Understanding Who A Leader Is | Instant Homework Solutions

The breakdown of your paper should be as follows: Introduction: BRIEFLY Tell me why it is important to understand What a Leader Is, The Leader as a Visionary, The Leader as a Problem Solver and a Leader as a Team Builder Also, construct your introduction from the requirements that you select below) Body of your paper: (3-5 Pages total in length)-Your thoughts should be supported with terms from our text and library research-I want you to use this research paper with the goal of using our reading material and OUTSIDE SOURCES to show me your understanding of the material from weeks 1-5 in our readings. Each of these sections should be about one page in length: The student will discuss each of the following section in a minimum of one page per section: (Use our text and the library to support your response. • What is a leader? What is a manager? What were the most interesting parts that you will be able to apply to a work environment? Why? • What does it mean when we talk about the “Leader as a Visionary”? Again, use our week 1-5 readings and outside sources. • What does it mean when we talk about the “Leader as a Problem-Solver”? Again, use our week 1-5 readings and outside sources. • What does it mean when we talk about the “Leader as a Team-Builder”? Again, our readings and outside sources. Your paper should follow APA Style 7th Edition formatting. For help with APA Style Formatting see this website: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=owl+at+purdue+apa

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Policy Development | Instant Homework Solutions

Law Enforcement Organizations are facing a tremendous problem with social media. On one hand, social media such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter can be extremely useful for effective and efficient communication. On the other hand, Law Enforcement Executives are constantly facing situations in which employee misconduct is occurring through social media. Police Officers are accessing social media from their workstations and patrol cars during their shifts. Police Officers are posting information that is unbecoming for an officer as well as degrading and disrespectful to the profession. Police Unions and Police Officer Organizations such as the Fraternal Order of Police and the PBA are opposed to departmental policies that infringe on police officers’ constitutional rights. How do law enforcement organizations regulate the use of social media? Just about every major law enforcement organization has a Facebook account associated with the organization’s website. Therefore, should law enforcement organizations regulate individual officer’s social media activity? As the policy manager for your law enforcement organization, please research the best practices related to the regulation of police officers use of social media and develop a department policy. This research should include interviews with your local law enforcement leaders to determine how they are addressing this issue. In addition, please read the “Social Media” study conducted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police; it can be found in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 8. You must have at least 5 pages not including your title page.

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Designing For Agility and Innovation | Instant Homework Solutions

Emerging Trends: Designing For Agility and Innovation One of the most critical issues facing organizations is keeping up with digitization of the workplace. The reality confronting organizations is increasingly complex. Many leaders, who were trained when organizational structure was simpler, are hampered with outdated skills. Organization design must evolve along with the organizations and its leadership to support adaptive and innovative workplaces. Let us look at trends in organization structure. Using the class text and, predominately, articles from Trident Library’s full-text databases (like Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, and/or ProQuest Central) research organization structure. Do not use any quotations. Organizational Design A brief history. Consider modern workplaces before digitization and automation became prevalent. (1 page) Trends in Organizational Design Research top trends affecting modern organizational design (1 page) Workplace Application: Organizational Design Research efficient organizational design in your chosen industry (1 page) Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” for Meets Assignment Requirements, Critical Thinking, and Use of Sources and Mechanics on the grading rubric. The paper should be written in the third person; this means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. Refer to yourself in the third person as “manager,” or you can write about what the “project team” will do, rather than saying “I” and “we.”

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Strategic Planning and Budget Development | Instant Homework Solutions

Step 1 Develop a strategy for completing the project as a group. It is extremely important that everyone in the group know their roles and responsibilities. You may want to consider assigning roles, such as group leader, researcher, editor, and writer. Most if not all group members will have to perform more than one role for the group to complete the assignment on time. Step 2 Using the library, conduct a literature search for articles and other relevant information to this assignment. In preparing this assignment, you must incorporate a minimum of 3 scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources. Step 3 Using the Internet, search for relevant information, including existing SHSSPs. Be careful to weigh both the timeliness and accuracy of this information before incorporating it into your project. Step 4 Using the steps above, the results of your literature and Internet search, and course textbooks, prepare a draft plan of 4-5 pages entitled State A Homeland Security Strategic Plan in accordance with the following criteria: Apply best practices wherever possible in the plan development process. Align the strategic objectives that support state goals to the 7 identified national priorities: Regional Collaboration National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF) National Infrastructure Protection Plan Information Sharing and Collaboration Interoperable Communications Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) capabilities Medical Surge and Mass Prophylaxis Capabilities Describe the strategies, goals, and objectives within the framework of the 4 identified mission areas: Prevent Protect Respond Recover Ensure the strategic planning process sufficiently takes the following into account: Allowing local jurisdictions to participate in the planning process Citizen preparedness and volunteer efforts Regionalization and mutual aid Step 5 Quality Control Questions: Use the following questions to check the quality of your work: Is the format of the SHSSP consistent with the guidance in the State and Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy: Guidance on Aligning Strategies with the National Preparedness Goal? Does the current SHSSP meet the update requirements found on page 7 of the State and Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy:Guidance on Aligning Strategies with the National Preparedness Goal? Does the SHSSP effectively incorporate the national priorities? More specifically, do the SHSSP’s goals and objectives align with the National Priorities? Make sure to use the most up-to-date guidance in the 2007 National Preparedness Guidelines and Homeland Security Strategic Planning: Mission Area Analysis. Does the SHSSP effectively incorporate the mission areas of prevention, protection, response, and recovery? Make sure to use the most up-to-date guidance in the 2007 National Preparedness Guidelines.

