[ORDER SOLUTION] The Native American Population

1 paragraph about 3 ways the Native American population was decimated by the United States government

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Women’s Liberation Movement

The HELP movie.Analyze the social issues and focus on the main characters lives as they faced both racism, segregation, and being a woman in the 1960shttps://www.mov.onl/2021/01/the-help.html

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Thesis of The Improvement Associaion

Author’s Thesis Paper Instructions: CivicsThe author’s thesis paper is only two paragraphs and only one page. I am going to outline what exactly should bein each paragraph. There is no need to do extra research. The point of this project is to have you practice writing conciselyand with purpose. There is no room for fluff in this assignment.FIRST PARAGRAPH: You are summarizing the main point(s) of the podcast. Pick the THREE main points andsummarize what the author says. This should focus on the author’s argument, so identifying the overall main point or thethesis is imperative to doing this assignment well. You may add 1-2 sentences of supporting details, but this firstparagraph should be 4-6 sentences.SECOND PARAGRAPH: You are going to analyze the podcast according to Delaware’s Civics Standard:Students will understand the process of working within a political party, a commission engaged in examining publicpolicy, or a citizen’s group. Therefore, you will answer ONE of three questions writing a CSESET with two quotes:1. Political Party: Imagine you are working within a political party. How would you use the information in thispodcast to inform the actions and decision-making of the party?2. Public policy: Imagine you work within the government and write policy recommendations for the governor.What policy recommendation would you provide the governor based on the issue discussed in this podcast? Why?3. Citizen’s group: Imagine you are working within a citizen’s political group. How might you use the informationin this podcast to inform the decision-making and methods used by that group?Formatting? Double spaced.? 1-inch margins? Font is 12 point and Times New Roman.? Title of academic work is 18 point, Times New Roman, center aligned, and is title of paper.Podcats: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-improvement-association

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The History Of Slave Trade

By 1400, Europeans stopped enslaving one another.  What was the impetus for the evolution of the slave trade?  What were the consequences of this evolution of the slave trade in Africa?  Please cite the text, one of the module articles, and the module overview video in your response. read:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Cause World War 1

Of the 4 MAIN reasons for the cause of WWI, which factor contributed most to the outbreak of WWI?- a thesis- three body paragraphs-conlucsion

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Destruction of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

The decision to use Atomic bombs in order to end the war against Japan.  You will need to watch the short video below entitled “White Light, Black Rain” The decision to use Atomic weapons remains one of the most controversial, debated topics in history over seventy years later as evidenced by the criticism of some commentators regarding the decision of President Barack Obama to visit Hiroshima in May 2016. Do not plagiarize material from websites or other papers since your essay will be scanned by anti-plagiarism software. Your task is to analyze the decision of President Harry Truman to use Atomic weapons.  Imagine that you are an advisor to the President and you have been told to prepare a memo for him outlining the arguments on both sides of this question both for and against. Your response should present one moral argument for dropping the bomb, and one moral argument for not dropping it; one military argument for dropping the bomb, and one military argument for not dropping it; and one diplomatic argument for dropping the bomb, and one diplomatic argument for not dropping it.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Migrations of European Immigrants

The late nineteenth and early twentieth century in the U.S. was marked by migration, immigration, and movement of different racial and ethnic groups, fundamentally transforming the country and particularly American cities.  At the same time, the expansion of the federal government after the Civil War meant that that government policies could have a great influence on where people moved, or were moved to, and who would be considered a welcomed immigrant and who would be kept out.As you think about the movement of the groups studied, Native Americans, European immigrants and African Americans, determine whether their movements were voluntary or involuntary.  In your first post for the discussion, draw on course resources (readings, videos, and document problems) to answer the following questions in a substantial (1-2 paragraph)How would you compare the push and pull factors that drove each group to move?  What role did the U.S. government play in these migrations and in encouraging or forbidding movement?  How did the migrations of European immigrants and black Americans remake American cities and what were the consequences for race relations?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The American Racial Order

When we pivot the center to the experiences of diverse groups of actors in American history, we can pull away from a narrative driven by events such as the Civil War and instead focus on people.  In the set of chapters you have read this week, Takaki calls this period “Contradictions” to emphasize how the bargain that was struck to pass the constitution embedded slavery not just in the South, but in the fabric of the country.  Seeing this period as one dominated by conflict between the North and the South that will lead to Civil War overlooks how far race and slavery extended into the changing U.S., driving western settlement and the appropriation of Native lands, helping to fuel the Market Revolution, and showing immigrants from the East and West where their place in the American racial order would be.In your first post for the discussion, draw on course resources (readings, videos, and document problems) to answer the following questions in a substantial (1-2 paragraph) response by Friday night at 11:59pm.How did the growth of slavery affect the identities of the groups covered in this week’s module (women, Native Americans, Irish immigrants, Chinese Immigrants, Mexicans, and African Americans)?  Did it create conflict or coalitions between any of these groups?  How did racial slavery impact how newcomers to the United States found their place in a revised racial hierarchy?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gettysburg Address

Almost one hundred years separate Lincoln’s second inaugural address delivered on March 4, 1865 from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s open letter from Birmingham Jail written April, 16 1963. One hundred years is not a long time historically, but it is an eternity for a people oppressed and mistreated for several centuries, including most of the history of our young nation.Analyze Lincoln’s address and King’s letter:Discuss three things that connect Lincoln and King through these writingsDiscuss at least one thing that separatesthemWhat stands out most in your mind in Lincoln’s address and King’s letter?Select one other reading and or a video clip for this week and explain how it adds to your perspective of Lincoln’s address and King’s letter.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Gilded Age Nativism

After reading the Gilded Age Nativism transcript resource on the course page, respond to the following prompt. (this information is listed below)Note from instructor:   Note: I will be paying close attention to your thesis statement.  Also, make sure you ONLY use GMC library resources.  You must have citations and a reference, all in APA format. The main resource is listed below, I will send 2 more from my school library.In at least two well-developed paragraphs (and a paragraph is at least five to seven sentences) discuss the negative attitudes toward immigrants and the nativist sentiment that prevailed in the Gilded Age. Then, using credible from our school database compare these to the current attitudes in America about immigration and any political debate/discussion that surrounds it. The guidelines for this assignment are:Your response must be two well-developed paragraphs of a minimum of five sentences each.Your complete word count on this assignment must be at least 250 words.You must use at least three credible sources. One of these is the Gilded Age Nativism Resource on our course page. (Listed below)You must cite all direct quotes and paraphrased material with proper APA in-text citations in the paragraphs.At the bottom of your submission (right below the paragraphs), you must include an APA-style bibliography of all the sources you used.Your submission should be free of grammar, content, and style errors.

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