[Get Solution]Kaizer Consulting

Kaizer Consulting is an international management consulting firm that specializes in business strategy and serves as a key advisor to the world’s leading companies.  It provides its clients with a unique insight to drive critical decision-making and solve their most pressing problems. Every year, the majority of Kaizer’s business comes from clients with whom they […]

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[Get Solution]The Strengths and Weaknesses of a Policy

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a policy of your choice. In contrast to the policy briefing, where you are looking forward to evaluating what may happen if different options are selected now, this essay asks you to evaluate a policy that has already been implemented. Answer with reference to the impact of the policy […]

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[Get Solution]Propositions of Feminism

Answer the following questions: Outline the major concepts and propositions of feminism. Describe the international situation in which a feminist interpretation of IR emerged. Evaluate/critique the validity of the claims made by feminist IR scholars. Provide examples. What is groupthink? Provide an example. Do you think this concept is relevant to today’s American politics? If […]

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Migration and Refugee studies | Instant Homework Solutions

“The world is experiencing the highest number of people fleeing since World War II. Explain the main reasons for this situation and discuss whether existing international mechanisms are suitable for dealing with the situation”.

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US Base Politics | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss and review relevant literature on Base politics relating to Basing nation, host nation and population.

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The Uranium One Deal | Instant Homework Solutions

Describe and explain the Uranium One Deal. To what extent, if any, did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians? Please review the attached information literacy tools that may help you with your research and writing of this paper. Citation and Reference Style Students will follow the Chicago Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the course. See http://www.apus.edu/Online-Library/tutorials/chicago.htm. A quick guide may be found at: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017 available online at: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html The Author-Date system is recommended. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/10/ All written submissions should be submitted in Times New Roman 12pt font with 1″ margins, typewritten in double-spaced format. College-level work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors.

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Business Culture Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions

“It is clear that international culture influences international marketing activities, but can international marketing activities also influence cultures?”

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Globalization the Vehicle for Cultural Imperialism | Instant Homework Solutions

The task is to “Critically examine the claim that globalisation is the vehicle for cultural imperialism”. The quality level expected for this paper is for a Master Degree or PhD.  This paper requires Harvard Style referencing. Essays should not exceed 3000 words including footnotes (but excluding bibliography). Address the topic, the whole topic, and nothing but the topic.  Reference a minimum of 15 sources, 8 of which should appear on the proposed resource lists. You are strongly encouraged to engage with the wider literature, and to utilise a broad array of sources, including reports, newspaper articles, and so forth. The above is the minimum required number of sources you should actively engage with in your essay. The essay shall be constructed in three parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Plus the bibliography. (Introduction) In the introduction, summarize your main argument(s) succinctly and accurately. Then explain why this argument(s) is important. Finally, provide a brief ‘map’ or outline for the reader: This essay will examine 1)… 2)… 3)… and 4)… . Adhere to this outline clearly, throughout the essay, preferably using sub-headings. Also in the introduction, define the key concepts, so the reader knows what you are talking about. In addition, provide some elements contextualising the relevance of the essay topic (put yourself in your reader’s shoes, at the end of the introduction the reader should be interested about knowing more about the topic and your way of addressing it). (Body) In the main body of the essay, develop your argument(s) over the course of 3-4 main sections, preferably using sub-headings. (Conclusion) In the conclusion you shall restate your answer to the question, re-summarize the main points and include a final broad statement (remember to never introduce new information or ideas in the conclusion)  (Bibliography) Include references and a bibliography. Other requirements: 1. Justify your arguments and evidence them wherever possible, either though empirical examples or through references to the literature. Please note that sentences presenting claims and facts must employ relevant literature for underpinning. 2. Be analytical and critical: demonstrate that you have the ability to analyse and evaluate the existing literature, making sure to always support your opinions with evidence. 3. Sustain persuasive arguments and employ the views presented from the literature consulted in addressing the essay question. Always ensure every paragraph you present within your submission add value to the narrative developed to address the essay topic. 4. Aim to always avoid the use of contractions within the narrative presented in your work/essay.  5. Note that academic writing must be written in third person hence avoid the use of words like ‘we’. ‘our’ and ‘I’ except they are part of a direct quote. 6. Aim to always dedicate good time for the careful proofreading and thorough editing of the narrative presented within your work.

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Post Soviet Central Asia | Instant Homework Solutions

Political Instability & Foreign Policy Analysis of Kyrgyzstan/Uzbekistan in Post Soviet Central Asia

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Capitalism and Anarchy | Instant Homework Solutions

Capitalism rather than anarchy is the defining feature of the international system. Discuss.

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