[Get Solution]Nursing Practice

The field of nursing has changed over time. In a 750?1,000 word paper, discuss nursing practice today by addressing the following: Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual. Compare and contrast the differentiated practice competencies between an […]

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Immune Defense Systems | Instant Homework Solutions

You are receiving an intra-muscular vaccination in your right deltoid muscle. Examine how the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems participate in host immune defenses?1. Describe the anatomical locations of major organs in the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. 2 Differentiate how blood flow is different from lymph flow. 3. Describe the homeostatic mechanisms that create a microbiota free environment in blood and lymph. 4. Trace the path of the vaccine through the body and describe how it reaches all parts of the body via blood and lymphatic vessels.

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Cranial Nerves and Spinal Nerves | Instant Homework Solutions

Compare the structure and function of the cranial nerves and spinal nerves. Select one cranial nerve and one spinal nerve and describe the specific functions of each. What would happen if those two nerves were not working properly?

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A Case on Nervous Tissue | Instant Homework Solutions

Case Study One – Bad Fish: A Case on Nervous Tissue One evening during a recent trip to Indonesia, Dr. Marshall Westwood sat down to a meal of puffer fish and rice. Within an hour of returning to his hotel room, Dr. Westwood felt numbness in his lips and tongue, which quickly spread to his face and neck. Before he could call the front desk, he began to feel pains in his stomach and throat, which produced feelings of nausea and eventually severe vomiting.   Fearing that he had eaten some “bad fish” for dinner, Dr. Westwood called a local hospital to describe his condition.  The numbness in his lips and face made it almost impossible for him to communicate, but the hospital staff managed to at least understand the address he gave them and they sent an ambulance. As Dr. Westwood was rushed to the hospital, his breathing became increasingly labored.   The patient presented in the ED with diaphoresis, motor dysfunction, paresthesias, nausea, and an ascending paralysis that started in his legs and spread to the upper body, arms, face, and head. The patient was cyanotic and hypoventilating. Within 30 minutes of presenting in the ED, Dr. Westwood developed bradycardia with a BP of 90/50 mmHg. Atropine was administered in response to the bradycardia. Intravenous hydration, gastric lavage, and activated charcoal followed a presumptive diagnosis of tetrodotoxin poisoning that was based on the clinical presentation in the ED. Five hours after treatment, the following vital signs were noted: •        BP 125/79 mmHg •        HR 78 bpm •        Oxygen saturation: 97% on room air After discussing his case with his physician, he learned that he had probably been the victim of puffer fish poisoning. The active toxin in the tissues of this fish is a chemical called tetrodotoxin (TTX). Tetrodotoxin is in a class of chemicals known as neurotoxins because it exerts its effects on neurons. The specific action of tetrodotoxin is that it blocks voltage-gated sodium ion channels. Define the following phrases and terms associated with the signs and symptoms of Dr. Westwood’s TTX poisoning: diaphoresis motor dysfunction paresthesias cyanotic hypoventilating  bradycardia gastric lavage oxygen saturation As mentioned in the case description, tetrodotoxin is a molecule that blocks voltage-gated sodium ion channels. What is a voltage-gated sodium ion channel and what is its function? When nerve cells are at rest, there is an unequal amount of positive and negative charges on either side of a nerve cell membrane. This charge difference creates an electrical potential. Describe how the resting membrane potential (resting potential) is generated. What is happening to the electrical potential of a neuron when it generates an action potential? What is the function of the action potential in neurons? Describe the role of sodium ions and sodium channels in generating an action potential. What would happen to a neuron if it was exposed to tetrodotoxin? Be specific regarding its effect on the ability of a neuron to communicate. Now that you have addressed some of the basic biology of this case, explain why Dr. Westwood experienced numbness after eating the puffer fish meal. Paralysis is a term used to describe the loss of muscle function. If tetrodotoxin’s effect is on neurons, why did Dr. Westwood experience paralysis?   Case Study 2 – “My Leg is on Fire”: A Case Study on Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Anatomy Sarah Mitchell is a 68-year-old female who is normally healthy. However, about five days ago she began to feel very fatigued and started to experience a burning and tingling sensation on her right thigh.   You ask to see the area and upon visual inspection you notice 3–4 small, red, swollen areas with vesicles on the posterior aspect of her right thigh. She describes the pain to you, saying “it feels like the back of my leg is on fire and it hurts so bad.” She denies being exposed to any excessive heat sources, any changes in her diet, and any changes in the type of body soap, lotion, or laundry detergent she is using. All other physical findings are within normal limits, but her oral temperature is 100.6?F. She complains about being under a lot of stress for the past three months because she has been helping take care of her husband, who is in the end stages of Alzheimer’s disease. She has no known drug allergies, is a non-smoker, and attends a water aerobics class twice a week. You suspect she may be suffering from a particular viral infection, so you ask if she had chicken pox as a child. Sarah confirms that she had chicken pox and measles during childhood. Her answer confirms your suspicions that she is likely suffering from shingles (herpes zoster) due to varicella-zoster virus infection.   Define the following terms, used in the case and also in associated questions. paresthesia skin vesicle dorsal ventral dormant The list below classifies sensory receptors by the stimulus that activates them. Using your textbook or other resource, name the receptor for each stimulus type. activated by touch, pressure, vibration, and stretch. activated by changes in temperature activated by light or changes in light wavelengths activated by changes in chemical concentrations in a solution activated by tissue injury or situations that may lead to tissue injury Based on what you know about their stimuli, which type of sensory receptor is activated and causing Sarah’s symptoms of pain and paresthesia? The virus infecting Sarah lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglion. What part of a neuron is located in the dorsal root ganglion? Does the dorsal root and its ganglion carry sensory input, motor output, or both? Based on the pattern of skin vesicles and pain, which of Sarah’s peripheral nerves is infected? To which peripheral nerve plexus does this nerve belong? If Sarah had skin vesicles on the anterolateral region of her neck, which peripheral nerve is infected by the virus? To which peripheral nerve plexus does this nerve belong? If Sarah had a viral infection that affected neuron function in the ventral root of the same spinal nerve, how would the signs and symptoms be different than those she has now? If we traced the sensory pathways that carry Sarah’s thigh pain up to her brain, which cerebral lobe AND which part of the cortex would be active when she feels this sensation?

