Holistic Approaches to Patient Care Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe a holistic approach to patient care. Why is it important for a behavioral health provider to collaborate with other providers? How might you as a behavioral health provider incorporate a patient’s faith into their care?

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Culture and Interpersonal Communication | Instant Homework Solutions

: Culture and Interpersonal Communication Scenario: Meet Bonnie, a new mother• 25-year-old mother of a newborn baby girl• American, college education, still not very familiar with medical issues/ terminology• Thrilled about her child but quite fearful• Everything is so new!• Has read about benefits of immunization; still, too young to remember the devastating effects of polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases• Doesn’t know anyone who suffered from them• Yet, rates of a few vaccine-preventable diseases (e.g., pertussis) are on the rise, posing an increased risk for infants and children• Worried about conflicting information on immunization risk/adverse events• Unable to evaluate quality/credibility of different information sources• She does not have a great grasp of health issues but wants to learn more• Unsure whether she wants to immunize her child; quite confused, some of her friends are not immunizing their children1. Provide 2-3 examples on potential ways health communication interventions can address such issues/needs among Bonnie and her peers or key influential /stakeholders.2. What kinds of research questions would you like to explore to complement the information provided in this case study? What would you ask/would like to find out to complete a potential situation and audience analysis? Please focus only on your two (2) top research questions.

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Health Risks of Overweight or Underweight BMI | Instant Homework Solutions

In a 3 paragraph response, determine what are the health risk differences between having an underweight BMI percentage compared to an overweight BMI percentage? Discuss the methods to test BMI.

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Yoga Speech | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Write a 5 to 10 minute speech to a class of fifth-graders about yoga. 2. Purpose of the presentation is to familiarize them with yoga therapy and convince them that they and/or someone they care about should try it for a specific condition which may be bothering them. 3. **** Use language appropriate for fifth graders, be sincere and try to appeal to their sense of reason.

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Risk Management Policy | Instant Homework Solutions

Risk management is a key function for most compliance officers. Risk management includes protecting employees from harm as well as ensuring patient safety.For this assignment, you are to analyze current risk management policies that are present in health care environments. Pick one policy from your own employer that you feel could be changed or improved. Discuss the policy and your recommendations to change this policy. Include at least three peer reviewed sources to support your point of view.Examples of Risk Management Policies include employee issues such as smoking policies; mandated overtime practices; dress code policies; sick leave/PTO policies; non-discrimination hiring policies.Risk Management policies also apply to patient care including hand hygiene policies; falls prevention work; wound care prevention; HIPAA privacy issues; admission requirements; patient rights and informed consent.

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Wellness or Fitness Class Review Attendance | Instant Homework Solutions

Attend a wellness-related class (fitness, cooking, sleep, substance abuse, stress management, nutrition, strength and conditioning). You can attend a class virtually online or in person. Draft a creative project summarizing your experience in the class. Please follow all CDC, state, federal and local government guidelines for current safe practices if you choose to do an in-person class.Important points to include in your submission for full credit:1. Include the name, location and description of the class you took. (If it is an online class, discuss the location of the organization and/or location of the class where it originated.) You need to include the name and contact info of the instructor for the class (so that I can verify your attendance). If it is an online class, you must submit some sort of screen shot to show you completed the class.Discuss how participating in such classes on a regular basis may help you avoid unnecessary health care costs associated with disease. May include classes at a gym, Weight Watchers class, healthy cooking class, tobacco cessation class, etc. Check with your health care provider and local community center for free in person or virtual classes. Many gyms or fitness studios offer online fitness classes or a free day passes that you can use to take a fitness class. Must include contact name and email of instructor, as well as the phone number and name of the facility for me to contact in order to verify your attendance.2. The summary/reflection must include ways to improve your habits utilizing topics discussed in modules. Discuss which of the “9 Dimensions of Wellness” you learned about in the class you chose to attend for this assignment. Within the FIRST paragraph, include the name of the facility (and the instructor’s name) where the class took place. As with all college level work, the essay portion of written submissions must be at least 5 indented full paragraphs (typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced lines within the body of the written content, APA style). Also standard for college level essays, the Works Cited page must be on a separate page than the essay. The line spacing for the Works Cited page must follow APA style Works Cited page guidelines.

