Human resource management
Metrics in Human Resource | Instant Homework Solutions
In order for an effective change to be carried out, there are many steps that organizations must consider. Recognizing how changes impact individuals, groups, and the organization is extremely important. Furthermore, understanding the role that metrics play when making decisions about change can often mean the difference between a change that is accepted and a change that is rejected. Consider the scenario below. Over the past seven years, Company ABC has experienced much growth. While individuals have been extremely satisfied about the workplace culture that the company has created, several employees are dissatisfied with their pay. Furthermore, the organization continues to experience high rates of turnover, specifically within the past few months, due to the fact that a local competitor continues to offer higher wages and better benefits. The CEO of your organization has decided that something needs to change. While you believe it is important to offer competitive pay, you also recognize the benefits of fully understanding what is going on, before a change is implemented. Therefore, for this assignment, do the following: Develop a quantitative instrument to assess workplace satisfaction. Specifically, focus on topics like workplace culture and total rewards when creating your survey. Recently, 10 previous organizational employees, who left to join Organization XYZ (your competitor), offered to come back for interviews to further discuss why they chose to seek employment elsewhere. Develop a list of interview questions that you plan to ask to further determine why these employees may have left Company ABC. Then, in a three- to five-page paper, which does not include your title page, references, or the instruments that you developed, do the following: Explain the differences between qualitative and quantitative metrics. Detail the benefits and drawbacks associated with qualitative and quantitative metrics. Justify which instrument you believe will be most effective in soliciting information from employees. You must support your analysis with at least three scholarly references
Labor Unions in the 21st Century | Instant Homework Solutions
Labor Unions and their place in the 21stCentury. This subject needs academic research and then personal observations. Remember to base the personal comments on your research and stay away from sources that are for or against unions. Make sure the sources are objective. Your response should include: A summary of why an organization, such as unions, was needed in the 20th century in America. Why did employees seek the protection of a union in the 1930s? What part did the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Acct) play in union organizing? What were some major union highlights needed to show you have a good understanding of the creation of unions? After your research, do you feel that employees still need unions in the workplace? If YES, explain why and if NO, explain why. Be specific in your response use data from academic sources and news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, New York Times, etc. Make sure that your sources have authors – and please don’t use any sources that are for or against unions. Verify that the reporting is objective.
Relevant Research in HR | Instant Homework Solutions
Compare your company’s human resource management against textbook ideas and other relevant research. Use a former company if you are between jobs or retired. Using 2-3 resources.
Developing a Valuable Employee | Instant Homework Solutions
Developing a Valuable Employee Stephanie has been working for Organization CDC for 15 years as an administrative assistant. Due to advances in technology, many of her responsibilities, which were described it in her job description no longer apply. Furthermore, the organization has begun to outsource many administrative type functions. Stephanie is a valuable member of the workplace and is highly respected by those in charge. In fact, for 10 years, Stephanie worked directly for the CEO, who still sings her praises. Given Stephanie’s relationship with the organization, as well as her desire to continuously improve, it has been determined that Stephanie will fulfill the function of a data analyst assistant. Stephanie’s new responsibilities encompass generating reports, analyzing the information presented on these reports, and presenting and distributing report data. While Stephanie has taken one statistics course in college, her statistics knowledge is lacking. Therefore, in order to assist her during this time of transition, you have been asked to design a personalized employee development plan. You know that Stephanie needs to develop her statistical and analytical knowledge, so, consider this as her area of improvement. For the purpose of this assignment, do the following- Include SMART goals that Stephanie needs to achieve. Compile a list of developmental activities and explain what resources are needed to complete these activities. Explain how knowledge will be assessed. Specifically, what does success look like? Explain how the Human Resources (HR) Department can assist Stephanie in achieving her goals. Submission Requirements Write a five- to seven- page paper, not including the title and reference pages, which are required. Your paper must be properly cited and formatted APA 7 with at least three scholarly references.
Disability Discrimination | Instant Homework Solutions
Employment Rules and Regulation Project Instructions & Guidelines Write a 2,000 to 2,500-word paper on Disability Discrimination. Explain and discuss the history and background on your chosen topic (Disability Discrimination) Discuss how your topic is implemented in the workplace Give a real-world example of this topic Find and discuss a legal case on your topic Discuss the outcome of the legal case? Did you agree with the ruling of the case and why? How could the organization prevent this legal case? * All papers are written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. * Work and Ideas must be supported with scholarly peer-reviewed sources from ProQuest and EBSCO within Gwinnett Technical Colleges Library.
