Anticipation of Objections and Response to Objections | Instant Homework Solutions

Put yourself in the shoes of Alice Jones, the executive who is being considered for termination in the Netflix case study. What objections or concerns might you express during the negotiation session if you were Alice Jones? Some examples could be: Alice claims the action being taken is discriminatory and threatens to sue for wrongful termination. Alice requests job placement or relocation benefits in order to transition to another job. For your first post, share three objections you would make if you were Alice Jones. Then, propose responses from Sharon Slade that would help steer the process to a successful conclusion and help maintain a positive relationship between the two parties.

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The Evolution of Human Resource Functions | Instant Homework Solutions

Based upon what you have learned, and the research you have conducted, why is it important for HR Management to transform from an administrative and operational function to a strategic partner? Provide a brief history of the HR function (i.e., not more than 1 page), and research regarding a specific organization of your choice that has successfully made this transition to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least five (5) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources). References must include the name of the author and the date of publication. Websites are not acceptable. Format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, an introduction and a labeled conclusion in accordance with the course rubric, a minimum of five (5) FULL pages of written content, and a references section. Double-space all work and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual.

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Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity | Instant Homework Solutions

Choose HRM topic from Chapters 1-2 and write brief literature review. Instructions: Each concept literature review will contain 4 articles combined with personal observations/experiences/opinions about the concept. The articles read need to be current (within the last 5 years), and 2 should be from scholarly journals whereas the other 2 can be from reputable sources. Be sure to cite (APA style) appropriately within the text. Remember that a literature review is a collection of what experts think about the topic mixed with personal connections to the concept. Be sure to include a References page.

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Human Resource Case Scenario | Instant Homework Solutions

As a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm, your boss (Will N. Trusts) presents you with the following two scenarios: Scenario 1 Gary, an estate planner, works on a contract basis for our clients at “State of Estates”. On occasion, we contract Gary to handle a specific client for a specific estate planning job. Per our contract with Gary for these specific clients, he is paid commission on a weekly basis based on the overall fee received by the firm. When working for these specific clients, Gary is able to use our office space, equipment, and any supplies necessary to complete the job. To ensure consistent work product and regulatory compliance, Gary submits his work to a supervisor, who approves it and send it to the client on behalf of our firm. Recently, we had to lay Gary off in the middle of a job and he filed for unemployment compensation. What legal tests could be employed to determine whether Gary is an independent contractor or employee? Based on these tests, what is your conclusion as to Gary’s status: independent contractor or employee? Scenario 2 Susan, a financial products representative in our Nebraska office, landed a major Mutual Fund client just six weeks before planning to retire. In the interim, and before her commission was paid, she was let go by our firm. We did not have a contract for employment with Susan. She is now suing us for wrongful termination. Would any exceptions to Susan’s at-will employment apply under these circumstances? Does it make a difference if Susan was employed in our Florida office? Apply the concept of employment at-will and its various exceptions, including differences in approach to at-will among the states. Write two 175-word memorandums based on the scenarios in one document. The memos should be written in third-person voice, and include citation of references (both in-text and at the end of the memo) in APA format.

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HR Solutions Case Scenario | Instant Homework Solutions

You are the HR manager of a small organisation that employs 200 people, you only graduated with a first-class honours degree and this is a new role for you, you studied HR in college, and you felt it was time for a change. The role is also new to the organisation and they made the decision to employ a HR manager following a merge with another organisation. They have no policies or any employee training in HR, meetings are long and only take place to allow top management to stay on top of developments. They have had a lot of challenges getting the right people, the poor negative culture has made retention of any talent very difficult, this coupled with the MD seeking to introduce a performance management system to increase profits and get rid of some of the “dead wood” there are many challenges not just from a HR point of view, however the following are the most urgent. To help you the MD has given you the budget to take on HR staff on a six-month basis (this will be your group) recruitment. What you need to achieve: 1.    Come up with a HR solution to the challenges bearing in mind the restrictions in the law 2.    Make clear and solid and detailed recommendations to the MD on how to proceed 3.    List the pitfall’s and the challenges that you may face

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Recruitment Project | Instant Homework Solutions

You are a Consultant Recruiter with XYZ Recruitment, Inc. You have been contracted by “State University” to assist them with the recruitment and selection of a Project Associate for the university. A job description for this position is attached to assist you with the development of your action plan and presentation.

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Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) | Instant Homework Solutions

Identify a specific public agency that you will focus on throughout the course. You are free to select any public agency, and you will not necessarily need to have direct access to it. Ideally, identify an agency setting where you are or have been employed, but you may use any public agency. Assignment Instructions In your assignment, address the following: Identify a specific public agency you will focus on throughout the course. Provide an overview of the agency’s mission, scope of operations, and the community it serves. Evaluate how an HRIS brings value to the overall HR function of the agency. Provide a specific example to support your argument. Evaluate the potential value of HRIS in improving communications between the agency and other agencies for HR-related issues. Provide a specific example to support your argument. Evaluate the potential value of HRIS in improving communications within the agency itself. Provide a specific example to support your argument. Analyze the potential value of HRIS in organizational management, specifically to the management of discrete programs or projects within the organization. Provide a specific example to support your argument. Submission Requirements

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Motivation and Retention in IT | Instant Homework Solutions

Write a 1,000-1,250 word analysis in which you discuss retaining quality technical staff in organizations. Conduct research to discover some reasons why technical staff leave organizations and select one of the reasons. Once selected, describe at least two motivation theories that would best apply to retention strategies. Additionally, your analysis should address the following: 1. Identify and describe the top five reasons technical employees leave the organization. 2. Analyze the relevance of leadership style and employee motivation. Describe how leadership style may influence the employee performance. 3. Analyze the relevance of leadership style and employee retention. Evaluate how leadership style may influence the employee tendency to remain and perform at a high level with an organization. 4. Describe the leader’s role in both motivation and retention. Include at least three academic references for this assignment to support your analysis and reflection. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style V6  This assignment uses a rubric, please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Academic References  Moore, J. E., Hester, A. J., & Yager, S. E. (2016). Paving the Higher Road: The Role of Voice in the Retention of IT Workers. ACM SIGMIS Database for Advances in Information Systems, 47(1), 8–28. Korsakien?, R., Stankevi?ien?, A., Šimelyt?, A., & Tala?kien?, M. (2015). Factors driving turnover and retention of information technology professionals. Journal of Business Economics & Management, 16(1), 1–17. Wadhera, T., & Bano, S. (2020). Role of perceived organisational support, work engagement and workplace spirituality in turnover intentions of IT professionals. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(2), 128–135. Additional references if needed but do not source in paper please

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Staffing Strategy | Instant Homework Solutions

Write 525 words about strategic staffing decisions and the questions that should be asked when determining a strategy. Select three specific questions, and explain why they are important. 1. What’s better for and an organization External or Internal hiring? 2. Should an organization try to attract talent or relocate to where talent is easily accessible? 3. Should the a job have general or specific KSAO’s when it comes to hiring?

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Family Medical Leave Act | Instant Homework Solutions

Prepare a paper on the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993.  It should examine the policy goals of the act, and analyze contemporary issues that have resulted in legal challenges and judicial interpretations.  Special attention should be given to such issues that have involved public or nonprofit employers.  Provide three references

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