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Adolescent Sexual Activity | Instant Homework Solutions

Adolescent Sexual Activity Rates: Many young people engage in sexual risk behaviors that can result in unintended health outcomes. For example, among U.S. high school students surveyed in 20151 41% have had sexual intercourse. 30% have had sexual intercourse during the previous 3 months, and, of these 43% did not use a condom the last time they had sex. 14% did not use any method to prevent pregnancy. 21% drank alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse. Only 10% of sexually experienced students have ever been tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).* CDC data show that lesbian, gay, and bisexual high school students are at substantial risk for serious health outcomes(https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/disparities/smy.htm). Sexual risk behaviors place teens at risk for HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy: Young people (aged 13-24) accounted for an estimated 22% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States in 2015.2 Among young people (aged 13-24) diagnosed with HIV in 2015, 81% were gay and bisexual males.2 Half of the nearly 20 million new STDs reported each year were among young people, between the ages of 15 to 24.3 Nearly 230,000 babies were born to teen girls aged 15–19 years in 2015.4 To reduce sexual risk behaviors and related health problems among youth, schools and other youth-serving organizations can help young people adopt lifelong attitudes and behaviors that support their health and well-being—including behaviors that reduce their risk for HIV(https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.html), other STDs, and unintended pregnancy(https://www.cdc.gov/teenpregnancy/index.htm). The National HIV/AIDS Strategy calls for all Americans to be educated about HIV. This includes knowing how HIV is transmitted and prevented, and knowing which behaviors place individuals at greatest risk for infection. HIV awareness and education(https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/hecat/pdf/hecat_module_sh.pdf) should be universally integrated into all educational environments. CDC recommends(https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/guidelines/index.html) all adolescents and adults 13-64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine medical care.  Additional Discussion Resources: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/sexualbehaviors/ Discussion Questions: Should high schools be able to dispense contraceptives to students? Why or why not? What cognitive and emotional developmental issues are at play when tweens and teens make the decision to have sex? Should school address these issues if they are going to give our contraceptives? If so how should they do this? What role should parents play in sex education, including pregnancy and HIV? Support your answer with a solution to the societal problem. Note: Remember to cite a source in your primary post.

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Medical Ethics Quiz | Instant Homework Solutions

