the positive or negative aspects of modern society?In what ways does your book explore conventionally accepted norms in the time period in which it was written?How does the author respond to advances in science? For example, is science a contributor to human progress, a vehicle that provides enlightenment, a threat to religion and the humanities, or an instrument of subjugation and patriarchy?Explore the ways the book you read deals with religion and its role in society.Analyze the ways the novel is a criticism of war, empire, social conventions, or sexual identity.In the twentieth century, the institution of marriage was often criticized as stultifying or oppressive to one or both partners. Discuss the portrayal of marriage and love in the book you read.Instructions:Provide direct quotes and paraphrases in your paper to support or illustrate your points. The use of extended quotes (four lines or more) should be highly limited. It is much better to find the essential information in a quote and to cite only that. If you need the source material that surrounds the quote, paraphrase the material that introduces the quote. If you find that you must use an extended quote, be sure that it is essential to supporting your thesis. For a short paper like this, one extended quote should be all that you use.Remember to introduce the quote or paraphrase, state it, then analyze it and show how the quote supports your thesis. The critical commentary you provide after the quote is what makes your analysis. Strive to create critical comments that provide your insight into the quote and show how the quote proves your thesis.Your essay will follow MLA 8th edition guidelines for citations and formatting, and you need a works cited page. In a 400-level class, the works cited page is expected to be perfect. If you have a question about MLA formatting, please ask me. Don’t look up stuff from the internet. Do not plagiarize.THIS ESSAY HAS TO BE ON 1984 novel by George Orwell. Thank you
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Concept Of Journalistic
1. How does the podcast from It’s All Journalism relate to the articles about covering protests? Why is perspective of truth important in coverage of protests? How does this effect the concept of journalistic “objectivity”?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Teaching Bilinguals
Watch the videos from the CUNY Teaching Bilinguals Web Series, found at:https://www.cuny-nysieb.org/teaching-bilinguals-webseries/Create a document in which you answer the questions related to each video. Please respond thoughtfully and robustly, with details and examples. Must be in APA format.Questions for VideosVideo 1: Getting Acquainted1. New York and Florida are states with a large population of students whose first language is not English. According to Sara Vogel, in New York, these students were often forced to speak English or remain silent. What language practices did you experience when you were in school in Florida (or elsewhere). What practices have you seen in your previous field experiences?2. Puerto Rican and other activists in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, with some degree of success, advocated for bilingual education. Which groups advocated for English language learners in Florida in the 1980s, resulting in the 1990 Florida Consent Decree? What did the Consent Decree accomplish?3. Define translanguaging. What is your opinion of this practice?Video 2: Being an Advocate for Bilingual Students1. How does Ms. Conte use students backgrounds as resourcesin their learning? Give two additional ideas to implement.2. How does reading books featuring multicultural/multilingual characters create a culture of inclusion? Have you participated in this practice in the classroom, as a student, a teacher, or an observer? Describe your experience.3. How can English speakers profit from exposure to bilingual books?4. Conte, being monolingual, was uncomfortable about her students speaking in languages she didnt understand. She felt that she would lose control of the classroom. What did she find out? What are your thoughts about not controlling everything that goes on in the classroom?Video 3: Bilingual Superpowers1. What are benefits of graphic novels?2. Describe the process Ms. Ballantyne-Berry uses with her graphic novel assignment.3. How does Ms. Ballantyne-Berry use students language repertoire as a resource?Video 4: Knowing your Students1. Chapman-Santiago reads a quote from Harper Lees novel To Kill a Mockingbird. How does this quote apply to a teachers work?2. What might you learn by carefully watching the cues students send through body language and facial expressions? Describe an example from when you were a student, or when you taught or observed a class.3. What information can a teacher gain by encouraging students to use their home language?4. What are some practical ways to incorporate home language as a scaffold?Video 5: The Benefits of Bilingual Education1. What does Sara Vogel mean when she states in her introduction to the video that teachers can push for more in promoting their students learning?2. Aponte says that reading the book My name is Jorge on Both Sides of the River has changed her students lives. Describe what you think is the impact of the book on students.3. What is the goal of bilingual education programs?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Persuasive Critical Analysis
Description: In this assignment, you write two essays, each of roughly 1000 words. The first essay should be a detailed analytical review, roughly 1000 words long, of one of the experiences you have had in the course. You may develop one of your journal entries, or you can start from scratch. You might choose to survey the work of a particular visual artist, or you might choose a particular show. In either case, close analytical response to specific details is essential. The second essay, also of roughly 1000 words, should be comparative in approach. It should use several artistic experiences from the course to explore a particular theme or critical concept. This essay can also articulate and explain your own artistic tastes and preferences.The best essays will show evidence of research. They will use analytical concepts and background information introduced in class. They will show self-awareness, and close attention and engagement with the works under discussion. They will be carefully organized, written, referenced, and proofread.
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