Canadian Law

Canadian Law Canadian law  Please write a four page (1000 word) overview (summarized in your own words) of the Supreme Court’s decision in Regina v. Godoy [1999] 1 SCR 311. Why is this such an important decision for law enforcement and how can communicators collect information to assist officers in applying this authority? In what type of […]

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Moral Judgment and Law

Moral Judgment and Law Moral judgment and law (Arendt on Eichmann):Explain the meaning of Arendt’s thesis on the “banality of evil,” and how it applies to the moral judgment of Eichmann. How does this argument challenge our understanding of the relationship between the moral judgment of individuals and the lawInstructions: Compose a 2000-word research essay, […]

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International Law

International Law Question 1. Throughout the year, we have heard repeatedly how states are the principal subjects and objects of international law. And yet individuals do constitute a part of the international legal order. With reference to specific treaties, custom or cases, explain how individuals play a significant role in the international legal order either […]

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Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act For this paper you are to write an analysis of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Please address the following in a comprehensive essay with appropriate sections: 1) Describe the jurisdiction of federal law and specifically the jurisdiction of FISA 2) What are the major provisions of FISA–how does it work? 3) […]

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Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention National Girls Initiative developed a policy and practices to promote positive outcomes for girls at risk of entering or in the juvenile justice system. Please watch the following video explaining this initiative: has shown that female juvenile delinquency has been rising. […]

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Race and Ethnicity in Courts

Race and Ethnicity in Courts   This week, you will research an article related to the discrepancy and the court system, and it will help you prepare for your Wk 4 – Signature Assignment: Race and Ethnicity in the Courts and Correctional System presentation. Change and sentence discrepancies between individuals of varying socioeconomic backgrounds are […]

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Civil Rights Movement

  Think about the goals of the civil rights movement and decide if you think they have been reached. In the table below, list at least three goals. Goal A Goal B Goal C Create a chart of steps taken in the civil rights movement that attempted to achieve one of the goals you listed […]

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