[Get Solution]Colonial Authorities

Pick two of the three questions and write a 3-5 page paper (roughly 2 to 2.5 pages each) in a Microsoft Word document (double spaced, 12 point font). Draw from your readings. Please upload your answer in a Microsoft word document.1) In our course, we have learned that the colonial years were marked by many […]

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[Get Solution]The Human Race

4. St. Augustine’s “City of God” is a classic text of Christian thought in the Middle Ages. Explain why he argues that the human race was condemned by original sin, why government must be obeyed, and why true justice and peace are not of this world.         So much stress and so […]

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[Get Solution]Ancient History

In our last weeks together, we saw the transformation of the Greeks into an international power under Alexander. Describe the THREE most important accomplishments of Alexander and how they impacted Greek society in the centuries after his death.         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your […]

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[Get Solution]Importance of Charlemagne to the Middle Ages

Write a one-page paper and give details about the importance of Charlemagne to the Middle Ages.  Assignments are one page double-spaced, Times New Roman 12, with normal margins. You will be able to see the subject beforehand. Students must first work in a Word document and then copy it to the box or add it […]

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[Get Solution]Christian Hypocrisy

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 words per question1.Discuss the unique female perspectives about slavery as offered by Jacobs and Truth, and why it was, and still is, necessary to differentiate between male and female experiences during slavery.2.Explore the theme of Christian hypocrisy in Douglass’s narrative. Why do you believe it was […]

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[Get Solution]WWI and WWII

In a concise essay of a minimum of 3 pages, incorporate the answers to the following questions: 1. Why did the USA take the position of Isolationism at the beginning of WWI and WWII?2? Why was communism seen as a threat and what steps did the government take to try to put America forth as […]

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[Get Solution]Lost Kingdoms of Africa

watch these two videos and answers the questions afterward. Lost Kingdoms of Africa 4 of 4 West Africa(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW_kaUuUg8Y) Africa, you won’t see on TV(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfG-5ZhI3wk) 1-What did you learn about Africa? 2-How does not know this information contribute to stereotypes about Africa?3-Why do you think Hollywood never shows Africa in this way? For more information on […]

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[Get Solution]Korean War

Instructions:  Read the following Discussion question carefully, then submit an original answer.  Your answer should be at least a few sentences to a paragraph in length.  There is no “right” or “wrong” answer, but your opinion should be well-reasoned and based on fact.  (no references needed) this is just an opinion.. Do you feel President […]

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[Get Solution]Animation

Since half of the points of the term paper are earned by following the Format Specifications, make sure you carefully follow these requirements: Length: minimum length for the body of the paper is 1250 words, not including the cover page and a Works Cited page. Text Format: All text 12pt Times or Cambria. All text […]

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[Get Solution]Film Comparison

1.) How does the film version of the historical incident, personage, period, etc., relate to the written source? 2.) Please compare the film version to the “written” history. Pay close attention to how the history of the period, place, persons, etc., are handled in the film—is there significant time compression, are the events dramatized greatly […]

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