[Get Solution]Monograph-White Nationalism

Hate groups have been among us for hundreds of years, and as is mentioned in the NPR interview such hate groups were once known as the Ku Klux Klan and later it changed to white power and white supremacy and now the new more polished name is “white nationalist or “white nationalism.”  Instructions: For this […]

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Monograph-White Nationalism

Hate groups have been among us for hundreds of years, and as is mentioned in the NPR interview such hate groups were once known as the Ku Klux Klan and later it changed to white power and white supremacy and now the new more polished name is “white nationalist or “white nationalism.”  Instructions: For this assignment please see Modules – Week 3 – White Nationalism (podcast).  You have the option to listen to the podcast or download the transcript to read the interview, upon completion include all questions below in an essay format: Discuss Derek Black’s involvement in the white nationalist movement and explain Black’s vision for white nationalism. From the interview list four (4) beliefs/ talking points of white nationalist. How are white nationalist able to push their message to their followers…list three (3) ways. In your opinion why is white nationalism on the rise? Is this a group to be taken seriously…why or why not?  Explain thoroughly. At the end of the interview Derek Black makes the following comment “And now I look back on it – I said things that tried to energize racist ideas and get people to be more explicit about it. And then people who listened to that and who believed it – some of them committed horrible, violent acts. And what is my culpability and responsibility for how these things went out into the world? And they continue to bounce around in the world, and I can’t take them back. Like, that is a – that is a moral weight that is very difficult to reconcile.” What are your thoughts on Derek Black after leaving the movement…should he be deemed a hero? There are two (2) questions being asked here – 1. what are your thoughts on Derek Black after leaving the movement and 2. should he be deemed a hero? Please explain both in detail. List three (3) things you learned and found to be most thought provoking from Derek Black’s interview. Requirement: Papers must a 3 – 4 page word document, double-spaced with a 1” using Times New Roman, 12 font. This assignment is to be in essay format and free of spelling / grammatical errors, please do not number each question.  All quotes must be cited using the Chicago Writing Style format for additional information see Chicago Writing Style Information in Canvas.   A new paragraph is required after each bullet is complete. For your heading see below – no cover sheet.  In the top left-hand corner place your Full Name (1rst line), Critical Analysis number and Title of assignment (2nd line) date assignment due (3rd line). Example: Your Full Name Monograph – White Nationalism Date assignment due

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