World Association of Travel Agencies

Knowledge Knowledge of the experiential nature of the MICE sector Knowledge of the changing nature of the business consumer and marketplace Skills: The ability to situate MICE within the contemporary commercial context The ability to critically discuss the role of MICE within the wider tourism, events, and hospitality industry Assessment Assessment: Project Report Individual project report, Assessing learning outcomes 1-4, contributing 100% of the module marks Part 1 A proposal document including a literature review. Your assignment should be presented in a professional report format and include a 1,500-word literature review ( -/+ 10%) addressing ‘contemporary’ issues in relation to the MICE sector.  Background: You are a freelance professional conference organizer. You have been asked to organize a conference for the World Association of Travel Agencies. Your client puts a strong emphasis on its corporate social responsibility and wants the conference to be as ‘contemporary/green’ as possible. The three-day conference will be held in spring 2021 and it is intended to attract approximately 250 people. It is aimed at an international audience, comprising government representatives, personnel and key stakeholders, as well as leading figures from academic and commercial research establishments They are open to suggestions from you, but have confirmed the following: • The guests will be from all around the world and the gender split is roughly 50:50. • The conference can be held at any destination in the world. • There will be 250 delegates. • Budget is £250 per delegate (Flights & Accommodation are NOT included). • The first day must include one of either a networking event or a teambuilding activity. • The second day should include an optional leisure activity to run alongside the conference. • The final day must end with a formal dinner in the evening with entertainment  Indicative Content  The formal written package proposal needs to be presented in a professional report format and include the following • Why the destination and venue would be ideal to host the conference. • Recommendations (including costing) for venue, catering, accommodation options transport, IT/AV support and additional activities/supporting leisure programs • Proposed budget. • Marketing plan. • Tentative schedule for the conference events. • Internal and external analysis of the conference on the host destination. • Make recommendations as to how your proposal will support the ‘contemporary’ aims of the conference.  Literature Review: • An overview on current thinking about ‘contemporary’ issues in relation to the MICE sector should be presented in the form of a literature review of approximately 1,500 words (+/- 10%) . This is to establish your credibility as a conference organizer.

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Race Class and Gender

There will be three entries—one from each week (weeks 11, 12 and14). Each entry should take at least two readings including optional readings/video (the film is required to be included in week 12) and explore one idea or topic or issue that strikes you as important. As a point of departure, you may want to show how your reaction to the readings/film/lecture/discussion fits with (or doesn’t) previously or currently-hold beliefs, you may want to state how the issues (including class lecture) raised are relevant to your own experiences. To be successful, you must go beyond the point of departure; be both critical and analytical. What is the deeper significance of ideas or issues? You will have to be critical both about the readings/film/video and about your point of view. Please note Font 12, APA format, Word count. The Word document assignment should be saved/uploaded under your full name and course number.   * ONLY USE COURSE READING SOURCES, NO OUTSIDE SOURCES ALLOWED *

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Industry 4.0 Adoption

Ch 2 Literary review of Dissertation for Engineering Doctor student. Engineering area. The topic will be about around industry 4.0 adoption