Employee Training | Instant Homework Solutions
Continuously training and developing employees is critical to an organization’s success. During tough economic times, it is not uncommon for organizations to cut their training and development budgets first, thereby impacting the workforce. While many large organizations have funds that are readily available to train and develop employees, smaller organizations operate under a limited budget. For this week’s discussion, do the following: Identify one large organization (usa based) that you believe has a strong employee training and development program. Provide information about this organization and why you selected their program. Explain the benefits/unique features of the organization’s training and development program. Finally, explain how the program selected can be applied, in some way, in a small organizational setting operating within a limited budget.
Employee Development Plan | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment, you will be developing/creating a personalized employee development plan. The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think more about where you currently are, where you hope to go, and how to achieve your goals. In order to effectively complete this assignment, do the following: Review the video, in its entirety, below. (I’ve included the transcript attached). Provide a detailed summary of the content provided throughout Sections 1-3. Section 1: Setting the Stage Section 2: Making the Plan, Working the Plan Section 3: Managing the Emotional Journey Explain how the information learned, in each section, will help you to achieve your goals and become a stronger HR professional. Finally, in the Lynda video, under Exercise Files, download the and open the Vision Mission Wksht.pdf file titled, “Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals Worksheet.” Explain why you included the information that you did and what is most important to you, in terms of the content provided on this worksheet. Attach this worksheet to your assignment file upload.
Role of HR in Change Management | Instant Homework Solutions
Leadership has selected you to develop a Q & A Reference Sheet for a human resources department retreat focused on the role of human resources in change management. Your supervisor has given you the topics to cover and asked you to write these in an engaging question-and-answer format. To complete this Assignment, review the learning resources attached and create a Q & A Reference Sheet that includes questions and answers that cover the following bullets in a 2-3-page document. Identify a recent change in your organization or in an organization with which you are familiar. Briefly describe the role of human resources in the implementation of the change. Explain one change management strategy that was used (or could have been used) and your rationale for why it is important. Explain the HR responsibility for communication and employee support in the change management process.
Job Posting | Instant Homework Solutions
During a recent interview with a new hire, a candidate was asked several discriminatory interview questions. The candidate filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After your organizations chief executive officer (CEO) was contacted by an investigator at the EEOC, you, as the newly hired human resources (HR) director, were asked to develop a new recruiting strategy and hiring process that will meet EEOC regulations. This process is needed immediately because a new mid-level manager needs to be hired. Your CEO has asked you to recommend your strategy for filling this position. Once you develop your strategy, you will then have to prepare a presentation in which you will brief and train the organizations leadership who will be assisting in this hire. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for this briefing/training. The items below should be addressed in your presentation. Explain at least two federal laws against discrimination that apply to recruiting and hiring employees in your organization. Include what can happen if the laws are violated. Explain the pros and cons of three possible recruiting strategies. Recommend one to be utilized for this hire, and explain why you selected this strategy. State the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) for the mid-level management position for which you will be hiring. You must have a minimum of three for each area. Develop the job posting for the mid-level manager. Discuss the hiring process and how the hiring decision will be made. Develop five nondiscriminatory interview questions. Discuss what should not be done in the interviews, and give examples of five discriminatory questions that must be avoided; explain why. Discuss any legal considerations to be aware of during the selection process. Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 14 slides in length, not counting the title or reference slides. You must utilize the slide notes function in PowerPoint to add speaker notes to each slide; these notes should be used in order to explain or expand on slide content as if you were actually presenting this to your audience. Alternatively, you may add audio to the slides, but if you do so, you will need to provide a transcript of your audio in a separate Word document and upload it in Blackboard in addition to the PowerPoint file. You must use at least three sources to support your presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.
Potential Concessions | Instant Homework Solutions
For this discussion the class will be divided into groups of four to five students. As you work together to identify and develop three potential concessions, you should keep in mind the following critical elements: Sharon Slade’s and Alice Jones’ ZOPA and BATNA positions developed in Milestone One and the individual Module Four discussion. Areas where Netflix has flexibility: These areas may include: modifying the performance improvement plan, shifting Alice to another position, outplacement benefits, employee health benefits, and so on. Other concessions, such as payment for accrued vacation time, may or may not be negotiable because the company has a formal severance policy. Legal vulnerability: You should also consider the degree of legal vulnerability the company has in this situation. For example, what is the probability that Alice Jones could sue for age discrimination? In addition to the potential concessions, your instructor will evaluate your participation in the assignment: Participation: Complete and submit and group member evaluation form during the same week of the workshop. Use this form to evaluate your own and your group members’ performance on the small group assignment. Your review should be objective, fair, and professional. Your group should come to a consensus of potential concessions and post this by Thursday so you are able to move on to the next part of the discussion. Then, over the next few days, your group should work together to finalize your list of your top three concessions by the end of the module week.
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