Ethical Theories and Philosophers | Instant Homework Solutions
The paper should be an ethical topic (Discrimination) that you will critique with one of our main ethical theories (Aristotle, Plato) between 1500 – 2000 words, submitted as an attachment as an MS Word or Word compatible document. Please use the citation style of your program of study and the reference page/bibliography does not need to be annotated, but you should have properly formatted in-text citations and a complete reference page. The bibliography should include a minimum of three academic resources you will use to begin your research on the topic. One of them can be an encyclopedia article ( Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) One should be an academically, peer-reviewed journal article from the American Public University online library (See the Philosophy Program Guide for links to many helpful resources. One can be from a credible internet resource such as Crash Course videos or other scholarly, video resource. Depending on the topic, you may use websites or other credible online resources (NO Wikipedia). For this assignment, match one of the ethical theories from Western Civilization with a contemporary topic of your choice (Discrimination). When considering a contemporary topic, think about current events, some ethical issue you are passionate about, or an ethical issue you know a lot about, or perhaps even encounter in your professional or personal life. Example: Say you want to look at climate change. To do this properly, you would need to evaluate it through the lens of one or more ethical theory. Possible thesis statement: “I will first examine Aristotle’s Virtue Theory and explore his golden mean for establishing what constitutes a virtuous action. Then, I will use this information to address the need to do more concerning climate change. Specifically, I will discuss three virtues – modesty, temperance and magnanimity – as virtues that lead us to respect and work to save the planet.”
Moral Philosophy and Ethical Dilemma | Instant Homework Solutions
Part I: Describe Hume’s basic moral philosophy in a sentence or three. Describe Kant’s ethical philosophy in a sentence or three. What is the difference between empiricism versus rationalism? Part II: Which of these philosophers do you think is more correct? Why do you think that? What can you draw from your own experience to help explain why you think that? In what areas, could you be wrong? Part III: Read the following ethical dilemma and explain what you would do, and why (you must have good reasons), in this situation: You live in a political tyranny where dissent and speech are being curtailed. The police, as the local arm of this tyrannical government, are known for disappearing those that they arrest. You are out for a walk one night and you see a man running towards you. He looks terrified, stressed and panicked. He comes up to you with tears in his eyes and says, I am going to hide right here. I cant run anymore. I didnt do anything wrong. Please, promise me you wont tell them where I am! So you promise the man, even though you dont know anything about him. He hides behind a bush and you keep walking. Ten seconds later four men turn the corner where the panicked man had come from and head towards you. As they get closer you see that they are, indeed, police officers. They walk up to you and ask if you have seen the man they were chasing. What do you do? Do you lie? Why?
Ethical Theories Argumentative | Instant Homework Solutions
For this Assignment, you are to complete the chart for seven ethical theories (utilitarianism, ethical egoism, Kantianism, Divine Command Theory, Virtue Theory, and two other theories determined by your instructor) based on the following criteria: How is good determined?: Explain in one or two sentences what the theory argues is the correct way to determine what is right. This is the main argument of the theory in a nutshell. Most Noted Philosopher(s): Name the philosopher or philosophers most closely associated with the theory Major Strengths: Using phrases or sentences, list at least two major strengths that is specific to that theory. Major Weaknesses: Using phrases or sentences, list at least two major weaknesses that is specific to that theory. You may format the chart any way you wish to include all of the required elements. Download a blank ethical theories comparison chart.
Legal and Ethical Aspects | Instant Homework Solutions
1) Define the following 6 ethical principles: autonomy, nonmaleficence, justice, veracity, fidelity, beneficence. 2) Then answer the following question: What is an Ethical dilemma?
Ethics and Leadership Reflection Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
Reflection Paper One (includes chapter 1 and 2 from Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership) Book :: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership…. please refer to book Upon review of chapters, please submit an assignment (, in the appropriate drop box. This reflection paper must answer the following 3 questions: What is the main point of the chapters material? Why is it important? When and if you can apply this information?