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LGBT+ People Lives Matter

(I don’t know how to write the ending, because the front still needs a lot of revision. I hope someone can help me look at my point of view. If my views need to be rewritten, please help me.) At the same time, I don’t know whether this movement must have a strong connection with the Trevor reform movement. Or you think it has enough connections. Here is the website: (explain the quote, logic, connection of paragraphs, add more quote and idea) This is the first draft. I hope you can help me organize it based on my first draft. All quotations only need to indicate in the article that I have classified the quotations into categories. I hope that if I use the quotation that I have not explained, I hope that it can be explained in the article. *Quote only needs to be marked with brackets and name The article is messy, I hope the logic can be sorted out. The support points of the article are not very clear, I hope more adjustments can be made. If there are not enough support points for the article, you can use the resources I gave. At the end of the article, I hope it can be added. The connectivity of the article is not very good, I hope it can be adjusted. *The level of the article does not need to be very high, but it requires logical clarity and connectivity. quote from the book??required?wrote by Eric Liu [1] As a result, in greater and growing numbers, we Americans no longer feel in control of our own everyday lives. We have little say in a workplace that makes us expendable. [2] As a result of this creeping public fatalism, we now have depressingly low levels of civic participation, knowledge, engagement, and awareness. Political life has been subcontracted out to a band of professionals-money people, message people, outreach people [3] Relationships and obligations, by reminding us that our responses to the world are contagious, reacquaint us with our own power to create contagion. [1] In American politics, power is presumptively illegitimate. It’s important to remember this. Our founding is premised on the notion that power is inherently hostile to freedom. [2] Seeing in systems means focusing not on isolated aspects of events or environments but on how things connect…Humans evolved to see in systems. [3]  Experience teaches us that power will flow in novel ways as society evolves and becomes more complex, but that the animating force of power-the human will for desired outcomes-is constant. [1] Networks enable us to create exponential power from thin air: by setting off contagions of attitude and action, by activating every citizen as a potential mode of transmission, and by creating global webs of local knowledge and action. [2] The next strategy for doing that is to act reciprocally: to give your power to those who will give it back with interest. Creating power this way means building systems of mutual aid and then opening up opportunities for deep, cooperative self-government. [3] Remind yourself and others that power is in fact infinite-that we can create it where it does not exist. Our final strategy for doing that is simply this: act powerfully.  *(These three are strategies that must include in the paper, but you don’t have to use all of them) [1] Humans, after all, have always been enmeshed in networks. From the Silk Road to the slave trade, from the moment the disciples of Jesus began to spread the gospel, power has spread via networks. [2] All these citizens, united, are making a web, a great archipelago of power that can bypass brokenness and monopolies Networked localism shifts the equation of power away from a dysfunctional national government [3] Amy Cuddy shows that “power poses”-stances and facial expressions that communicate personal power and confidence-are self-fulfilling. She shows it by describing her deep experimental research into the social effects of stance and physical presence. source of website? ?important?    Main Article requirements and what they need: Prompt: Using direct support from Eric Liu’s book, Your More Powerful than you Think, and your own independent research, write a 6-8 page paper (MLA format) in which you examine and evaluate a campaign, organization, and/or a movement that attempts to address an issue/problem or to reimagine an alternative to a systemic status quo in our society.   Specifically: Examine the problem/issue being addressed or the status quo being reimagined, using Liu’s framework for understanding power. What is the existing system of power? What are the existing sources of power and what are the conduits of power? Examine and evaluate the campaign, organization, and/or movement, using Liu’s framework for understanding power and his strategies for how to practice power. To what extent, and how effectively, are they using the strategies of power to effect change? ————————————————————————- Requirements: Please check the essay rubric for all of the elements of an effective essay. In addition, your essay should: Demonstrate your understanding of Liu’s argument and its concepts Apply your understanding of Liu’s argument and its concepts – by using it as a central framework for your examination and evaluation in response to the prompt Draw direct text support from Liu and sources from your own research Optional: you may also bring in previous readings for the course if you see a connection. For example, as you evaluate a campaign, you may notice the extent to which they use social media. Or you may notice the extent to which they utilize the press. You may see connections between Liu’s strategies and what Lunsford tells us about crafting an argument, specifically the use of ethos, pathos, and logos. You may see comparisons to other movements described by Hoffman. You may see examples of high stakes, strong tie activism. And the last: the rubric  Scope: Responds to the prompt ambitiously, from a wide range of perspectives, articulating a complex argument and discussion of the topic. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Essay Focus: The thesis meets the criteria for proficiency, PLUS it: • conveys complex relationships among ideas of the essay (e.g., causality, condition) • conveys the significance of the main claim and the larger conversation This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization: The organization meets the criteria for proficiency, PLUS it: conveys a complex logical structure with clear transitions. This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Paragraph Focus: Topic sentences meet the criteria for proficiency, PLUS they: • indicate, through transitional devices, the logical relationships between ideas • guide the reader through the larger organizational logic of the essay This criterion are linked to a Learning Outcome Paragraph Development: Paragraph development meets the criteria for proficiency, PLUS it: • synthesizes text support from the range of readings smoothly • demonstrates sophisticated analysis and interpretation, successfully showing how the writer’s ideas fit within the larger conversation (public discourse). This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Sentence Fluency: Sentences use coordination, subordination that show complex relationships between ideas, such as concession, condition, cause-effect. Sentences use apposition and other modifiers to add detail and depth.

