Two Limbs of Yoga | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Pick 2 of the 8 limbs of Yoga (other than asana) and explain them. 2. How is asana related to Yoga?   b.  Describe three things that a person may  learn or experience during yoga that may surprise them.

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Healthcare Quality Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

Assume that you are a Quality Officer who is responsible for one of the state’s largest healthcare organizations. You have been told that the quality of patient care has decreased, and you have been assigned a project that is geared toward increasing quality of care for the patients. Your Chief Executive Officer has requested a six to eight-page summary of your recommended initiatives. Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a 6-8 page paper in which you: 1.     Analyze three (3) quality initiatives for your organization. 2.     Determine the supporting factors that would aid in the reduction of healthcare cost in your organization without reducing quality of care for the patients. 3.     Differentiate between quality in a free market healthcare system and in single payer government system with three (3) examples for each. 4.     Specify three (3) common law quality initiatives that are still found in 21st century healthcare organizations. 5.     Defend your position on the importance of healthcare quality for your organization. Provide support with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position. 6.     Assemble a plan to protect patient information that complies with all legal requirements. 7.     Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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Appetite for Justice Synthesis Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

identify an issue related to food in Miami and propose a plan of action. By gathering two credible sources, you will offer the people of Miami two strategies to solve their issue and promote food justice.

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Weight Training Health | Instant Homework Solutions

analysis of a weight training and conditioning-related topic and its use in developing an overall fitness program for a healthy lifestyle. In this course, you will be able to research ANY weight training and conditioning-related topic.

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Health Service Administration | Instant Homework Solutions

Please respond to the following: Healthcare faces critical staffing shortages. Imagine you are part of the executive management team researching health care shortages. Outline some of the staffing shortages in the market where you live.  Are they consistent with national trends? Design a strategy that describes how your organization would alleviate some staffing shortages, including whether you would hire licensed practical nurses instead of registered nurses. Include concepts from readings throughout your program or from peer-reviewed journal articles.

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Informative/Persuasive Speech | Instant Homework Solutions

informative/ persuasive speech on the importance of consuming water. The main points are: Dangers of dehydration, dangers of over hydration, benefits water provides to our bodies and mental state of mind.

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Three Minute Mindfulness | Instant Homework Solutions

This exercise is quick to perform and is an easy way to begin a regular mindfulness practice. The Three-Minute Breathing Space can be the perfect technique for people with busy lives and minds. The exercise is broken into three sections, one per minute, and works as follows: The first minute:  Answer the question, “How am I doing right now,” while focusing on the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that arise and trying to put them into words. The second minute:  Keep awareness on the breath while gently noticing when the mind wanders to thoughts and then easing back into sustained awareness of the breath. The last minute:  Expand your focus of attention on the breath while observing the sensation of the ins and outs of each breath and how it affects the rest of the body. It can be rather challenging to keep a quiet mind during this exercise and often thoughts pop up. The idea is not to block those thoughts, but rather just let them come into your mind and then disappear back out again. Try just to observe them. Reflection: Describe your experience with The Three-Minute Breathing Space activity. Were you able to observe thoughts as they came into your mind and then allow them to disappear back out again? Discuss any mood or emotional responses you felt while doing this exercise. How could this activity be used within a human services organization to promote organizational effectiveness?

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Addressing Healthcare Labor Shortage | Instant Homework Solutions

What alternatives to loan forgiveness are there for addressing the healthcare labor shortage?

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Extremity Injury in Athletic Training | Instant Homework Solutions

Select an upper and lower extremity injury and come up with 2 seperate mock case studies that you describe in detail the progression from initial injury, evaluation, treatment, rehab and return to play. Each case must be at least one page in length.

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Community Health Journal | Instant Homework Solutions

This is for Los Angeles County Conduct a web search to identify online resources for the community you have selected for your final project. You may also wish to utilize any of the local community sites you identified in this module’s discussion topic. Write a journal assignment about how an issue affects your chosen community (or another community of interest) using the 3-4-50 framework. Use the San Diego Health and Human Services Agency for more information about the 3-4-50 framework. Look for these particular reports as you review health department websites: morbidity/mortality report, infectious disease report, and community health assessment. The following critical elements must be addressed: I. Describe how the chosen issue impacts the community. II. Apply the 3-4-50 framework as you craft your reflection. III. Utilize data from health department websites. Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal assignment must be 2 to 3 paragraphs

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