EACH ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE HALF A PAGE SINGLE SPACED! ONLY USE THE SOURCES PROVIDED FOR EACH PART! Each QUIZ MUST BE LABELED AND UMBER HOW IT IS BELOW! Quiz 1 is due at 12pm noon, Tuesday, July 14th. Please answer the questions as best as you can. In your answers, you should assume that you are explaining something to someone who knows nothing or very little about the issue in hand. You may actually practice explaining your answers to someone around you. This being said, you also do not need to write too much. I would say that half a page (double spaced) for a single question should be sufficient. (you don’t need to actually write double spaced, this is just to give you an idea of the ideal length) Grading: Each question will be graded out of 100 points, and the average of the three will be your quiz grade. So, for example, if one were to receive 100, 100, and 80 points from the three questions, then his/her quiz grade would be calculated by dividing 280 by 3, which is 93 (out of 100). 1. Explain the following four terms: obligatory action, permissible action, prohibited action, supererogatory action 2. Explain one of the following normative ethical theories: Utilitarianism, Kantianism/deontology, Virtue Ethics. In your explanation, you may appeal to real life or imaginary examples. 3.  Which three criteria does the author state that we may use to evaluate/assess a normative ethical theory? After you list the three criteria, briefly explain them (again, if you like, you may give examples). Quiz 2 Quiz 2 is due at 12pm noon, Tuesday, July 21st. Consider the 3rd case (“Whose Choice Really?”) discussed in Boyle’s article “The Process of Informed Consent”.  If you like, read it through once more, and/or watch the part of the lecture video I talk about this case. I would like you to pretend that you are the chief medical professional (or perhaps an official of law or a philosopher in the ethics board) who is dealing with this case. (You may in fact be in such a position in cases like this one in the future!). How would you approach this case? There should be two parts to your answer (each part is worth 50% of your grade). (1) Briefly explain the facts of the case (to the extent the author provides; for the sake of simplicity, assume that everything the author says about the case is true). Do not go into detail, just mention the most relevant ones (for example, the diagnosis, the suggested medical interventions, the patient’s own beliefs about any of this, etc.). (2) Start the second part of the answer with this sentence “Here is my recommendation for the case of WL (Case 3):” Your response should be informed especially by what you learned about the principle of autonomy and the principle of beneficence. So, a plausible approach is to state an action plan that is based only on the principle of autonomy and an action plan that is based only on the principle of beneficence. Finally, state THE action plan you recommend in light of both considerations.  (You may think that there are overlaps between the two approaches, or you might think the right approach is a unique alternative to these. This is OK. Don’t feel constrained by the theoretical framework discussed by the author. However, if you are going to suggest a new approach, you should nevertheless describe the present framework first by thinking in terms of the principles we discussed; and then, go onto make your own independent recommendation.) Again, the subject line of your email should be “Quiz 2 – submission #” and you should attach an MS word file. The minimum length you are allowed is 1/2 page (line spacing: single). The maximum length you are allowed is 1 page (line spacing: single). Quiz 3 You have read three well known articles on abortion the past week, which are taught in medical ethics courses all over the world. I would like you to pick two of these articles, and answer the following questions.  Each question has three parts (a,b, and c). So your answer will have the following form:  1. (a) … 1. (b) … 1. (c) … 2. (a) … 2. (b) … 2. (c) … (a) What is the author’s main claim in his/her article? You should be able to state it in just ONE sentence. (b) How does he/she support this claim? It is enough to construct just one argument from the article. Make sure it is clear which premises/reasons are given in the argument in support of the conclusion. You may number the premises if you like. You don’t have to get an exact picture of the argument but you should at least include the most crucial premises/reasons the author gives. (If you pick Thomson’s article, then you may need to make a reference to a thought experiment in the premises; if so, you don’t have to describe that thought experiment, but you should make it clear which thought experiment you are referring to and why it plays a role in the argument) (c) Evaluate this argument by pointing at a weak premise or premises (if you find the argument weak) and stating why you think it is (they are) weak premise(s); or alternatively, by stating why you find the premises satisfactory (if you find the argument satisfactory). — Grading: 1 (a,b, and c) = 50%, and 2 (a, b, and c) = 50% Length: no length limit Due: Tuesday 12pm (noon). Format: Follow the same instructions as before. Email the file. Subject line = “Quiz 3 – submission #” .  Preferably, an ms word file. Note: Make sure that you do not copy/paste anything from either the articles or the Internet without making it clear that you are copy/pasting, using quotation marks if necessary. Ideally, you should be able to write/explain things in your own words. This will be checked thoroughly. Article in documents attached.  Quiz 4 Consider the chart that I presented in the last lecture video. This chart conveyed the thoughts of three philosophers (Elliot, Kramer, and Freedman) on whether or not an intervention which is solely based on a Prozac like drug to overcome a person’s mental suffering would be an ethically proper medical intervention.   Do you agree with any one of these philosophers’ views? State your view first and then give your reason(s) for holding it. In addition to this, I would like you to consider one objection to your argument and respond to it.  So for example, if you hold that Kramer’s position is the right one, state why you think this way. This should be your first paragraph and should be around 1/2 page (when written single space). Then, after you give your reason(s), consider a reason to disagree with your own view. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who would look for a weakness in the argument you just gave in the first paragraph and try to take it down (the stronger your objection, the better!). Then, respond to this objection. Defend your overall view against it. This should be your second paragraph and should be also around 1/2 page (when written single space).  As to the criterion for what counts as an ethically proper medical intervention, you may assume the disease-based account like I did in the video or if you like, pick something else from Juengst’ article. But whatever you pick, you should state it clearly in your answer and briefly explain how that criterion draws the boundaries that differentiate an ethically proper medical intervention from enhancement.  If necessary, you may go over a full page a little. Here is an advice: once you write your second paragraph (or even when you are still thinking about what to write) you may end up feeling the force of your own objection to your original view so much so that you may come to think that you need to change your original view and hence the entire first paragraph! In that case, remember that this is a process. Do not feel like you should just stick with something you wrote earlier simply because it is already written. If you are no longer confident in the idea you were defending earlier, be brave, and start over! Also, your argument does not need to be perfect (that is, so decisive that no rational being can ever doubt it). So you may ignore some faults that you see with it. The point is to make a modest contribution to the ongoing debate using your own reasoning skills. If you feel that this can be done with what you have on the paper already, then you are ready to submit it.

