Relationship Between Spirituality and Mental Health | Instant Homework Solutions

“Critically discuss the relationship between spirituality and mental health.” MUST: Answers the question set and remains focused. Demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and a thorough understanding. Shows impressive ability to inter-relate, apply and evaluate theories and concepts as appropriate. Can sustain a convincing argument based on systematic analysis and critical thought. Evidence of independent, original or innovative thought. Consistently accurate referencing. A comprehensive range of primary source reading used to support arguments. Excellent presentation.

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AI and Robotics in Surgical Procedures | Instant Homework Solutions

Essay content Introduction: è Artificial intelligence and robotic surgery (robot doctors) in health science (short introduction) and especially in ophthalmology (main introduction) è Introducing the research question,   How far are artificial intelligence and robotics (robot doctors) integrated in surgical procedures in ophthalmology?    OR    How successful / effective are artificial intelligence and robotics (robot doctors) integrated in surgical procedures in ophthalmology? ‘’ Main part: Subsections: for example, … è about Robotic ophthalmologists in general, facts, where and which operation they make  è contrasting or comparing advantages and disadvantages in using robotic ophthalmologists and artificial intelligence in surgery section è possible mistakes of artificial intelligence in this field that can risk human lives or human wellbeing/health  蠅   Conclusion   è present and future of robots in health science and in ophthalmology especially  è are they going to replace human resources or human ophthalmologists? è What are your predictions about artificial intelligence and robotics in future ?    Attention please ! Professor’s requirements è Acceptable sources are academic journals, books, quality newspapers (New York Times, Guardian etc.) and ‘respectable’ websites. è Recycling appropriate terminology and collocations is fine without marking this as a                        quotation; anything longer than a few words which is quoted verbatim and terms coined by an author should be marked as a quotation in the usual way..   è You should refer to / quote from at least 10 different sources, for example, Google scholar, Cochrane and s.o.   è Topic sentences and paragraphs help to structure your writing. Strongly recommended/demanded using phrases from   è Tables/figures should supplement your writing – they should not be used to replace your writing. Just like quotations, they should be properly integrated into your text, see the examples here     NOT much information about historical or past facts. NO overview of previous research done on this topic, BUT a well-researched case study that applies the theory related to health science NO open -source websites like Wikipedia

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AIDS in Uganda and Botswana | Instant Homework Solutions

Read Chapter 9 of Epstein (2007) and write an essay on why and how the HIV infection rate declined in Uganda and Kagera since the early 1990s? Use following concepts: “collective efficacy” (page 160); “sense of collective urgency” (page 161); women’s movement (page 163~164); and community-based organization (page 164~167). Also discuss in the essay the case of Botswana (page 167~171) with an extra focus on the last sentence of the chapter, “it’s also about the heart,” in comparison with the home-based care and the recognition of the ‘reality’ (or the perception) of AIDS as a disease for everyone in Uganda. The essay will be three page long (no more than 1000 words, put words count at the end of the essay). You constitute and upload a Word document with 12-font size of Arial or Times New Roman, double-spaced and 1-inch margin for all sides. Epstein, Helen, 1961-. (2007). The invisible cure : Africa, the West, and the fight against AIDS. New York :Farrar, Straus and Giroux,

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Making Vaccines Obligatory | Instant Homework Solutions

The essay is about the debate over making vaccines obligatory. On the one hand, anti-vaxxers believe that vaccines might create risk more than benefits since they are based on poorly-researched substances and are linked to commercial and capitalistic powers. On the other hand, supporters believe that vaccines strengthen the immunity of all members of the society as a whole and essential for children and to combat pandemics and infections. Use the Covid-19 outbreak as an example to support your argument. Take a stance and defend your arguments pro or against obligatory vaccines.

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Indian Medicine | Instant Homework Solutions

My topic is Indian Medicine. The paper needs to be about cost and education for civilians to become a doctor and their basic philosophy for medicine in India.

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Virtual Reality Training | Instant Homework Solutions

Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Training in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease

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The Road Back | Instant Homework Solutions

After reading The Road Back: A Journey of Grace and Grit by Michael Vitez, create a 2-3 page paper that includes: (1) identification of an emergency situation/potential emergency situation, how the situation was controlled, and your critique of the response (2) identification of a psychological response of one of the people in the book and how you would best help them work through the situation. Paper requirements- typed, 1″ margins, Times New Roman Font, double-spaced. Paper is to be no less than 2 pages and no more than 3 pages

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Traditional Chinese Medicine | Instant Homework Solutions

Please type the answers to the questions of your chosen case studies in a Word document. Your responses to each question should be thorough and composed of well-developed paragraphs. You may use any scholarly reference to substantiate your responses. All references must be cited in APA format. CASE STUDY: Blake is having a great deal of hip and back pain. He used to run a lot and still plays tennis, which he does not want to give up. His private medical doctor has told him that the MRI showed he has a pinched sciatic nerve from a herniated disc. The doctor has suggested that Blake have back surgery to remove the disc and stabilize the vertebrae. He is very concerned about having this done. A friend suggested that Blake should try other means to treat the condition and specifically said he should try acupuncture. Blake has heard about acupuncture but he has a fear of needles. Questions: 1.What would you suggest Blake could do to learn more about acupuncture as a treatment for back pain? 2.Where would he find a person or doctor who would be a professionally trained acupuncturist? 3.Do insurance companies pay for acupuncture?

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Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin | Instant Homework Solutions

Demonstrates surgeon-level knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the skin, subq fat, fascia, muscle, and other layers encountered in the incision under discussion Displays surgeon-level comprehension of the anatomical structure being operated on Awareness of other related structures that may be involved in the procedure or may take insight and knowledge of the structure to avoid injuring it Understands the vasculature related to the structure including the origin of the artery, any anastomoses involved, collateral blood supply Described any nerves that become part of the procedure or effort may be needed in order to avoid injury to the structure Defines any widely used eponyms in the anatomy under discussion Paper written as though you were teaching this subject Adequate pictures were used to illustrate the surgical anatomy Adequately attributed info and quotations to original author Research materials are surgeon-level. Would be used by surgical resident in learning about the surgical anatomy. Did the paper receive a passing score?

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Childhood Obesity | Instant Homework Solutions

Approximately 12-15 typed pages/5200 words of text: 12 pt. font (Times New Roman), double-spaced, 1–inch margins all sides. Must include the following elements: ?      Cover page including, title, student’s name, course name, section number, Instructor’s name ?      Abstract of 100-250 words, including purpose of study, method,results,conclusions and recommendations ?      Literature review ranging from 4 to 7pages in length, as specified by instructor ?      Method, at least 1 page in length, including purpose of study, study population and sample, procedure, and ethical implications of your research project and design and instrument ?      Results, at least 2 pages in length, plus charts/graphs/tables, including data, analysis, and explanation ?      Discussion and Conclusion, at least 2-3 pages, including purpose, key findings, comparison against literature, limitations, and recommendations ?      Reference page including properly formatted reference citations for 8-10 credible sources, with at least 6 sources from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, as specified by instructor

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