[ORDER SOLUTION] Understanding The Islam Religion

What do you know about Islam? Obviously, if you were to turn the TV on today, you would see reports about the struggle over Jerusalem between Muslims and Jews. A conflict that has been going on for many years. Many people have family members who have served or are currently serving in the Middle East. Why? When you meet a Muslim, how does it make you feel? Has the media tainted your opinion about the religion to where you fear them or distrust them? Do you lump all Muslims together as being radical, terrorists, or haters of the West? What do you know about the history of Islam? Is it a faith full of infidels? Is it a real monotheistic faith? Where does it separate from Judaism or Christianity? Why do you believe what you believe in your own personal faith?You are tasked with writing a 2-page discussion piece over Islam. You are free to choose to talk about the history of the religion, the modern conflicts that involve the religion, or just a discussion about how Islam makes you feel as an individual. Remember that there are good and bad people in any faith, regardless of if it is a monotheistic or polytheistic religion. Be careful not to stereotype or categorize people that you do not know. Do research and learn something about the religion as you write this paper. You must write this paper in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced. You do not have to cite sources as this is a discussion-based paper and there should not be any direct quotes in your essay.

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[ORDER SOLUTION]  Freedom of Speech

3 Page Essay on the 1st Amendment – Freedom of Speech. Write an essay supporting your point of view.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The American Indian Movement

1. Why did relations between the United States and Cuba sour in the 1950s and what was Fidel Castro’s justifications for his actions? How was the Bay of Pigs invasion planned and carried out, and what was the outcome? What further events transpired during October 1962 that brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war? What is the status of affairs between the two countries today?2. How and why did the United states go through a process of rapid urbanization beginning in the 1920s? What was nativism and how was it related to urbanization and modernization? How did the growth of cities affect the development of a common American culture during this time? What impact do cities have on American society today?3. What were the Indians of All Tribes (IOAT) activists who occupied Alcatraz Island hoping to achieve and what was the outcome of their protest? Related (but not the same group) what was the American Indian Movement and what were some civil rights concerns that sought to address? How have these concerns been addressed since 1968 and what are the general conditions of Native American reservations today?Write an essay and discuss three topics in separated sections. Make sure include all the sub-questions in ordered and cited in MLA format. Each topic would be at least 350 words. Website citation is preferred.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Trade and Early Colonization

DiscussHow was the experience of the fur trade and early colonization different for First Nations and Inuit?there is more info below.make it two paragraphs

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Marxist Theory of International Relations

Please write the below:Dear all,Here is the test. Write your answers on a Word file and submit into Test 1 folder under Assignments.Part 1 (50 marks)Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length.RealismIdealisPost-StructuralismPost-ColonialismNeo-LiberalismCommunitiesNationalismSocial ConstructivismMarxist Theory of International RelationsSuez Crisis of 1956Cold War HistoriographyColonialism and Scientific RacismEconomic HitmenCuban Missile Crisis and its ConsequencesNAMerodes state sovereignty. Yes or No? Discuss.Part 2 (50 marks)Answer the following two (2) questions. Each answer should be at least 5 FULL paragraphs in length – develop an argumentWhich of the following theories (can be more than 1) of International Relations help explain and understand world politics since 1945 – Realism, Liberalism, Marxism, Social Constructivism, Post-structuralism, Post Colonialism?Discuss the creation of the post WWII international order and the way it intertwined with the process of decolonization.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Disability Rights and History

WATCHhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxrS7-I_sMQAfter watching “Inspiration Porn,” summarize what message you believe the speaker is trying to convey?  What is the Social Model of Disability? Do you come across inspiration porn on TV or social media?  What is your reaction to these images?  Did your opinion of these images change after viewing this Ted Talk?Written Work Requirements:Written assignments must be typed, use a 12 point Times New Roman font, and appear professional. Margins should be 1 inch.  All open ended and essay responses must be in APA formatting style (see details in the next section). You are expected to proofread your assignments prior to submission, checking for spelling, grammatical, and spacing errors.  The professional quality and appearance of your work is as important as the content of your work. Points will be deducted from each assignment if “Written Work Requirements” are not used. 

