[Get Solution]Theory of Justice
Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board: A: To what extent do you feel the purpose of punishment is to (a) protect society, (b) punish criminals, or (c) rehabilitate criminals? Explain your position using ethical theory and/or reasoning. Or B: Provide an example of one occupation or profession that you feel […]
[Get Solution]Research Essay Paper
Assessment task details: You are an ethics and governance officer working for a listed corporation Copco. The board of Copco has asked for a briefing paper to be prepared in one of the cases below. In the essay, you are required to outline and then analyze the case using the concepts and ideas outlined in […]
[Get Solution]Healthcare Ethics
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate the capacity to develop an ethical argument/s based on the four ethical principles: autonomy, justice, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Governments should have the authority to stop citizens from participating in community activities when they refuse immunizations. Healthcare Ethics: Governments should have the authority to stop citizens […]
[Get Solution]Moral Judgment of Psychopaths
1) Summarize the arguments employed by the authors to support their claim that the moral judgment of psychopaths is impaired and that therefore, psychopaths should not be prosecuted in the criminal justice system. 2) Critically evaluate these arguments – that is, are the authors arguments for why psychopaths have impaired moral behaviour strong or weak? […]
[Get Solution]Ethical Argumentative Opinion
Students will use their allocated topic to develop a sound ethical argumentative opinion piece. Assignment details: During the 1st week of lectures your tutor will allocate a topic for discussion from the prescribed four options. Using the allocated topic given to you construct an argumentative essay. Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is for students […]
[Get Solution]Zero Tolerance
As a principal, you will be expected to make numerous sound and moral legal decisions regarding student rights in the school setting. Examples of such student rights issues include freedom of speech, locker and backpack searches, personal privacy, and due process for students with exceptionalities. A principal must act with integrity and fairness to ensure […]
[Get Solution]Ethics in the Community
In Chapter 1 of your text, you saw how moral reasoning involves moving back and forth between general, abstract ideas like principles and values and particular concrete judgments about what is good or right, and seeking to find a kind of agreement or equilibrium between those. In Chapters 3, 4, and 5, you were introduced […]
[Get Solution]Ethics of Ambiguity
Charitably imagine how de Beauvoir, from her Ethics of Ambiguity, would argue for or against a significant argument from English’s “What do Adult Children Owe Their Parents,” they argue for or against that imagined argument. In five pages 1) explain to your reader the bare minimum needed to know from either English’s “What do Adult […]
[Get Solution]Being an Effective Follower
Why is being an effective follower important? Additionally, why is “managing up” important as a follower within an organization? Describe the strategy for managing up that you most prefer. Explain. Include 1 research cited. The learning objectives which align with this discussion forum include: Effectively manage both up and down the hierarchy Apply the principles […]
[Get Solution]Virtues of Belief
Write a short composition consisting of at least one and a half pages but no more than three pages of a nonsense essay, where you describe three logically impossible scenarios, and why they are logically impossible? Please explain. So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your […]
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