Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Genetics | Instant Homework Solutions
Given that this is a course on the ethics and politics of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), genetics, and human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), your papers, unsurprisingly, must relate to ART, gene therapy, enhancement, regenerative medicine, or biotechnology. Further, the ultimate focus must be on humans: topics centered on the ethics of animal research, GMOs, agriculture, resurrecting (non-hominin) extinct species, etc., are outside of the purview of this course. What you do choose to focus on is up to youand it is important that you choose to focus on some, specific, topic. Were covering a range of issues in this course, far too wide a range for you reasonably to write on. So slice off a portion of one of these issues: DONT TRY TO DO EVERYTHING. For example, Liza Mundy in Everything Conceivable deals with a number of aspects regarding infertility and ART; you could explore one or two of those aspects. Similarly, other readings raise a variety of issues regarding genetic and stem cell research; pick one of those. Finally, I or one of your classmates may bring up an issue or asks a question which grabs you; if so, feel free to center your paper on that issue. As for those of you who’d like to write on abortion: You can’t write on abortion. You may, however, write a paper centered on hESCs or on preimplantation genetic diagnosis or on prenatal testing or on selective termination. Pick an issue which matters to you, which interests you, which puzzles or provokes you; pick something which you want to learn more about, and on which you are willing to do additional research. And you will have to do additional research. The course readings and links at can help you to get started, but you must go beyond this. You must educate yourself sufficiently to be able to reflect intelligently on the complications of that topic. To that end, you should aim for 7 or more scholarly sources per paper. Finally, while your two papers will be linked, they are nonetheless distinct. Thus: Paper 1: In this first paper, examine a particular line of research or a specific practice/technology and lay out exactly what is involved in this research or practice. DO NOT DISCUSS ETHICS IN THIS PAPER Depending upon the research or practice, you may explore the history of the work; questions under active investigation as well as any questions which are considered crucial to advancement of the work; the current status of the work, including whether it has advanced to animal or human clinical trials, and/or whether it is currently in use in medical or commercial practice; any scientific/medical problems associated with the work; who is using or would use the technology; or, if you are working on, say, surrogacy, the technical-legal aspects of the practice. In short, lay out the scientific, medical, and/or technical elements of the research or practice. This paper should be largely descriptive and analytical; your personal opinions are not relevant.
Ethical Ramifications in the Acquisition Process | Instant Homework Solutions
Research an article that is about the acquisition process in the Department of Defense. Your paper should review the process and discuss the ethical ramifications for those involved in the acquisition process in the Department of Defense. Write a two-page paper, plus the title page and a reference page.
Ethical Management Dilemmas | Instant Homework Solutions
It is important to understand how those suffering from mental health problems may be affected by the social stigma attached to mental health and the discrimination they experience. Often times, stigmas attached to a mental health diagnosis may perpetuate their issues, which in turn, can make their troubles worse, making it challenging to seek out professional help. In your paper: 1. Provide a definition of stigma in the mental health field, and how it affects individuals seeking professional help (2 points). 2. Define the term disability, and explain how it plays a role in health and well-being (2 points). 3. Describe how certain diagnoses may be overused or frequently misdiagnosed. (3 points) 4. Of the five listed, select one to further your discussion: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Depression, and Bipolar. Use mental health journals to support your findings, such as Psychology Today, Journal of Mental Health, or The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Why did you select the diagnosis you did? Does the diagnosis you chose directly affect you, or someone you know? If so, how has this been a challenge for you or that person? (4 points) 5. Provide U.S. statistics on that illness with regards to adults and children. Your answer should contain at least three statistics supported with empirical evidence from the text and/or mental health journals, such as Psychology Today, Journal of Mental Health, or The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. You may also use another Journal you find, so long as it fits the aforementioned criteria for this assignment. (5 points). 6. Select one of the contemporary sociological theories covered in this course and apply it to health and medicine, including a discussion of health care benefits, life choices that may contribute to mental health disorders, and/or lack of resources for individuals with mental illnesses. (4 points)
Ethical Dilemma Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions
The goal is to find or create an ethical dilemma, research and propose a potential solution following a step-by-step process. You need to research China’s previous 1 child policy, the ethical schools of thought (theories) you believe are applicable, the pros and cons, and then conclude with your final proposal. An ethical dilemma is a problem having an ethical component to it. A simple example is finding a wallet with money it and identification; should you return it? Why? How do you make your decision? For this case study, you need a more complex ethical dilemma. Main Steps Obtain relevant facts of the issue; address why its important. At this level, you should address at least what you know about the situation as well as what you dont know; even more significant is the amount of time available. Often this is the determining factor in what will ultimately be done. Identify the main ethical issues; usually there are 1 or 2 main ethical issues, and several sub-issues stemming from the key issues; try to cover main problem(s) and then 1 sub-issue if possible. Determine who or what is affected by these dilemmas; who are the stakeholders? Who wins, loses? Who is helped by this? Who is hurt? Why? Identify viable solutions/options based on 2 ethical schools of thought were studying this semester. For example: utilitarianism, egoism, virtue ethics, social contract, deontology, – or any version of these. At this point, you may want to rank them from best to worst by considering which is the least problematic, yet still most effective. Identify at least 1-2 specific consequences – both long-term/short term- for each alternative/school of thought. Explain in detail and use examples. Make a choice (in your conclusion) and provide a philosophical argument supporting why your solution is the best by comparing and contrasting the benefits and liabilities of your solution to the one(s) you believe is/are the worst and/or second best. You may want to integrate a discussion on the original circumstances which created this dilemma in the first place – and how it might be avoided in the future.
