Care Coordination and Management | Instant Homework Solutions
Being able to understand how QSEN relates to care coordination and management of care is essential to quality and safety. Complete the template by explaining how each QSEN topic can and will promote safety and quality of care. Include a title page and in-text citations to support your explanations. Include an APA reference list at the end of the assignment. You can fill in the template boxes. This DOES NOT need to be in essay format
Patient History and Treatment | Instant Homework Solutions
The assignment requires that you complete three case studies within Sherpath. Detached Retina Mr. Gray, a 65-year-old man, was in an automobile accident in which he suffered a concussion. Soon after he was released, he noticed what he described as a gray spot in his field of vision. At first he ignored it, thinking it would go away, but the spot seemed to darken and spread over his visual field. He didnt report any pain with the problem. On calling his physician, he was advised to go to the nearest hospital immediately. A detached retina was diagnosed. After treatment, he regained most of his normal sight back. Five years later, he began having problems again. The central area of his visual field was becoming blurred, and he was losing his depth perception. An initial eye examination revealed neovascularization in both eyes. Question 1: Relate the patient history and circumstances of the injury and the signs and symptoms related to the pathophysiology of this condition. Question 2: Discuss the treatments available for the patient. Question 3: Relate the symptoms and signs to those of macular degeneration. Question 4: Discuss the treatment available and the prognosis for recovering his normal vision. Resources to assist you: Cardiovascular Accident Mr. Quinn, age 64 years, developed a severe headache several hours ago that has not responded to acetaminophen. Now his speech is slurred, and his right arm and the right side of his face feel numb. He is very anxious and is transported to the hospital. Mr. Quinn has a history of smoking and arteriosclerosis, and there is family history of CVA and diabetes. Assessment at the hospital indicated weakness on the right side, including facial asymmetry and a blood pressure of 220/110 Hg mm. A CT scan showed damaged tissue on the left side of the brain, and an angiogram indicated narrowing of the carotid arteries and middle cerebral arteries, with occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery. Question 1: Discuss the pathophysiology related to CVA due to thrombus vs. embolus. Describe the stages in the development of an atheroma. Question 2: Explain the predisposing factors in this case, and relate Mr. Quinns initial signs to the pathological changes. Question 3: Discuss the treatments available after first aid for stroke patients and the patients prognosis. Resources to help you: Parkinson Disease Mr. Nimmo, age 66, has noticed excessive fatigue, muscle aches, and weakness in his legs for some time. His hands were shaking slightly, although his wife reported that the shaking appeared to stop when he fell asleep. Some unintentional head movements were also apparent. He remembers that his grandfather died in his mid-60s after suffering for years from a condition with similar symptoms. After several tests and the elimination of some other neuromuscular conditions, a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease was made for Mr. Nimmo. Question 1: Discuss the pathophysiology of Parkinsons disease and how it differs from other neuromuscular conditions affecting older adults. Question 2: Discuss the usual progression of the disease as the pathophysiology develops further. Indicate additional manifestations that will be noticeable. Question 3: Describe the complications that frequently develop, including the rationale for each and the early indications of each problem. Question 4: Discuss the treatments available to this patient. Resources to help you:
Selection of Alteration in Health Disease | Instant Homework Solutions
Please select an alteration in health (disease) that you would like to work on. Be sure to select a disease that has enough information and depth to meet the project requirements. Describe the selection in one paragraph and why you chose it. You may use your textbook or other resources for your selection. The disease selected must be approved by your instructor before you continue on to the next project assignment.
Cystitis Prostate Cancer and Osteoarthritis Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions
Cystitis Ms. Vance, age 28 years, has noticed urgency, frequency, and dysuria recently, as well as an unusual odor to the urine. Urinalysis indicated a heavy concentration of Escherichia coli in the urine, some pus, and WBCs. Ms. T was prescribed antibiotics, which she took for the first few days. This seemed to give her relief, but she then stopped taking the medication. Within a few days, the symptoms returned, but she decided to just live with it. Question 1: Explain why women are predisposed to cystitis. Question 2: What preventive measures are important in reducing recurrence? Question 3: Discuss other signs and symptoms that may indicate cystitis. Question 4: What potential problems may she experience if she does not adhere to the treatment prescribed? Resources to help you: Prostate Cancer Mr. Rader, age 52 years, is undergoing a routine physical examination for his employer. During palpation of the prostate, the physician noted a hard nodule on the glands periphery. Lab tests revealed an elevated PSA level. The remainder of the examination did not reveal any other abnormalities. Question 1: Using the information given, discuss the presentation of cancer of the prostate. Question 2: Discuss the predisposing factors for prostate cancer and identify the high-risk groups. Question 3: Discuss the variation in the growth and course of this type of cancer. Question 4: Discuss how the decision to treat or not to treat is made early in the course of prostate cancer. Question 5: If metastasis occurs, what additional manifestations will occur, and how will they be treated? Resources to help you: Osteoarthritis Mr. Filstrup is a 38-year-old man in overall good health who has been complaining about an aching pain in his knees when working around the house and often when simply walking. He has noticed that his knees feel hard and tight. His history indicates that he has always been involved in athletics and was on the college football team, but recently family responsibilities and work have not made it easy for him to exercise. Question 1: Relate Mr. Filstrups case history to the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis. Question 2: How do anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics help Mr. Filstrup deal with this form of arthritis? Why is moderate, nonweight-bearing exercise recommended? Question 3: What is the probable prognosis for Mr. Filstrup? Resources to help you:
The Immune System | Instant Homework Solutions
Explain, with examples, how innate and adaptive immunity are different. What is the difference between active and passive immunity?
