Pregnancy Exposure | Instant Homework Solutions

In Unit 5 we look at all the ways pregnancy exposures can affect an unborn baby.  For example, workplace exposures, medications and illegal drugs and alcohol all have the potential to cause birth defects  that could result in a diminished quality of life in an otherwise normal child.  In addition, the medical costs to our society can be up to millions of dollars per child.  Some of these exposures are preventable, which brings up some interesting questions:  Do you believe a woman should be prosecuted if her child is born with a preventable condition?  Why or why not? Is the woman or the physician responsible when a  woman of childbearing age takes a prescribed medication that does harm to the unborn?  Is the employer or the woman responsible when a workplace toxin does harm to an unborn child? Should sexually active women who can bear a child be expected to avoid substances or situations that could possibly harm an unborn child, even if they are using birth control?  Why or why not? Comment on your reactions regarding the posted questions.  Posts should be a minimum of 200 words and should look at the pros and cons of each question.  Then make sure to read and share feedback with at least three classmates (in a constructive manner in the form of questions, thoughts, etc.). You will also need to make sure to respond to comments, questions and/or thoughts left on your entry. here are two comments you could respond to  first one Do you believe a woman should be prosecuted if her child is born with a preventable condition?  Why or why not? This is a hard question to decide. there are many pros and cons to a variety of different situations that the mother is in.  Im going to pick the side that a women should be prosecuted if her child is born with a preventable condition. A couple pros I can think of is that this strongly encourages women to take care of their bodies so they can take care of the baby. This will also reduce the amount of cases of preventable conditions that the babies can have. A con that I can think about is what would happen to the women if she is being prosecuted? Would the mother be deamed fit to take care of the baby if she couldn’t while it was in her? Would this cause children to be forced into foster homes? There are many questions that can be asked about this topic. Another con I can think of is if the mother were to be fined she would then be most likely in debt after the fine and the hospital bills. In order to decide this question one must put themselves in the shoes of every possible mother, whether that be one of poverty or wealth.  Is the woman or the physician responsible when a  woman of childbearing age takes a prescribed medication that does harm to the unborn?  if the physician knew the woman was pregnant then I would think that the physician would be in the wrong for prescribing the medication to the mother. It would not be the mothers fault as she could not possibly know how the medication will affect her. If the physician did not know the mother was pregnant than I think it would be the mothers fault for not letting the physician know about the pregnancy. But if both the physician and mother didnt know about the pregnancy then I think it would not be either of their faults.  Is the employer or the woman responsible when a workplace toxin does harm to an unborn child? I think that if the employer knows that the woman is pregnant, then they should not be allowing the woman to work with toxic chemicals that could possibly harm the baby. I also think this could be the womans fault as well as she should know not to be in bodily harsh environments that could harm the baby. This is also why I think women should have a longer maternity leave to fit their needs for their child.  Should sexually active women who can bear a child be expected to avoid substances or situations that could possibly harm an unborn child, even if they are using birth control?  Why or why not? Not necessarily. A women can tell if their period is late of off by a couple of days. It is important to the woman to realize that she is late and to maybe play it safe until their period happens. Even with birth control there is a small chance that they can be pregnant. It is all a judgement call that is up to the woman and nobody else as she knows her own body. Also if a women is on birth control they should also avoid smoking as this can cause heart problems/complications.  second one  Question 1 Do you believe a woman should be prosecuted if her child is born with a preventable condition? why or why not? I believe a woman should be prosecuted if her child is born with a preventable condition if she whatever she was doing was continued after finding out she was pregnant. I do understand that some women find out they are pregnat later on versus finding out really early. so with that i would understand if things she was doing before knowledge of her pregnancy caused the condition. It is when she knows she is pregnant and contiuing to do things she know isn’t healthy nor safe to do, is when i feel she should then be prosecuted.  Question 2 Is the woman or the physician responsible when a woman of a childbearing age takes a prescribed medication that does harm to unborn? This question is slightly a tough question. Most doctors will inform you that the medication will potentially cause decfects and such if taken while pregnant. Dr.s also normally requet pregnancy test and/or some form of birth control while on medications. Now it is when the woman has a positive test and the dr still gives medication that isnt recommened to take while pregnant that beomes an issue. In a case as such i feel the physican should be responsible. If the dr tells a woman to discontiue a medication due to pregnancy and she doesnt then it is then the mothers responsibilty and she should be at fault. Question 3 Is the employer or the woman responsible when a workplace toxin does harm to an unborn child? This question can also go both ways. Most employers have SDSs for any toxins or chemicals within the workplace. An employer cant technically be at fault or fire a woman because she is pregnant and ight come into exposure with these things. If SDSs are avaible and the woman is aware then no the employer can not realy be resposible. The woman would pretty much be responsible for anything due to making the decison to stay at a workplace knowing the possible danger and possible exposure.  Question 4 Should sexually active women who can bear a child be expected to avoid substances or situations that could possible harm an unborn child, even if they are on birth control? Why or why not? I honestly think that should they, yes but in reality we all have lived. Partying, drinking alchol, smoking, etc these things will be done by most people/ women at some point in their life. If the woman is on birth control then she is taking precautions despite the things she is doing. It only becomes a problem when the birth control has failed and results in a pregnancy. If the woman doesnt stop the subtances or start avoiding situations then that is where the responsibly for anything that happens to that unborn child should fall.

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Pregnancy Exposure

In Unit 5 we look at all the ways pregnancy exposures can affect an unborn baby.  For example, workplace exposures, medications and illegal drugs and alcohol all have the potential to cause birth defects  that could result in a diminished quality of life in an otherwise normal child.  In addition, the medical costs to our society […]

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