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Consequences of War

1. Introduction and Thesis-Introduce the artwork titles, period styles and artists names ( Rubens’ Allegory of War & Velasquez’ Surrender at Breda)-Briefly state what you believe is significant about these artworks-What works of art you will be discussing and why you think they are important2. Stylistic analysis-Correctly identify artwork titles, period styles and artists names ( Rubens’ Allegory of War & Velasquez’ Surrender at Breda)-Compare the artworks by discussing key stylistic characteristics associated with artists and period styles-Apply art history vocabulary correctly and uses it to support your stylistic analysisWhat make these works stylistically significant?3. Cultural analysis-Compare the artworks by discussing key cultural issues associated with artists and periods-Discuss how the cultural context of each period influenced the artistic development of the period style (Make connections between cultural context and style)-What makes these works culturally significant?4. Conclusion and Thematic Connection-Analyze the ways art can affect and/or reflect cultural, political and social issues-Draw conclusions about the artist / society which produced the artwork from the comparison-What “Thematic Connection” can you make between the two works of art that helps you better understand them or the culture they represent?5. Research-Incorporate 3 our more sources (outside of module text) to support your analysis-Properly cite your sources using MLA format-Include a list of “Works Cited”-Scholarly professional web site (for example, a museum, research institute or university)nonfiction book published within the last 50 yearsan art history textbook such as Garnders Art Through the Ages, Jansen’s, or Schneider-Adams-Professional art historical publication (magazine or journal child)-Oxford/Grove Dictionary of Art Online-Credible professional websites such as those of museums, galleries, and universities, for example:The Getty CenterThe Metropolitan Museum of Art***don’t use Wikipedia!!!Thematic Connection 35%Stylistic Significance 25%Cultural Significance 25%Research & Citations 10%Writing Mechanics 05%

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Forces of Nazi Germany

– Course paper must use footnotes (not endnotes) for references and include a list of cited sources and literature. Any consistent style may be used for footnotes and the list of cited works. Students are advised to use double spacing and Times New Roman 12 for font.- Introduction to the course paper (usually 1,000-1,500 words) must contain an explanation of the puzzle, problem, or research question addressed in the paper. It must explain the structure of the paper: the sequence of steps undertaken in pursuit of the answer to the research question. Usually, each chapter represents a consecutive step in the overall analytical design of the paper. Introduction must also contain a review of sources and literature used by the author (at least 500 words)-Conclusion (usually no more than 500 words) must summarize the argument of the paper. It may also offer brief normative and/or pres?r?ptive judgments (up to 300 words).Course paper structure:The course paper should consist of the following parts:• title page;• table of contents;• introduction (including the brief des?r?ption of used primary and secondary sources); • body (the main chapters of the paper);• conclusions and recommendations;• list of referred literature and other sources;• appendices;The title page includes the official information of the academic institution, authors and  those of the final paper .Though it is not numbered, the title page is the first page of a course paper. It should  contain the information as follows:• full name of the academic institution;• the author’s name, study year and group number;• the title of the paper (in the language it was written);• the programme subject on which the paper is written;• the supervisor’s academic degree, pedagogical title, full name;• location (city) and date (year).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] African American History Month