Lymphatic System | Instant Homework Solutions
What is the difference between how B Cell and various T Cells are produced and what is their associated function in the bodys innate or adaptive immune system. Give examples.
Ecology of Human Performance | Instant Homework Solutions
Group Presentation Paper: A paper must be included with your final presentation and answer the following the questions: 1. Define what an Occupation-Based Model is in occupational therapy practice 2. Describe the historical foundations of your assigned model (Who developed the model? How did it evolve (underlying theories or models)? 3. Describe the focus of your assigned model (Which populations, health conditions is it intended for? What domains of practice (from OTPF-III) are emphasized?) 4. Describe the key components of your assigned model 5. Describe the role of the environment in your assigned model 6. Explain why it is necessary to use an occupation-based model to guide occupational therapy interventions 7. Describe an example of how your assigned model was used to guide intervention based upon a research article. The article must be published within the last 10 years and the source must be approved by the instructor. Some examples of acceptable sources include the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, the British Journal of Occupational Therapy, the Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, OT Practice, and Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners. The research article must be approved by the instructor by the end of Week 7. The paper must be in APA format, including the title page, reference page, and citations. PowerPoint presentations should also include a reference page and citations. Utilize the Purdue Owl website for examples of APA formatting. 1. If you are doing a PowerPoint Presentation, include the printed version on a page titled Appendix A. The printed version of the powerpoint cannot have more than 2 slides per page. 2. If you are doing a role playing skit, song, or any other creative presentation to represent your assigned model, please include an outline on your plans for presenting on a page titled Appendix A. This page will go after the papers reference page and all will be stapled together. Length of paper: Max of 5 pages
Factors Affecting Gender Inequalities in Medical Profession | Instant Homework Solutions
I would like to hire someone who can help me my dissertation for chapter 1 and chapter 2. Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Literature critics. I want to have minimum of 30 pages with 32 references. 30 pages not include reference page nor front page. Title: Factors Affecting Gender Inequalities in Medical Profession Main question ??Why there is a gender gap in the proportion of female physicians in the world? ??What is the factor associated with the proportion of female physician in the world? Solution This study aimed to reveal the social factors of countries associated with the percentage of female physicians. (We extracted the proportion of female physicians in XX countries (For example, countries categorized by OECD/EU/EEA/High income countries and World bank). social factors selects one of Global Gender Gap Index, Gender equality index, Gender Development index, Gender Inequality index, and Human Development index.) Outline 1) Gender Inequality> what disparities are considered?> Job title, salary (annual income / hourly wage), job opportunities, part-time or fulltime, gender ratio, discrimination due to social prejudice (moral harassment / sexual harassment? (1) in this survey, gender inequality in Medical profession is discussed. (2) I would like to investigate social factors affecting Gender inequality in Medical profession by international comparison, so the proportion of men and women is appropriate. While citing the literature, the following is discussed as Gender inequality, but this time I will give an excuse not to think about the following Gender inequality aspect. 1. although it is meaningful to investigate the proportion of female doctors in managerial positions, such as professors, Dean of departments, there is no data that summarizes the proportion of female professors in University Medical Schools. The index includes the Proportion of female politicians, CEOs. 2 part-time or full-time > ?? the definition of the job form of “Full-time Doctor, part-time doctor, practitioner “is different.?) depending on the country, whether working as a fulltime doctor, part-time doctor, or practitioner affects income, social status, and career ?) whether you are not employed as a full-time doctor, or if you wish to work part-time (some female doctors work part-time because their husbands are high-income, even if you wish, you can not work full-time because you are a woman there’s a country.? 3 salary > it is the same as the discussion in full-time/part-time doctors, it is difficult to simply compare annual income and hourly wage. Therefore, the difference between the average annual income of physicians/general average annual income is included in the factor. 4 job opportunities>there is no data that can be compared internationally. 5 discrimination based on social prejudice (moral harassment and sexual harassment) > there is no data that can be compared internationally. 2) Medical Profession> Classically, a physician is defined as a professional who possesses special knowledge and skills derived from rigorous education, training, and experience WHO: Includes generalists , specialist medical practitioners and medical doctors not further defined, in the given national and/or subnational area. Depending on the nature of the original data source may include practicing (active) physicians only or all registered physicians. The ISCO -08 codes included here are 221,2211,2212
Cryptosporidiosis Disease | Instant Homework Solutions
Write a rough draft essay on Cryptosporidiosis Disease.
Homeostasis and Blood | Instant Homework Solutions
How is hemostasis maintained with relation to our blood components and its clotting abilities?
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