[Get Solution]Binomial Experiments

What are the key characteristics of a binomial probability distribution?   Explain whether the following two experiments have all these characteristics.  Determine if they binomial experiments or not. (a) Flipping a coin, let x be the number of tosses needed to get ahead for the first time. (b) Rolling a die 10 times, let x be the […]

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[Get Solution]Data Collection and Analysis

Final Project and Presentation details: Students will perform data collection and analysis on a topic of their choice, with the goal of establishing a linear correlation. Often times this portion of the project is more art than science since many experiments do not turn out a linear dependence. Students must submit a project summary by […]

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[Get Solution]Probability Distribution

Select a discrete probability distribution and present a real-life application of that distribution. Interpret the expected value and the standard deviation of your selected distribution within the context of the real-life example that you have selected, and describe how these values can be used by enterprise decision-makers. Select a continuous probability distribution and present a […]

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[Get Solution]Fraction Concepts

You are working with a middle school class that loses focus easily and over half of the students struggle with fraction concepts. Design a bridging activity linking addition and subtraction of fractions to an abstract, pencil and paper assignment. Be sure to explain the teaching sequence carefully as if leaving exact notes for a substitute […]

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[Get Solution]Newton’s Raphson Method

Description: Newton’s Raphson Method 2-Langrange Interpolation polynomial 3-Newton Divided Difference 4- Numerical differentiations 5-Numerical integration 6- Composite Numerical integration. And their 2 applications         So much stress and so little time? We’ve got you covered. Get your paper proofread, edited or written from scratch within the tight deadline.

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[Get Solution]Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

Understanding descriptive statistics, their measures of center and their variability helps form the foundation of statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics tell us how frequently an observation occurs, what is considered average, and how far data in our sample deviate from being average. With these statistics, we are able to provide a summary of characteristics from both […]

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[Get Solution]Trigonometry

Determine the solutions in the interval [?2?, 2?] to the following trigonometric equation. You may leave one of your solutions in the exact form x = arccos y. You must show all of your steps. Mysterious or unsupported work will not be counted. 1 + cos2 x = 2 sin x 2.       […]

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[Get Solution]Hypothesis Test

For this assignment, please watch the following video (copy and paste if the link doesn’t work): https://nutritionfacts.org/how-not-to-diet/ (Links to an external site.) Evidence-based is key, not hearsay nor anecdotal evidence does it but statistics! 🙂 This is evidence-based methods for losing weight, losing fat. This will always be good to know for everyone. So you are […]

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[Get Solution]Graphing and Describing Data

For the first set of data, a list of all the injuries seen in a clinic over a month, I would use a frequency table and include the relative frequency. Relative frequency would be the ratio of the number of each injury to the number of total injuries seen in the clinic. This would give […]

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Data Collection and Analysis

Final Project and Presentation details: Students will perform data collection and analysis on a topic of their choice, with the goal of establishing a linear correlation. Often times this portion of the project is more art than science since many experiments do not turn out a linear dependence. Students must submit a project summary by July 31st, 2020 so that the instructor may modify it or make suggestions. The data should be collected, along with statistical errors on the measurements. Students will then perform a linear regression on the data, and attempt to make a sound statistical prediction using the regression. The final presentation should be 7-12 slides in PDF or PowerPoint format, which will be presented remotely to the class via Zoom in the final week of class. In addition to the technical correctness of the conclusions, students will be assessed on the clarity of the presentation. As such, the instructor will provide practice sessions, training, and advice on the presentation of the topic by appointment with the students.

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