Cloud-Enabling Technologies | Instant Homework Solutions
Pick two of the following cloud-enabling technologies that directly interact with one another: Broadband network technology. Data center technology. Internet technology. Virtualization technology. World Wide Web (WWW) technology. Multitenant technology. Service technology. Write 34 pages explaining how your chosen cloud-enabling technologies function. Explain how they interact with one another to create a cloud consumer network, a cloud provider network, an enterprise internet connection, or another cloud component. Make sure to do the following: Describe the primary functions of cloud-enabling technologies. Explain how cloud-enabling technologies interact to create a cloud component. Submission Requirements Submit a single 34 page Word document with both parts of this assignment. Font: Times New Roman, 12 point. Format: Double spaced lines. Use current APA style and format.
Planning and Audits Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
Discuss the skills needed to be an IT compliance auditor. what education, training and certifications would you suggest. visit 2 jobs positions in this area and write a journal entry on what the requirements are for this position. Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your future career and how this lessons you have learned positively impact your career success?
General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items: 1) Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management. There are no formal lists of theories and concepts in the readings. They must be found by studying the information provided for the Quality Gurus in the reading or in any outside research. One example would be Demings 14 points 2) Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples. Think about what operations managers would say to supervisors when asking for quality improvements in the product or services offered to customers. Then think about what Sales managers would say to the sales staff when asking them how to improve the quality of customer relationships. 3) Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide examples. The effect of quality theories on product-based organizations [manufacturing] is well described in the reading, but the effect on service organizations will take some research.
Forcasting the future for Richland Washington | Instant Homework Solutions
Forecasting deals with making projections using sound data, good judgment, and excellent timing. Your textbook talks extensively about the need for all three components in its chapter discussing forecasting. Now, it’s your turn to get some practice by discussing the area in which you live. In a 3-4 page paper, discuss what your local environment (i.e., the town/region in which you live) will look like in 2030. In your discussion, use references to support your arguments and your opinions. Also, be sure to address the matter from multiple perspectives (e.g., not just population size and/or the price of gasoline). Think about all the different ways your community is likely to change in the next 10+ years and produce a forecast of what impact these changes might have.
Moore’s Law Research | Instant Homework Solutions
Moore’s Law Use the internet to look up more about Moores Law find an example of how Moores law is true and make a prediction about what new technologies will emerge in the next 18 months that would enforce Moores Law. (Use your imagination to make up a new technology).
Organizational Change Applied to Apple | Instant Homework Solutions
Organizational Change applied to Apple Inc. 1. Does revolutionary or evolutionary best describe the changes that have been taking place in your organization? 2. In what types of change (such as restructuring) has your organization been most involved? How successful have these change efforts been? 3. With the information that you have at your disposal, discuss (a) the forces for change, (b) obstacles to change, and (c) the strategy for change your organization has adopted.
Emergency Management Training Plan | Instant Homework Solutions
You are the emergency manager for a county government and are responsible for training. Your agency consists of 10 full-time employees and approximately 50 volunteers. The elected board has 15 members. Assignment Guidelines Complete the following: Address the following in 9001,200 words: Develop a year-long training plan for your agency. Address the training needs of the following: New employees and volunteers (if applicable) and existing employees at the following levels: Policy level Strategic level Tactical level Task level Your plan must include at least 1 employee who is new and 1 employee who exists at each level. Describe the coursework that is appropriate for each type of employee at each level. Include 1 exercise that includes employees of each type (new and existing) at each level of involvement. Describe your exercise goals and objectives. List the resources that are required, including financial needs. Be sure to reference all of your sources using APA style.
Organizational Diagnostic Process | Instant Homework Solutions
Provided a thorough description of the process of selecting diagnostic models for organizational development cultural change using clear examples and well-defined reasons for the chosen process. Provided a list of process interventions you recommend for the newly merged company to ensure effective work teams. Provided well-defined reasons and clear examples for the chosen process interventions. Clearly described the process map for collecting the data needed for the organizational development program. Provided several best practice using clear examples and well-defined reasons for the chosen Discuss some organizational development strategies that, as the consultant, you would use to create the necessary change using clear examples and well-defined reasons. Scenario Information An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track. Instructions Now that you have secured your role as an Organizational Development consultant, you are now tasked with determining a diagnostic and intervention process. You will need to demonstrate to management how using the chosen diagnostic process will be used in the new company to help increase the efficiency of the organization. The following questions should be included in your business, professional report: Describe how you select a diagnostic process to use for this organizational development cultural change. Given the current situation, what are some of the process interventions you recommend for the newly merged company to ensure effective work teams? How would you collect the data needed for the organizational development program? Discuss some organizational development strategies that, as the consultant, you would use to create the necessary change.
Effective Business Communication | Instant Homework Solutions
Conduct an internet search and find an example of a company that has introduced a digital communication platform or solution to enhance communication within their organization.Based on the strategies and tools of communication, including the process of communication, techniques for communicating effectively, barriers to communication and how they can be avoided, provide an assessment of the effectiveness of the modern media communication solution you identified through your search. Your assessment should include: A comprehensive description of the communication technique selected and its relevance or importance to the study of effective communication (i.e. why did you select it for this assignment?) A demonstrated understanding of the communication concepts and strategies relevant to the situation being studied. Analysis of the level of effectiveness of the communication technique identified, using concepts and strategies studied to support your findings. Your conclusion as to whether this communication platform or solution is particularly effective or not effective, once again using concepts and strategies to support your findings.
Teaching Effective Supervisor Skills | Instant Homework Solutions
Instructions: This project requires you to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use as a training tool with brand new supervisors! You are in charge of presenting them on information on how to transition from a worker to a supervisor. There is great satisfaction in taking a brand new employee, helping them to develop their Management, Coaching and Leadership skills, and then watching them excel! With this in mind, your presentation should have and title slide, an overview and body of slides for the audience. You should focus the majority of your presentation (i.e., 8-10 slides) on what challenges a new supervisor may face, what makes a good supervisor (or bad one) and how to transition to becoming a supervisor. Factors to consider in all forms of communication–Who is your audience? What is your message? Are you trying to persuade? Inform? Here are some guidelines to get you started: You are the Lead Shift Supervisor and are going to brief a small group of newly promoted team leads with little or no past leadership experience. They have all worked up through the ranks at the Bad Teddy Bear Manufacturing Facility. Your audience ages are anywhere from 25-35 years of age, with various business backgrounds, some with military experience, and some that have been in a little trouble before but now want to move up in the company. Many of them have good friends still “on the line” and will may have a struggle adjusting. Have fun with some of the topics and graphics of course! There should be an introduction slide, a topic overview slide, 8-10 slides on presentation techniques, a conclusion slide and lastly a reference slide. Use the “notes” feature of PowerPoint to list your talking points on each slide for me to read what you would actually be saying Submit your work as an MS PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation. The body of your presentation should include at least 8-10 presentation slides, in addition to a title slide, introduction slide(s), and references at the end of your presentation for a total of no more than 15 slides. PowerPoint presentations longer than 15 slides will not be read after the 15th slide. As such, please ensure that all assignment questions are answered within the first 15 slides, as your grade will be based on the first 15 slides
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