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Aerosol Optical Depth

A review article is not an original study. It examines previous studies and compiles their data and evidence to reach a conclusion that is statistically stronger than any in the single studies, mainly because of having more study subjects and more diversity among subjects. A good review usually concentrates on a theme, such as different theories, information on the progress of developing a new medical device, or how past developments influence new discoveries. A review might also ask that more resources be used to continue research in that specific field.  Literature Searches Authors must ensure that the sources are legitimate research studies and so only use Google Scholar to find scientific articles for your review. Sources such as Popular Science and are not allowed to be used as sources for review articles. Your paper should include a minimum of 5 references. Manuscript Preparation Times New Roman, 12 point, 1.0-inch margins on all four sides, and 1.5 line spacing. No more than 5 pages (including cover page and references).  OUTLINE of Environmental Literature Review Paper: 1) Title page • Main title (possibly, short title) • Author name and affiliation (ex: Carol Kaplan, Professor of Environmental Science, Miami Dade College) 2) Abstract • Main points of the project should be outlined • Subheadings should be included (e.g., objective, methods, results, and conclusions) • The length of the abstract should be between 200 and 250 words • No citations included within the abstract • Acronyms and abbreviations should be included only if used more than once 3) Introduction • Background information on the topic should be discussed • Introduction must address the objective (research question) • Text should be written in present tense 4) Methods • Should be written in past tense • Should provide information necessary to repeat the review • Search strategies, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data sources and geographical information, characteristics of study subjects, and statistical analyses used should be included 5) Results • Authors must include all the results • Their relevance to the objective should be mentioned 6) Discussion • Background information and objective can be reiterated • Results and their relevance clearly and concisely discussed 7) Conclusions • This section should discuss the objective discussed in the introduction. This section should discuss the implications of the findings, interpretations, and identify unresolved questions. 8) References • You must be able to cite your source according to one of the following formats: MLA, Turabian, or APA.     About…….. Any topic you like: Water pollution Urbanization Air Pollution Green Spaces Environmental Regulations Air Water Soil Soil degradation Desertification ***** ( I believe my subject will fit these topics) Extreme Weather. *** Species Conservation Fragmentation of Land Renewable Energies  Outline of Review of Research Paper :  Title Page Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion Conclusion References Requirements: MUST REVIEW AT LEAST 4 PAPERS EXAMPLES:  A Scoping Review Mapping Research on Green Space and Associated Mental Health Benefits Charlotte Wendelboe-Nelson 1,*, Sarah Kelly 2 , Marion Kennedy 2 and John W. Cherrie 1,3 Water pollution in Pakistan and its impact on public health — A review Azizullah Azizullah a , Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak b , Peter Richter a, ?, Donat-Peter Häder a  Can ornamental potted plants remove volatile organic compounds from indoor air? — a review ABSTRACT:  Background: There is a growing interest in research investigating the association between green space (GS) and mental health and wellbeing (HWB), in order to understand the underlying mechanisms. Accordingly, there is a need to map the literature and create an overview of the research. Methods: A scoping review approach was used to map literature on GS, including context and co-exposures (the GS exposome), and their associations with mental HWB. The review considers mental HWB definitions and measurements and how GS is characterized. Furthermore, the review aims to identify knowledge gaps and make recommendations for future research. Results: We identified a great diversity in study designs, definitions, outcome measures, consideration of the totality of the GS exposome, and reporting of results. Around 70% of the 263 reviewed studies reported a positive association between some aspect of GS and HWB. However, there is a limited amount of research using randomized controlled crossover trails (RCTs) and mixed methods and an abundance of qualitative subjective research. Conclusions: The discords between study designs, definitions, and the reporting of results makes it difficult to aggregate the evidence and identify any potential causal mechanisms. We propose key points to consider when defining and quantifying GS and make recommendations for reporting on research investigating GS and mental HWB. This review highlights a need for large well-designed RCTs that reliably measure the GS exposome in relation to mental HWB. Keywords: green space; mental health and wellbeing; exposome

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Monetary or Fiscal Policy

Read ANY articles available from periodicals, newspapers, or online websites. which the article must relate to one of the three following topics: i) Monetary Policy ii) Fiscal Policy iii) Economies removing COVID  19 restrictions to re-open economies.  A general guideline of length for the whole assignment would be between 2-4 pages, double spaced, 11 or 12pt. font.    Font style must be Times New Roman (this font).

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Why Should Anyone Be Led by You

Read and contemplate the HBR article “Why Should Anyone Be Led by You”.   Think about who you are today and who you aspire to be as a global manager and leader and simply answer the question: WHY SHOULD ANYONE BE LED BY YOU?…

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World of Ideas

Do this discussion on the following selections from World of Ideas: “The Four Idols” by Francis Bacon “The Value of Science” by Richard P. Feynman Use the rules established in the previous discussion Here are the rules for posting in the discussion for the rest of this module: Write a paragraph that summarizes the text and respond to its main idea(s). Do that for each text in the required reading.  Each paragraph should be at least 10 sentences long. Post a single paragraph in response to a classmate’s post (it can be an initial post or a reply).  The goal of your reply post is to advance an argument. So you should focus on pointing out potential fallacies and errors, or you can pick up and run with an idea that you find has merit or power. You must do all of the above for full points.  For clarification: This particular example would require three paragraphs (each at least 10 sentences).

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Theories Dyslexia

A critical review of literature: Topic: Dyslexia – Models of reading and causal theories dyslexia. Additional information attached later.  It needs to be Master’s level writing with appropriate vocabulary and writing style. Experience in writing educational essays preferred.

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The Aftermath of Crawford and Davis

Topic 1: Article: “The Aftermath of Crawford and Davis: Deconstructing the Sound of Silence” You should have read the article “The Aftermath of Crawford and Davis: Deconstructing the Sound of Silence.” How do you feel about mandatory arrest policies and no-drop prosecution policies? Do they help victims of domestic violence? Support your opinion with examples. Textbook Name: Family and Intimate Partner Violence 6th Edition Denise Kindschi Goosselin  (References )

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