[ORDER SOLUTION] Populism in World Politics
Part 1 (50 marks)Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length.Climate Change and World PoliticsTerrorism: the impact of globalizationNationalism: primordial or social constructed?Regulation of Global TradeImogology and Reel Bad ArabsPopulism in World Politics (left and right spectrum)Revisionist RussiaGorbachev and PerestroikaPutinismClash of Civilizations & Clash of IgnorancePart 2 (50 marks)Answer the following two (2) questions. Each answer should be at least 5 FULL paragraphs in length – develop an argumentDiscuss the similarities and differences between the mentalities and International Relations practices in Cold War and Post-911 eras.Account for the continuities and discontinuities between the causes and effects of colonialism and neo-colonialism in reference to the two (2) documentaries we watched in class (Pilger – New Rulers of the World and Perkins – Economic Hitmen).
[ORDER SOLUTION] Equal Rights in American society
Throughout the course you have been viewing episodes from a variety of documentaries that present the history of diverse groups for information about their experiences and history, but you have also been assessing each film in your video journals for how they reflect the ways that each minority group faced challenges to their identity, and the strategies they used to protect their identity and use institutions to work towards equal rights in American society. Now that we have reached the end of the semester and you have watched all the assigned episodes, you will think and reflect on the entirety of the films, intended for a popular audience, and critique how they present the history of identities and institutions in the American past. In a short reflective essay (1-2 pages) consider the strengths and weaknesses of the documentaries we have viewed. What view of United States history is presented by adding these diverse perspectives? Were these films able to balance showing the challenges faced by diverse groups in American history as well as the strategies they used to affirm their identity, ie how should documentaries balance stories of discrimination versus stories of agency?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Historical Analysis of Film
Film Responses Instruction:Historical analysis of film requires a close reading of the film itself, but also a solid understanding of the historical context of the movies production and reception. The lectures and readings will provide some of this context, enabling you to interpret this film as primary documents, or as products of their specific historical time periods and as reflections of and contributors to transforming cultural and political discourses and debates.The goal of this assignment is to locate the film in its political, historical, and/or cultural context and offer your own response and insights. It is not simply a summary of the film, but provides you an opportunity to engage with film, critique it, and relate it to other readings and materials provided in class, and, when appropriate, your own knowledge and interests.In addition to the film, aim for at least two additional references. You may alsodraw on other resources that have not been assigned in this class, but you are not required to.Resources from class:William M. Tsutsui, “Looking Straight at “Them!” Understanding the Big Bug Movies of the 1950s,” 2007.Your papers should focus on critical analysis, rather than solely describing the plots of the films. Also, be sure to move beyond statements of opinion about whether you liked or disliked the film, which are not relevant to this assignment. For example, in your analysis, comment on the larger themes and context of the film: What political, social, or cultural issues does the film raise? What is the film critiquing? What position does it take?In this short assignment, you will not be able to address every issue or theme presented in a film, so you will have to make a decision about what aspects of the film you would like to focus on.This assignment also builds your skills at writing critical concise papers, a task that is an important academic skill, but can be very difficult. Take notes to organize your thoughts. Have someone proofread your assignment. Read your writing out loud to slow down your review so you can catch spelling and grammatical errors. Use words that make sense to you. Incorporating quotes from the films or readings is important but be selective and avoid lengthy block quotes (this is a short paper) and make sure you also introduce the quotes and explain their relevance in your own words.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Democratic-Republican Society
For our primary source reflection this week I want you to read two sources, “Address of the Democratic-Republican Society of Pennsylvania” and “Protest against the Alien and Sedition Acts.” After reading these, answer the follow questions:1. What types of freedoms are these documents concerned with? How do they overlap?2. What do these documents tell us about the negotiation of power and freedom in the early years of the United States?For our next two questions, I want you to read “The Laboring Classes.” is a newspaper article that discussed the conditions of workers in the Lowell, MA textile industry. It can be a bit of a difficult read, but after making it through, answer the following questions:3. How do you think the author viewed laborers based on this article? How does their brief discussion of slavery influence your response to this question?4. How does the author present the conditions of laborers in this period?
[ORDER SOLUTION] The American Scholar
1. How were Tecumseh and the War of 1812 connected?What was the role that identity and ideas of who was and was not an “American” in the conflicts which culminated in the War of 1812?What has been something we’ve learned in this class that has surprised you? How has this changed your perspective on the history of the United States?After reading both of these, answer the following questions (1&2 are about the Emerson piece, 3&4 are about the Thoreau). “Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The American Scholar” and “Henry David Thoreau, Walden Why does Emerson feel that American writers and artists are “cowed” and need to develop more boldness and originality?Why does Emerson describe self-reliance as a “manlike” quality?Thoreau’s statement, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,” is one of the most famous lines in American literature. What does he mean, and what does he think is the cause?What does Thoreau mean when he writes, “We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us”?Please number each response
[ORDER SOLUTION] Bulgaria During World War 2
I need the paper to be 100% original and look like a 15 year old wrote it. I need it to e 1000 words. I need citations, footnotes and a bibliography of books and websites you have used. Could the essay be about Bulgaria during ww2 and what happened there at the time.
[ORDER SOLUTION] The Process of Industrialization
do you think the process of industrialization led to more freedom or less freedom for people living in America? Please use AT LEAST TWO (2) documents from the DFA readings to support your claim.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
For this assignment, create a 500+ word essay OR a 5+ minute narrated presentation discussing the United States Constitution and its role in the evolution of civil rights and civil liberties. In your product, discuss the following points:introduce the history, purpose, and seven articles of the U.S. Constitution;introduce the Bill of Rights, including why and how it was created, as well as the ten amendments within.Note: As of November 2019 there were 27 amendments to the Constitution. But you don’t need to introduce them all within this assignment.You will likely need to reference materials from modules 1, 2, and 3 to complete this assignment. Additionally, here are two resources on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights that may help you with this assignment. Be sure to:use APA formatting. Do not include an abstract;incorporate at least two high-quality sources into your product;submit you product as a .pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, or .ppsx file, or as a link to a streaming video. If you need to submit a different type of file, contact your facilitator for prior authorization.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Aviation Impact on World Events
Answer one of the following questions in a one-page (not including cover and reference pages) APA-formatted summary report, and include your question in your report:In your opinion, had it not included the use of aviation, how would the outcome of the United States’ role in World War II have changed?Beyond the obvious change in aviation security, what other impacts did the use of aviation on 9/11/01 have worldwide that are still influential today?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Peace Without Victory
What does President Wilson mean by peace without victory? How will Wilsons Fourteen Points help end World War I? Further, do you think that the Fourteen Points will produce a lasting peace? In other words, will this help Wilson make good on his promise to end all wars and make the world safe for democracy?
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