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Epidemiology Assessment | Instant Homework Solutions

Epidemiology assessment brief  For this assessment, you are required to investigate the epidemiology of one of the following behaviours/risk factors and provide implications for policy, practice and future research.    ·  Eating high fat diet    Submission:  Your final submission will be a case study report:  · The case study must include the following components: o What is the behaviour/risk factor you are addressing and why o The epidemiology of the chosen behaviour/risk factor from global, regional  national and local perspectives (where applicable) o A commentary on the scale of the burden o Discussions to include wider implications for policy, practice and future  research o Key recommendations  · Use of your own analysis of the existing (published/publicly available) epidemiological data to inform your discussion is required.  o This data could be sourced from, for example, tables in published research articles or reports. You can also use secondary datasets (e.g. Demographic Health Survey) if you wish to but note that use of secondary dataset to support your case study is optional.  o Please follow best practice guidelines on plagiarism while using such data.  While writing up the case study report, please give particular attention to:  The context in which you are discussing the chosen behaviour/risk factor  Your approach to case study, in particular:  o The methods of your own analysis of existing epidemiological data, e.g. what epidemiological measures (e.g. prevalence, incidence, odds and risk ratios, attributable risk, etc.) you have chosen to discuss your case and why  o Your ‘pathway’ from analysis to recommendation – you may want to demonstrate, for example, how rising incidence of lung cancer in your context leads to the need for more effective tobacco control.  What could be concluded based on your own analysis, their implications for policy, practice and future research  List of references to be included in the case study (max number of references allowed=25)  Word length: 1500

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Mental Health in Men | Instant Homework Solutions

The paper should consist of the following elements: 1.     Title page: This page should include a brief title that reflects the content of your paper. In addition, you need to include the course information (course name and number), and your name. 2.     Introduction: Provide a brief introduction that sets the stage. In 1-2 paragraphs explain: 1.     What health issue for which population will be discussed in this paper; 2.     Explain the magnitude of the problem and why the selected topic is important; 3.     What the purpose of your paper is; and 4.     Explain how your paper is organized. 3.     Methods: Describe the process undertaken to complete a review of the relevant literature. In your description, provide the following information: databases searched (e.g., SCOPUS, AgeLine), search terms, number of references found, number of references selected and the rationale for the selection of the articles included in the review. 4.     Literature Review and Discussion: You are required to critically review the epidemiological information from the selected references and discuss the incidence and/or prevalence of the selected health issue among the selected population; its impact on population health; the contribution of social determinants of health; and the quality of the evidence reviewed. The epidemiological data reviewed should match with the focus of your paper as closely as possible. It is expected that the paper will be written based on information from a variety of sources including original research articles, official international, national, and local health/social organizations web sites and reports. At least 5 peer-reviewed original research articles published in scientific journals must be used. 5.     Conclusions and Recommendations: In this section, you must state appropriate conclusions based on the information reviewed and discussed in your paper. Recommendations must be made as they relate to public health/social policy, health advocacy, practice, and research. Reference List: Append a list of references cited in your paper. Paper Length, Organization, and Writing Style The paper must be 4 to 5 pages in length (1,200 to 1,500 words; double spaced), excluding reference list and title page. It should be written using American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition style. If students require assistance with APA writing style, they may consult with a librarian and/or check the APA online tutorials and webinars at: https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/ tutorials-webinars Information in the paper must be presented in a logical manner. Headings (e.g., introduction, methods), and sub-headings (e.g., epidemiology, contributing social factors) will help with the organization of your paper. All the data reported and any arguments made should be supported by referring to the reviewed literature and be cited properly. Abstract (optional): The abstract should provide a brief (maximum of 250 words), but informative summary of your entire research.

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