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Best Practices for Occupational Therapy | Instant Homework Solutions

This assignment is to assist the student in synthesizing information from previous coursework and apply it to current pediatric practice. The intent is to articulate parameters of best practice and analyze those specific parameters in relation to clinical practice. ·         In order to complete the assignment, please follow the following guidelines: Create a paragraph that identifies your personal definition of best practice in the pediatric arena and the importance of best practice when working with children (3-4 sentences). (8 points) In each column identify what that best practice concept would look like in a practice setting, and what it wouldn’t look like in practice. You can choose one of these practice areas to elaborate on. (Early Intervention, Preschool, school based i.e. elementary junior high, or highschool.) (10 points) Complete Best Practices for Occupational Therapy Worksheet  This link will help  https://library.aota.org/Best-Practices-OT-Early-Childhood/

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Echo Views | Instant Homework Solutions

800-1000 word summary of the video https://www.sdms.org/RegReview/ae/index.html#/lessons/Y9pgB06T87WfQArdFvs0ynQ839sLiBoG

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Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Conditions | Instant Homework Solutions

Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Conditions Instructions- Research paper Formats- Abstract, Intro, Body, Conclusion, References 1.     What population is this condition typically found in? 2.     How does the condition typically occur? What is the etiology? 3.     What anatomical structures are involved? 4.     What medical interventions are required? 5.     What precautions or contraindications must the PTA be aware of during the patient’s medical treatment and/or during recovery? 6.     What is the typical time frame for patient full recovery OR how long following medical intervention until the patient is considered able to return to full functional abilities (or return to PLOF). 7.     What types of PT interventions are typically used to treat the condition during the: a.      acute phase b.     functional phase 8.     Are there any recommended interventions that do not fall under the PTA’s scope of work? 9.     Create an example daily treatment plan for the patient 3 weeks following injury/medical intervention based on information found during your research.

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Advanced Pathophysiology | Instant Homework Solutions

Initial Post: Identify all the components of a cell. Describe the function of each of these components. The do: Response #1: Add to your own initial post: Describe cellular metabolism membrane transport and cellular reproduction Response #2: Add to your own initial post and response #1: Describe the aging process. Identify the pathophysiologic process for 3 underlying principles of aging. Example: oxidative process.

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Challenges of Qualitative Data Collection | Instant Homework Solutions

In the field of public health, qualitative data can paint a detailed picture of public health problems, contributing factors, communities, and community needs. Qualitative data may be used to inform researchers about what to measure next, and provide richness to existing quantitative data by offering an understanding of a community’s true experiences. Collecting qualitative data can present an array of potential challenges. In community health assessment, it is imperative that you are able to identify and plan these challenges. For this Discussion, review the media titled Needs Assessment: Conducting a Windshield Survey. Think about the method used to gather information collected and how it could be integrated into a community health assessment. With these thoughts in mind: Post two potential challenges a public health professional may face when collecting qualitative data for a community health assessment and explain why they are challenges. Then, describe two strategies for mitigating these challenges and explain how these strategies might be effective in community health assessment. Use the Resources and current literature to support your response.

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Cerebral Palsy | Instant Homework Solutions

Cerebral Palsy  Discuss the challenges faced by a person with Cerebral Palsy, when transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Address specific issues such as independent living, employment, relationships ,etc. How can you, as a service provider, help facilitate this process for the client and family? What resources are currently available?

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