Times new roman 12 font1 inch marginnumber pagesUse these articles:https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/10544881/richard-sherman-seattle-seahawks-thinks-nfl-proposed-n-word-ban-atrocious-ideahttps://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-eric-holder-department-justice-african-american-history-month-programResearch Project5-7 pages; (25%)—you must write at least 5 full pages, the base-level requirement, or you’ll earn a zero.Please remember that you must submit your papers via Blackboard’s SafeAssign–to submit your paper, click the SafeAssign essay link on BB under Content and you will be prompted to upload your paper. I absolutely do not accept hard copies, papers submitted through email, pdfs or Pages—I only accept Word docs. If you submit your paper any of these ways, I will not grade it. I also will not email you telling you that I won’t grade it. You are responsible for properly submitting your paper through Blackboard and you are responsible for submitting the correct paper through Blackboard. If you submit the wrong paper or a corrupted document that does not open, that is the paper I am grading. BB gives you multiple attempts to submit your paper and you can review the document that you are submitting so that you know you are submitting the correct document.Regardless of your topic or text(s), work towards developing an original idea that moves beyond what we have said in class–there should be some tension in your ideas! Provoke. Put forth an argument that a reasonable person could reasonably argue against. Our class discussions can influence your argument, but a strong essay should also say something new about the text. In other words, you want to use this assignment to showcase your own ability to think critically and imaginatively about our texts. Simply put, don’t be boring because you aren’t. The goal is to develop a coherent and clear argument supported by specific textual examples and analysis. Be sure to have a thesis/main idea/main argument: What is your main point and why should your audience care? Say why your argument matters. Your main point should be clearly articulated by the end of the first or second paragraph of the paper. Stay away from clichés, opinions and platitudes (avoid the “Hallmark card” thesis). Some questions to keep in mind: Did you teach the audience something new? Did you approach the issue from a fresh angle that in turn generated new insights? Do not give me a book report full of summary. Above all, be creative.Choose ONE of the following prompts:Regardless of your topic, at least four reputable, outside sources are required (no popular magazines, Wikipedia entries or sources like your cousin’s blog, etc.). Some sources that you may want to consider: Bomb, Salon, Slate, The New York Times, National Public Radio, The Guardian, Believer and The New Yorker.1. Traditional Research Essay: Choose an issue that came out of our shared texts or one that interests you deeply (please run it by me first) and write a paper where you analyze that issue in relation to at least two texts that we’ve studied. These are your two primary texts. Read some articles about the issue that you’re exploring. These are your secondary sources. Briefly comment on what you think are the important points raised by your secondary sources. Then you’ll have to position yourself in the critical conversation that your secondary sources are engaged in (i.e. critics A and B say this; I’m saying that, or I agree/disagree/both with critic A or critic B). The rest of the essay will show how well you support your thesis/main point. Feel free to bring back the outside sources into the conversation as/if you see fit.One suggested outline for this option:A. Introduction/Thesis (properly introduce your topic and set up your thesis/argument—1 to 2 paragraphs)B. Brief summary of and engagement with your four outside, secondary sources (per source: short summary—2 sentences—and then a longer analysis—3 to 4 sentences—about 1 paragraph in total per source)C. Close, specific analysis of your two primary texts in support of your thesis/main point (you may bring in your outside sources again here if you want—this is the heart of your essay, where you forward your ideas and where you shine)D. Conclusion: short and sweet! After writing your first draft, see if your thesis is indeed better articulated in your conclusion than in your introduction, where it might be vague since you hadn’t done the work of writing through your ideas yet. If this is the case, then cut/paste and make your conclusion part of your introduction.2. Expanding Online Work: Choose a topic that you wrote about in one of your shorter online writing assignments on our Discussion Forum and expand that topic into a longer, formal essay. Again, you will need to engage with four reputable outside sources that speak to your topic and write 5-7 pages. You may find the above outline helpful here.3. The Review: write a review of an album, film, tv program, podcast, café, restaurant, museum exhibit, etc. You will still need to write 5-7 double-spaced pages in total (so you may want to review two restaurants or two albums, etc.—your choice). For your four outside sources, you may engage with other professional and reputable critics who have also reviewed your chosen album, film, etc. Put yourself in conversation with them (keep our “They Say and I Say in response…” model in mind). Your thesis/main argument will be your reasons for recommending (or not) your chosen text. Be sure to cite and engage with strong examples from your album, film, restaurant, etc. to support your argument about its worth. You may make a list of your top songs or films of 2020 (or 2021) and then argue a case for each, again, citing and engaging with professional critics who have also reviewed these texts.4. Advice Column. Building on our Savage Love advice column assignment, expand on the advice column you submitted in April.Remember, you are both the person seeking advice and the person giving advice. Just like Savage, you will have to use a specific rhetorical strategy in giving advice. Your rhetorical strategy in offering advice should be clear to your audience. In addition to your original advice column, you will need to write at least two more letters seeking advice along with two substantial responses to these letters. Your responses should be longer than the letters.Above all, aim to avoid giving cliched advice; be creative, thoughtful and counter-intuitive like Savage is in his approach. Be sure to give your advice column a name. For this longer project, you’ll need to cite and analyze four outside, reputable sources in your responses to the issues that people write to you about. Your outside sources should help you address their problem for which they are seeking advice. Again, you’ll have to write at least 5-7 double spaced pages and engage with at least four outside, reputable sources that ate in keeping with the issue(s) you explore in your advice column.At the top of your document, remember to be sure to provide one short paragraph where you set up your advice column, explaining the kind of advice column you write for. For example, do you offer readers advice about school; career; relationships; gardening; sports; family; finance; fashion, etc. What makes you the expert?Remember, you must provide a Works Cited page for your four outside, secondary sources.Email or call or Zoom with me, make an online appointment at the Writing Center and consult our Handbook for Writers folder (on Blackboard under Content) for further guidance.Remember that projects must be double-spaced with 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and titled with pages numbered. Give your papers an original title, one does good work for you and reflects your thesis/main point.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Balancing Power in The Constitution

First Paragraph: Hook your audience into wanting to read or hear your speech. You can tell a story or use a quote. Introduce the event and basic facts like people and places. Use at least three to five sentences.Second paragraph: Discuss the separation of powers and checks and balances. Use examples to explain the difference between the two ideas.Third paragraph: Discuss the position of the Federalists related to ratification of the Constitution. Use facts.Fourth paragraph: Discuss the position of the Anti-Federalists related to ratification of the Constitution. Use facts.Fifth paragraph: Summarize and review what you wrote.

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