Shamanism in Promoting Health | Instant Homework Solutions

A Shaman is a man or woman enters a altered state of consciousness at will to contact or utilize another type of reality to acquire knowledge and power to help other people.  After reviewing the video in the asynchronous materials entitled:  What is Shamanism? Describe your initial thoughts and beliefs about this practice and why? Science is beginning to demonstrate that spirituality, faith, and religious commitment may play a role in promoting health and reducing illness.  Disuses you beliefs as to the validity of faith and healing.   Does it work, is it legitimate? What is the research saying? Refer to asynchronous materials to underpin your response

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Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer | Instant Homework Solutions

Position Paper will include:  An introduction to the argument on your public health issue(s) of choice (including a clear thesis);  Major findings in the literature that support your position for the paper;  A conclusion; and at least 6 CREDIBLE (e.g., peer-reviewed journals) citations accompanied by a reference list at the end of the paper.

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Public Health Challenges | Instant Homework Solutions

Choose one of the following topics: Bioterrorism Infectious disease Obesity and famine In a 3–5 page document summarize the topic area and present at least three recommendations designed to prepare public health leaders for the challenge.

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Reproductive System Diseases | Instant Homework Solutions

sources must be within the last 6 years need introduction and conclusions  Write an essay describing a disease found in the Reproductive System  (100 points) Using medical terminology identify the name that the physician would list as the diagnosis. Describe the illness or injury. Identify the location (Based on what you learned in Chapter 2). Describe symptoms. Describe possible treatments. Create a table with all medical terms used and break the words down. For all medical terms give an explanation in layman’s terms you would use to explain to the patient.

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Older Adult Population Changes | Instant Homework Solutions

Age Related Changes in the Older Adult Population Evidence –Based Practice (EBP) requires nurses to continuously cultivate a spirit of inquiry. Nurses must identify and appraise the most relevant and best evidence to integrate the evidence into clinical practice.  Students will research the literature to identify and discuss suggested best practice related to an identified clinical issue/problem as it relates to the Older Adult. Paper topics are listed below and this is an individual assignment. Provide 3-4 references from the literature.   Paper length should be minimum/maximum of 4-6 pages excluding title page and reference page. Font size12 Arial or Times New Roman and APA format is required (7th edition APA manual). A review of the recent literature must be used to support your work and a reference list to support in text citations. Paper headings should be identifiable and you can set up the body of paper with subheadings.     Be careful with paraphrasing, excessive quoting, and no internet website including Wikipedia should not be used for this paper. You need to research journal articles, research articles etc. Upload paper through safe assign prior to paper submission. Make sure you are looking at your originality report. The paper grade will be final- meaning no re-submitting. Make sure you read your student handbook/academic resource center on plagiarism. In addition, read your APA 7TH edition manual on paraphrasing, excessive quoting, how to cite an author (in text citation) or many authors and review how to set up a title page and reference page.

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Global Consumer Health | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss the different roles and interests of community actors/public epidemiologists and industry with respect to safeguarding the health of consumers. You must refer to at least two of the three required readings in your response. For five extra credit points, write an additional half page responding to an extra credit reading or a multimedia item in the Module 3 folder and explaining how this relates to the required reading.  

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HIV/AIDS in America Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

Formatting instructions: Your final paper must be at least 15 pages, double-spaced (not including references, pictures, tables, or title page). Font should be 12-point and Times New Roman One-inch borders all around. Citation Format: You are required to use American Psychological Association (APA) format 7 for your references in text and at the end with your list of citations. Select a public health issue of your choice. You may choose to discuss a topic we discussed in class as long as you do not duplicate what is covered. Elements of the Paper – Your paper MUST have these headings! Background (5points): The background section must provide basic information about the public health issue addressed by the paper. The aim of this section is to answer questions including but not limited to (1) What is the problem and why it is of concern? (2) What is the magnitude of the problem? (3) Who are affected by this issue and how? (4) At the very end of the background section, state the purpose of your paper. This section should accurately summarize the information so that it leads up to the heart of your discussion, the perspectives. Viewpoints/Perspectives (10 points): A key to this paper is to look at the selected public health issue from multiple viewpoints/perspectives. Thus, you must utilize at least two viewpoints/perspectives. For example: from the perspective of general population, political decision makers, healthcare providers, insurance companies etc. You may also choose to discuss two different viewpoints based on gender, race/ethnicity, culture, political views, or any other factor of your choice. Each viewpoint must be discussed under separate sub-headings and must be supported by published literature or other legitimate sources (e.g., newspapers, organizations like CDC, WHO, etc.) It is up to you to decide which current views and evidence to include. The aim of this section is to emphasize the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge. (Assesses learning objective #4 and 5) Solution (15 points): Based on elements 1 and 2, design a population-based policy, program, project, or intervention that you would suggest to improve the health and well- being of those affected by this public health issue. (Assesses learning objective # 9). For example, if you are discussing vaccinations, what solution would you implement to prevent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases? How could these solutions be implemented to please all parties involved, if that is ever possible? As you remember from class discussions, the first step to negotiations is to understand the interests of each party. An agreement can only be achieved by meeting the legitimate interests of all the parties involved.

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Motivation to be an Optimist | Instant Homework Solutions

Please describe what inspires your decision for becoming an optometrist, including your preparation for training in this profession, your aptitude and motivation, the basis for your interest in optometry, and your future career goals. Your essay should be limited to 4500 characters

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Prenatal Health Education | Instant Homework Solutions

Explore several websites related to prenatal health education and complete the following:  1. Provide the web address of one website that would be useful to you if you were preparing an educational program for expectant couples. Please be certain that it is a reputable site such as March of Dimes, CDC, NIH/other federal government site, or academic medical center.  2. Describe the main focus or purpose of the information that is provided on this website.  3. Explain why you believe the information provided on this website is based on science and not just on “opinion”.  4. Give three reasons why you believe the information provided would be helpful in preparing an educational program for expectant parents. Assignment points will be based on covering all of the above information. Your assignment may not exceed one page

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Healthcare Practice Organizational Change | Instant Homework Solutions

submit three healthcare setting practice areas that you have observed to be in need of change. Describe the current practice and offer a detailed reason for why you see this issue as an area to be changed and how the following aspects could benefit from this change: 1. Efficiency in your current healthcare setting 2. Quality of patient care 3. The impact to the insurance industry 4. The impact to the Respiratory Therapy Profession Each area/issue of change (again, there will be three total) will include the 4 components listed above. Some of your selections may be similar and that is okay. The primary point of this assignment is to brainstorm and through trial and error, isolate a topic that you are interested in and one that has substantial resources and references to support your topic during the following weeks. Each of these area/issues will separately comprise 2 double spaced pages (a minimum of 6 total pages) using 11 size Arial font in a Word document.

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