Organizational Ethics and Legal Mandates | Instant Homework Solutions
As an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization operates under ethical considerations and legal mandates. This responsibility includes informing employees of the organization’s code of ethics, communicating the code of ethics, providing training, and ensuring that operational aspects are administered in a legal and ethical manner. You will assume the role of a leader and decide what strategies you will use to develop a strong organizational ethical climate. In your position as a leader, you will need to identify primary and secondary stakeholders and satisfy their concerns, understand the organizations ethical standing, and develop an ethics training program. SCENARIO You are a business manager of Paradigm Toys, a publicly held company that is a retailer and manufacturer of childrens toys. The board of directors has asked you to conduct an ethics audit of the company and report to the board if you find the need for ethics training. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Prepare a report (suggested length of 68 pages) for Paradigm Toys in which you do the following: A. Discuss the purpose of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in an organization. 1. Identify two primary and two secondary stakeholders that influence Paradigm Toys. 2. Analyze two ways that Paradigm Toys should meet their CSR for the primary and secondary stakeholders identified in part A1. B. Reflect on the importance of ethical leadership by doing the following: 1. Explain why it is important for an organization to develop an ethical culture. a. Discuss the role that Paradigm Toys leadership can play in fostering an ethical culture. 2. Explain the purpose of an ethics audit. a. Discuss the value that an ethics audit could bring to Paradigm Toys. C. Develop the ethical framework that you would use if you were faced with an ethical dilemma by doing the following: 1. Identify and analyze an ethical dilemma in a business setting. Note: You may also choose an ethical dilemma you have witnessed at your current place of employment. 2. Evaluate two potential solutions to the ethical dilemma identified in part C1. 3. Explain which solution from part C2 you would recommend and why that solution would be the more ethical choice. D. Create a proposal for implementing an ethics training program at Paradigm Toys by doing the following: 1. Identify three key topics that you would cover in your ethics training program. a. Explain why you would include the three topics from part D1 in your training program. 2. Recommend a delivery method that you believe would be most effective for the training program. a. Justify why the delivery method recommended in part D2 would be most effective for the training program. E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.
Ethics in a Digital Age | Instant Homework Solutions
Select one of the following case studies from the Study Materials for this module to analyze for this discussion forum: North Korea and the Sony Hack Hackers Gain Direct Access to U.S. Power Grid Controls Foreign Economic Espionage in Cyberspace Then respond to the following: What ethical issues relate to the cybersecurity threat discussed in the case study? How do you see the importance of applying a deontological or consequentialist approach to addressing cyber threats that transcend national boundaries not only now, but into the future? How might a pluralist approach to ethics be employed to further develop and implement an effective international agreement on cyber norms?
Privacy and Cyberspace Questions | Instant Homework Solutions
Privacy & Cyberspace The purpose of this activity is to reinforce what you have learned so far about privacy and cyberspace. 1. What is personal privacy, and why is privacy dif?cult to de?ne? (Minimum word count: 60) 2. Is privacy a social value, or is it simply an individual good? (Minimum word count: 60)3. What is RFID technology, and why is it a threat to privacy? (Minimum word count: 60) 4. Why are certain aspects and uses of Internet search engines controversial from a privacy perspective? (Minimum word count: 60) 5. Why does online access to public records pose problems for personal privacy? (Minimum word count: 60) 6. In discussing cyberspace regulation, why is it useful to distinguish the question Can cyberspace be regulated? from the question Should cyberspace be regulated? (Minimum word count: 60) 7. What are (HTML) meta-tags, and why can they be controversial? (Minimum word count: 60) 8. What is e-mail spam, and why is it controversial from a moral point of view? (Minimum word count: 60) 9. What is censorship? Describe the differences between censorship by suppression and censorship by deterrence. (Minimum word count: 60) 10. What is Network Neutrality (or Net Neutrality), and what implications does it have for Internet regulation in the future? (Minimum word count: 60)
Socrates Principle of Obedience | Instant Homework Solutions
The topic of the paper is Socrates principle of obedience. Your specific thesis and the arguments you make on behalf of your thesis are up to you. It is not a research paper nothing beyond class materials is expected or advisable. I want you to reflect and think on your own about Socrates view. Anything you use that goes beyond your own thoughts or class materials should be properly cited and referenced (using one of the standard style guides).
Cultural Diversity Scenario | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment propose a scenario where you or someone you know are confronted with a moral dilemma relating to cultural diversity and multiculturalism. It cannot be the same as what was covered in the week one discussion. Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma is a situation in which one must make a decision between two or more options such that the options involve seemingly ethical and/or unethical conduct. Address the following questions: What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve? What would a subjective moral relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that? What would a cultural relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that? Is that approach correct? What did you the person confronting the dilemma decide to do? What moral justification did they give? Is that approach morally correct? Was there an objective moral truth (the objectively right thing to do) in this situation? Why or why not? Remember, the dilemma should be detailed with description and dialogue. Regard the questions as requirements. This is an essay, so rather than simply providing a list of brief answers to questions, provide an in-depth reflection regarding a difficult ethical situation.. Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page)
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