Human resource management
Human Resource Consultant | Instant Homework Solutions
As a human resources consultant, how can you convince the leadership team of an organization you are familiar with to take a more long-term investment approach to their human assets that will lead to a qualified, satisfied, motivated, and committed workforce? As you describe this organizational experience, consider the perspectives of senior leadership. Are these leaders seeking simple solutions to the complicated challenges of the present? Are they tradition-bound? What is their view of the HRM field? Note: These questions are not the focus of this discussion, but they help frame the reality that HR professionals must introduce new and different concepts to manage an organization’s workforce.
Evolution of HR | Instant Homework Solutions
From your reading, as well as your own observations and/or experience (if applicable), please describe how the human resource function has changed over the last decade or so. Do you anticipate any further changes to the human resource management role in the near or distant future? If so, please explain your rationale.
Evidence or Judgement | Instant Homework Solutions
For this discussion, your instructor will divide the class into groups of four to five students. Place yourself in the role of an employee named Tyler Cahill, whose annual evaluation has just been completed. As you review the annual performance evaluation, you believe that it was partly based on judgment and not evidence. However, you realize there are some gaps in your performance. Up to this point, you felt like you had a good working relationship with your manager. For your initial post, answer the following questions based on the Annual Performance Evaluation document. What are some examples in the performance evaluation document that are based on judgment and not evidence? In a forthcoming meeting with your manager, what is your plan to address that you believe part of the evaluation was not based on evidence? How will you explain to your manager why it is important for a manager and employee to agree on performance gaps based on evidence? Use the information from the readings for this module to support your plan.
Attracting Talent | Instant Homework Solutions
Now that job analyses and job descriptions have been completed for all positions needed for the new location, its time to recruit. The executive team already agreed the top three positions would be filled with internal candidates (Director of Operations, Manufacturing Manager, and Supply-Chain Manager). The selection of these candidates was done in a closed system with the executive team selecting the candidates based on the employees’ known KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Other) and overall performance. The remaining positions will be filled with external candidates. ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS: For this assignment you have given yourself the task of sourcing and attracting external talent for the 20 Warehouse Associates and must prepare a recruiting strategy that addresses the following: Overview of the targeted recruitment process including goals and objectives, key considerations, along with barriers that must be overcome Strategies for reaching passive job applicants Strategies for reaching a culturally diverse applicant pool Communication message what does the actual advertisement say? Communication media where will the position be advertised (list all locations and explain why). Your paper must be 3 – 4 pages, APA formatted (excluding the cover and reference pages) and must include at least two outside credible sources. Make sure any sources listed in the reference list also appear as an in-text citation and vice versa.
Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior | Instant Homework Solutions
XYZ Company has really grown since its inception, and it is important to top-level management that there is a strong human resource management system in place to help promote a strong culture with high morale and positive organizational behavior. As a human resources manager, you have been asked to design a presentation for top-level management regarding effective human resource management and organizational behavior. They would like to know more about the following as they relate to XYZ Company: Importance of managing human resources, Both Recruitment and retention, Both Fair treatment and legal compliance, Both Training and development, Effective organizational design, Promoting and sustaining a positive culture, and Embracing organizational change. Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists. 10slides
HRM and Employee Achievement | Instant Homework Solutions
I need a paper that discusses the functions of HRM and contribution of employees attaining organizational goals and objectives
Performance Reviews | Instant Homework Solutions
For this assignment, determine an effective process to evaluate the performance of one of your employees. As you have determined that periodic evaluations can be more beneficial than annual evaluations, you will be evaluating the mid-level manager who you hired and who has now been on board for 6 months. Your process should include an appropriate evaluation tool and a means of providing feedback on the employees performance issues. There are three parts to this project. You will begin by developing a performance review form that contains a minimum of 10 points of criteria. This template is a starting point and may be used as is or can be modified as you wish. The template has 10 points of criteria; however, you can add more if the specifics of the position warrant you doing so. Provide an explanation for each of the criteria. Remember, these should directly represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) as well as the requirements for the position. Develop a rating scale, and provide a legend that identifies the distinct performance rating definitions. There must be a minimum of three levels. (The template has three levels; however, you can add more.) Next, you will fill out your newly created form to evaluate the mid-level manager. This is, of course, based on the input of the immediate supervisor and your own assessment. Evaluate each criteria, and include a minimum of three criteria where the employee does not meet performance expectations. Summarize the employee performance appraisal in the comments section. Identify the employees strengths and weaknesses. Offer feedback and coaching on ways that the employee can improve his or her performance. Finally, you will write a one-page synopsis in which you explain the value of your evaluation process and new tool to your leadership team. Include the information below: how the changes will benefit the organization, how equal employment opportunity laws were considered, and strategies that leaders can use to address unmet employee performance expectations. Include two sources to support your explanation. The template is only a guideline. You are encouraged to modify it as you wish, as long as it still meets all of the above listed requirements. Combine your completed template and the one-page synopsis into one document (.doc or .pdf) to upload in Blackboard. Ensure that you include a title page. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. For more information on Performance Reviews check out :
Employee Recruitment and Selection | Instant Homework Solutions
Diversity within the workplace is becoming increasingly important. According to a 2016 SHRM survey, businesses found that inclusiveness in the workplace is self-perpetuating. For this assignment, complete the following requirements: Conduct an analysis to attract and recruit for a diverse workforce. Please include the following in your analysis: Identify a minimum of 3 methods that you would use to attract and recruit for a diverse workforce. Incorporate at least 2 employment recruitment laws that relate to employing a diverse workforce. Summarize how confidentiality and privacy within the workplace will be protected during the recruitment process
Op-Ed on Technology and Privacy Article | Instant Homework Solutions
Op-Ed As it is an op-ed, you must take a side, advocating in a compelling, yet civil and respectful manner. There may also need to be a recommendation of a course of action, so be sure to formulate your argument appropriately. Within the op-ed, overt reference must be made to the topic in reference to business management and connected to HRM and the workforce.
Attracting and Retaining Top Talent | Instant Homework Solutions
Attracting and Retaining Top Talent Intro: Attracting and retaining top Talent is not a new topic, but it remains one of the current issues in human resources management. There are a number of factors contributing to concerns about attracting and retaining Talent, including sustained record-low global unemployment, a widening skills gap and steadily declining average tenure. In 2018, the average tenure across all demographics was 4.2 years. However, this could be as low as one year on average for younger workers. 1. Give explanations and scenarios on putting money into supporting and training employees Improving lifestyles Better Work Performance Great workplace ora 2. Get adjusted to informing you employees that they are doing great at their jobs.(Give pats on the back) Confidence Gain Positive work environment Sense of stability 3. Avoid stack ranking. Stack ranking is a practice in which managers are asked to rank employees on a curve according to their performance with those at the bottom placed on performance improvement plans or fired straightaway. Fear of favorism Undermining workers ability Diminishes motivation 4. Try to let go on the Working 9 to 5 mentality. Companies with more flexible attitudes toward work hours are more successful in both attracting good talent and retaining it Give employees something to look forward too Bonuses Buy Lunches Conclusion : Summarizes what was said in the paragraphs
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