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8 Step Change Model | Instant Homework Solutions

Starbucks Organization To prepare for week 6. Analyze Starbucks corporation’s change process based on Kotter’s 8-Step to Change using the Organizational Change Chart. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model Step One: Create Urgency. Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition. Step Three: Create a Vision for Change. Step Four: Communicate the Vision.  Step Five: Remove Obstacles. Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins. Step Seven: Build on the Change. Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture. Was this a positive organizational change? Why or why not? If so, what strategies and tactics were effective or ineffective in creating positive organizational change? What strategies and tactics would have worked better?

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Toyota Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

1.        Considering the different actions taken by Mr. Toyoda in the above case, briefly discuss and evaluate TWO (2) impacts/consequences of his actions on different stakeholders. (8 marks)       2.        Based on ethical dimensions of leadership, discuss THREE (3) recommendations in relation to the following question: “As an accountable and responsible leader, what can Mr. Toyoda do to rectify the ‘recall-car’ issues faced?” (12 marks)

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Risk Management Perspective | Instant Homework Solutions

The Relationship Between Corporate Philanthropy And Shareholder Wealth: A Risk Management Perspective  ·       Elaborate how positive moral capital acts as an insurance. Corporate Risk Management – Costs And Benefits  ·       How do risk management strategies enhance shareholder wealth? Which are those risk management strategies? ·       What do you feel whether firms pursue a shareholder value maximization strategy or a managerial risk aversion strategy? Please elaborate. Enterprise Risk Management  ·       What is the basic rule of risk taking? Do you think that individuals ignore the risk elements while making decision? Support your arguments with business examples. ·       How the financial risks are different from hazard risks? Support your arguments with business examples.

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Short Term and Long Term Goals | Instant Homework Solutions

Establish a ST and LT goal using SMART goal setting. Add action steps for each of the goals. Share why both of these goals are important to you. Textbook Title:  Kinicki, A., & Fugate, M., (2020). Organizational Behavior, 3E. McGraw-Hill: New York,

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Employee Monitoring for Security | Instant Homework Solutions

Security in the workplace has become a very important topic in today’s society.  This week you will be conducting research online on the legality of employee monitoring in your state.  Post what you find into the discussion board (including the state you researched) and answer the following questions, and be sure to include the links to which you are referring: Is it legal for employers in your state to monitor employee e-mails? Can an employer monitor employees’ telephone calls? Can the employer post video cameras in the workplace? Are there limitations placed on certain types of electronic monitoring? Explain why you believe these limitations are too much, too little, or just enough?  Discuss possible technological security risks these legalities help to prevent. For these questions, the state is New York City.

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Crisis Communication | Instant Homework Solutions

1. Building on the case study “General Motors and The Chevy Cobalt Ignition Switch Crisis,” what would be your recommendations to the CEO for an appropriate communication response (crisis communication)? 2. Using a company of your choice, how would you build up and implement a successful value proposition around ‘reverse innovation,’ building on the article on “Engineering Reverse Innovations.” Which companies/industries could be less suitable for reverse innovation and why? 3. Building on the article on “Embracing Agile” (Rigby et al., 2016, Harvard Business Review), please critically analyze the conditions that are favorable and unfavorable for agile. Also, please describe and analyze one recent industry examples, where a company successfully implemented an agile approach. 4. Please analyze some of the key synergies that Hyundai could try to materialize by acquiring Kia Motors, building on your reading of the case “The Acquisition and Restructuring of Kia Motors by Hyundai Motors.” Which cultural aspects need to be evaluated and carefully assessed when acquiring Kia? 5. Please develop and analyze a Business Model canvas for one of the below examples: -A new food truck on campus (you can choose any food truck you like) -A company of your choice.

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