Contraception Communication | Instant Homework Solutions

First, watch this Sperm Durex Commercial. Compare a contraceptive’s perfect use with its typical use.  Identify some factors that prevent people from engaging in contraception use or use that is not perfect.  What solutions people can use to overcome these challenges. How can these solutions be conveyed?

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Chest Pains Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

Read Case Study to answer the following discussion questions: Discuss the history of present illness that you would take on this patient in preparation for the clinic visit. Include questions regarding Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment, Severity (OLDCARTS). Describe the physical exam and diagnostic tools to be used for Ms. Johnston. Are there any additional you would have liked to be included that were not?  What plan of care will Ms. Johnston be given at this visit; what is the patient education and follow-up? see attachment case study

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Theories on Human Development | Instant Homework Solutions

Write a three- to four-page paper (excluding APA title page and reference pages) comparing Freud, Mahler, and Adler. Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud and Mahler, and then contrast these two developmental theories with Adler’s theory. Be sure to also address the following: A brief description of each theory. Which perspective appeals to you more, and why? What are some ways the Adlerian approach can be applied to group counseling? What are some advantages of using a group format with this approach? What concepts from these psychoanalytic approaches do you see as being potentially useful in your work as a nurse psychotherapist? Describe. Why should the nurse psychotherapist understand developmental theories for application in clinical practice? You should cite a minimum of three APA references.

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FDA Role in Protecting the Patient | Instant Homework Solutions

Research the current roles of the FDA and what role they play in consumer safety when it comes to medication. The FDA uses risk event mitigation strategies (REMS), requires medguides or black box warnings with certain medications and has established MedWatch. Using APA format, write a 1-2 page paper explaining how the FDA uses the strategies listed above to protect the public. Remember to cite your sources appropriately.

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The Focus Group Protocol | Instant Homework Solutions

As a public health professional, it is likely that you will conduct focus groups as part of community health assessments. Focus groups are useful when exploring community issues and developing good survey questions. As with all research, planning the focus group is important so that the data you seek can be easily and reliably collected and will yield valid results. A focus group protocol is created to describe all planned procedures. It serves as a road map to the public health professional detailing what he or she plans to do when conducting a particular focus group. For this week’s Assignment, review the readings on qualitative research skills to help you develop a focus group protocol. The Assignment (4–6 pages): Submit a 4- to 6-page paper outlining a focus group protocol: Describe a subgroup from your community (include relevant demographics such as gender, socioeconomic status, age). Restate the public health problem in the community health profile you created in Week 5. Create six questions for the focus group related to the identified public health problem (e.g., contributing factors, potential solutions, assets available to solve the problem).  Describe methods you would use for recruiting participants and collecting and managing the data. Explain why these methods would be effective. Create a brief (two-paragraph) consent form that summarizes the reason for the focus group, procedures to be followed, participants’ rights, and procedures for maintaining confidentiality Use the resources and current literature to support your response. Note: You will not be conducting a focus group, only preparing the protocol. Support your Scholar-Practitioner Project Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

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Osteoarthritis | Instant Homework Solutions

Sources cannot be more than five years old.  Mr. Filstrup is a 38-year-old man in overall good health who has been complaining about an aching pain in his knees when working around the house and often when simply walking. He has noticed that his knees feel “hard” and tight. His history indicates that he has always been involved in athletics and was on the college football team, but recently family responsibilities and work have not made it easy for him to exercise. Relate Mr. Filstrup’s case history to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis. How do anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics help Mr. Filstrup deal with this form of arthritis? Why is moderate, non–weight-bearing exercise recommended? What is the probable prognosis for Mr. Filstrup?

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Telehealth Assessment Approach to Patient Care | Instant Homework Solutions

Below is the guideline to provided for the abstract. An abstract is written after approval of the synthesis paper. The abstract provides an opportunity for the candidate to disseminate the knowledge effectively. An abstract is a succinct description of the synthesis paper and must be understandable to a wide audience. The abstract for CGP should be no more than 350 words, single-spaced, using size 12 Times New Roman. There should be no list of references in the abstract. The abstract is suggested to include following components: 1.     Title. 2.     Author and credentials. 3.     Author’s affiliations. College of Nursing, SUNY Upstate Medical University 4.     PICO question. 5.     Background/ Significance. Describe a clinical problem, its background information and the rationale of why it is a problem/ issue. It sets the context and answer the question “So what?” 6.     Analysis. Briefly describe the literature search process, such as the keywords, database, inclusion and exclusion criteria. This section should not be a major focus of the abstract and the poster. 7.     Discussions. Briefly summarize how many articles were found in each search and why the final articles were chosen. Then describe the synthesized results, the clinical implications of the findings, and recommendations. This is what most people want to know and should be the focus of the abstract. 8.     Keywords. List 3-5 keywords from your paper in your abstract. This helps researchers find your work in databases.

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Evaluating Drug Abuse Treatment Approaches | Instant Homework Solutions

When it comes to treating drug offenders, forensic psychology professionals must have a solid understanding of desired outcomes in order to select a suitable treatment approach. Drug abuse often results in uncharacteristic behavior and may actually generate complications related to the mental health treatment and physical well-being of the offender. Treatment outcomes are not “one size fits all,” and desirable outcomes differ for each offender. For some offenders, a successful outcome is never to use substances again, and the relapse treatment outcome model would best describe the desired outcome, lifelong abstinence. For other offenders, success is defined as the offender doing less damage to relationships and to society through controlled use of substances, and therefore the harm-reduction model fits best. Finally, success with the recidivism model simply means that the drug offender does not return to the criminal justice system. Each desired treatment outcome is specific to the individual offender in terms of how success is defined. This definition impacts the choice of treatment approach and guides aftercare planning as well. To prepare for this Discussion: Review the course document, “Treatment Outcome Models,” found in the introduction area of this week’s discussion, and think about how each model is used to determine the success of treatment approaches. Review Chapter 17, “Drug Courts,” in the course text Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment, and Research. Reflect on the different approaches for treating drug offenders in forensic populations. Review the article “Predictors of Retention in an Alternative-to-Prison Substance Abuse Treatment Program” in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on alternative treatment approaches for drug offenders. Select a treatment approach for drug offenders that is of particular interest to you. Conduct an academic search in the Walden Library and select at least one scholarly article from a peer-reviewed journal that discusses the treatment approach you selected. This treatment approach should demonstrate efficacy in treating drug-offending forensic populations. Reflect on the treatment outcome models that were introduced in Week 4. Think about how the treatment approach in the research article you selected might be evaluated by using these treatment outcome models. Select one treatment outcome model that you think would be the most effective for measuring the success of your selected treatment approach. With these thoughts in mind: By Day 3 Post by Day 3 a brief description of each issue or consideration (practical, ethical, and legal) related to forensic psychology consultation that you selected. Then explain why each is an issue or consideration and important to address. Be specific and provide examples.

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Hereditary Diseases | Instant Homework Solutions

Pathophysiology  Pick a type of treatment, disease process or a case study that you would like to further discuss and research and formulate an informative response. You can include reasons for treatment, how the disease process occurs, common symptoms, and any other informative information that you would like to share about your choice.  The topic I choose is either Hereditary diseases (Hereditary multiple exostoses) or Treatment (Holistic Medicine) Please use intext citation

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Mission Statement for Primary Care Clinic | Instant Homework Solutions

Write a “Mission Statement” for brochures of a primary care clinic. this clinic will provide telehealth and house call services. (The goal is to provide service and education across the lifespan, integrating primary care and wellness to address needs while building on the strengths of the community).

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