Logic Models and Logframes | Instant Homework Solutions

Instructions:  Looking ahead is an overview of the final assignment.  Assignment Logical Models and Logframes is the required assignment that needs to be completed. Looking Ahead: Final Project There will be a Final Project for this class. You will prepare an evaluation research design which will include the following elements: Problem definition and intervention description Logic model or logframe Development of indicators Data collection strategy Evaluation design, needs assessment, or formative or summative impact evaluation Data analysis strategy Stakeholder requirements You will also prepare an Executive Summary, which will serve as a condensed overview of your overall project. Executive Summaries serves a similar purpose of an research study abstract, providing a clear and concise synopsis of a much larger project. Your Executive Summary will include an analysis of the key points each element explored within your evaluation research design. Note: An evaluation plan does not necessarily have to conform to this outline, but you will use this outline as one approach to developing such a plan. You may use either a domestic program or an international program; however you will be using the same program for the Final Project and all your Assignments for this course. Your Final Project should be 4–6 pages in length. You will need to identify a program by Day 1 of Week 3 in order to complete your Assignments for the course. You will use your Assignments throughout the course to build upon your Final Project. Assignment: Logical Models and Logframes The best way to learn the uses and limitations of logic models and logframes is to apply these to actual or proposed programs. Some models are based on elaborate or complex formulations of change that are based on social science theory. Other observers also argue that, for the most part, logic models are based simply on programs that are manifestations of what stakeholders, policy makers, and program managers think will work. By now, you have selected a program for your Final Project, the Evaluation Research Design. You will use your Assignments throughout the course to build upon your Final Project. In this first Assignment for your Final Project, you will construct a logical model or logframe of the program you selected. Submit  a logical model or logframe for the program you selected. This will present somewhat of a challenge for programs that do not yet exist, but a description of your proposed program and its objectives will be sufficient. Pay specific attention to components, objectives, outputs and outcomes, and the causal linkages within the model. Also pay specific attention to stakeholders and program objectives. Develop this model as fully as you can. Note that this model, once articulated, will help you formulate your evaluation research questions and determine the data that will be needed later in the evaluation design process. Learning resource for the week: http://betterevaluation.org/evaluation-options/logframe

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Logic Models and Logframes

Instructions:  Looking ahead is an overview of the final assignment.  Assignment Logical Models and Logframes is the required assignment that needs to be completed. Looking Ahead: Final Project There will be a Final Project for this class. You will prepare an evaluation research design which will include the following elements: Problem definition and intervention description […]

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