Erickson Stage Observation | Instant Homework Solutions
Topic: Erickson Stage Observation Question/Prompt: This week you are required to make an informal observation (church, mall, library, etc.) of two developing individuals who are in two different stages of Ericksons eight stages of psychosocial development. For each developing individual, comment on the characteristics observed, utilizing your text and one scholarly article which supports your observations.
Bioethics in Tests and Research | Instant Homework Solutions
respond to the following discussion given: The assumption that it will always be immoral to experiment on humans, regardless of whether they’re in a PVS/comatose state, is based in the stubborn assertion that human lives must always trump other lives. In using other animals as surrogates for suffering through experimentation, we exercise this superiority (which we’ve kindly granted ourselves) with limited justification. In the case of comatose human patients, clearly the potential distress and horror of their relatives at their loved one being experimented on must be accounted for. However, if potentially life-saving treatments are to result, this would surely be the more convincing argument. Given the differences between humans’ and other animals’ biology and processing of certain proteins/foods/chemicals, bypassing the risk of side-effects in humans in cases where something has only been tested on animals is highly valuable. When it is unlikely a person is ever to recover their sentience, conducting valuable research on them should be allowed.
Ethics and Economics | Instant Homework Solutions
Introducing Moral Theology, True Happiness and the Virtues, Mattison pp. 311-331 on the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the virtuous life. Moral Choices, An Introduction to Ethics, Rae pp. 329-361 on Ethics and economics In your five (5) page paper, describe the content of your above readings in a detailed essay and then answer the questions. Remember, there are two parts. First, give a detailed coverage of all the readings in this unit. Then, answer the questions below. What are the moral standards that apply and guide us in this area (Christian economic justice)? Use the reading and your own understanding of what moral rules or principles are important. Do Christians have a responsibility for the environment? Think through the four cardinal virtues in relation to this issue. Why does one need prudence to live well regarding economic justice, etc.? What other virtues are essential to living well?
Research Proposals
(I am doing milestone one) In Task 2-2, you will submit a 1-2 page Research Proposal that identifies the topic and includes the following information. The topic should include introduction and background information. It will be important to explain the problem that you identified and how it came to your attention and the perspective that served as a background for the issue or strategy that is your focus. After identifying the question(s) you intend to answer, you will begin to collect and analyze the data. You will need to explain your research methodology (i.e., typology, supporting data collection methods, and analysis plan). Describe the types of data you intend to collect. If applicable, identify any documents that you intend to develop as you collect the data. Predict any challenges you think you might face in collecting your data. It will be important to address the following questions: How will you analyze the data you collected? What were the challenges you think you might face in analyzing the data? Is the broad enough to allow for a range of insights and findings; and conversely Is it narrow enough to be manageable within your time frame and your daily work? Why do you want to research this specific topic/problem?
Egoism and Utilitarianism
One interesting fact about utilitarianism is that it defines moral goodness in terms of experiences that are felt (pleasure and pain), rather than defining moral goodness in terms of some cognitive capacity (e.g, human reason) or inherent “rights.” Human beings are not the only sentient (which means “feeling”) beings, so, if utilitarianism is right, other […]
The United States and Other Nations
Identify how the United States works with nations and international regimes concerning the creation and enforcement of laws directly related to facilitating Homeland Security. Identify the agencies involved in working with security and foreign countries. Give a recent example of the U.S. and another country working together. Helpful Hints: Go to Required Websites. For example, Interpol, […]
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