Public and Private Health Goods | Instant Homework Solutions

To what extent are various public health goods public or private? Why is it important for you, given your current or future professional role, to understand this distinction on how various public health goods and services are delivered? In Canada, public health services are free to the public. These services are available for anyone who wants or needs them. The public good of health is consumed by the citizen. In the United States, the vast majority of public health services are paid for by consumers through employee group plans or by the individual. This is a private good that falls on the shoulders of citizens. Review the examples of public and private goods. Consider how you would determine which is a public or a private good. Pertussis vaccine Human papillomavirus vaccine Information about the prevention of pregnancy geared toward those younger than age 18 years Medical care for a 35-year-old woman who has been diagnosed with cancer; she has two children and is homeless Electronic health record Nutritional advising for parents of young children End-of-life or palliative care for an elderly person with dementia Mental health care for a group of former U.S. military personnel injured in battle Safe labeling of pharmaceuticals The Da Vinci robot (surgery medical technology) In-patient treatment for heroin addiction For this Discussion, review the media, “Health and Health Economics,” and Learning Resources. Select one item from above, and determine whether it should be a public or private good. Think about the influence of this public or private good on public consumption. With these thoughts in mind: Post a description of the good you selected. Then explain whether you would deem the good to be public or private, and why. Finally, explain what economic impact this determination may have. Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

Power Point of 25 slide about Rheumatoid Arthritis (primary diagnostic)Case Study with Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis as differential diagnosis.  Look for rationals.  Test, lab, treatment, patient education. Musculoskeletal system evaluation with emphasis in hands and wrist.  Add the information provided.

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Diagnosis of Acute Pharyngitis | Instant Homework Solutions

Discuss the diagnosis of Acute pharyngitis Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Work-up, Nonpharmacological and Pharmacological management, Education, and Follow-up.

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Clinical Depression Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

Composed a focused paper that explains and describes CLINICAL DEPRESSION from a scientific and mathematical/analytical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in the paper.) As you develop this specific topic, keep in mind that your eventual goal is to formulate and present a SOLUTION to the healthcare issue or problem you identify. Address your general topic by forming and answering two levels of research questions for each inquiry -Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” from both of the lists below to answer in the paper. -Compose a “Level 2 Research Question/Writing Prompt” for each of the injuries you selected that provides detail, specificity, and focus to your inquiry, research, and writing. This will depend on the issue (clinical depression) and your problem solution. -Answer each research question and support your assertions with evidence (research) to form the body of your paper. LEVEL 1 Research Question/Writing Prompts from a SCIENTIFIC Perspective of Inquiry (choose only one) 1. What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or epidemiological issues? 2. Which body systems are affected? 3. What happens at the cellular or genetic level? 4. Which chemical or biological issues are most important? and  LEVEL 1 Research Question/Writing Prompts from a MATHEMATICAL/ANALYTICAL Perspective of Inquiry (choose only one) 1. What are the economic issues involved? 2. Which economic theories or approaches best explain the issue? 3. What are the statistical facts related to the issue? 4. Which statistical processes used to study the issue provide the best explanation or understanding? Here’s an example: Let’s assume that your research topic is HEART ATTACK. When answering a study LEVEL 1 question from a SCIENTIFIC perspective, say you discuss “what happens at the cellular or genetic level?” (number 3). Now, say LEVEL 1 questions regarding the Mathematical/Analytical perspective of your topic discusses statistical facts (number 3 again) like “20 million people suffered from heart attack in the United States in 2010.” Be sure to talk about such statistic and reveal your findings. At LEVEL 2 questions, you can discuss about the target population of your topic like “women.” So, at LEVEL 2 questions from a SCIENTIFIC perspective you just do research and find the relationship between heart attack and women in the context of what causes or increases heart attacks in women and how this is manifested from a genetic or cellular standpoint. At LEVEL 2 questions of MATH/ANALYTICAL perspectives, you may research and report statistical data of heart attacks in women (for example, 42% of American women in the U.S. and 35% of European women etc suffered from heart attacks in 2010. These events were due to these reasons……….! This number has decreased in recent years because of….blah..blah….” So targeting a population answer the question of specificity. Now you can use do this on something else, something specific about this topic.  Introduction -Introduce the inquiry type and your purpose in using it (your problem statement) -Describe level 1 question(s) and describe the “big picture” issue -Explain how looking at your topic from this perspective could provide solutions or obstacles to your problem statement or your level 2 question.  Body -Cite the research that relates to your topic (level 1 question) -Cite the research that relates to your level 2 question -Analyze your research findings. Conclusion -Briefly review the issues, research questions, answers, and insights.  -What possible solutions to your problem can you propose from this perspective? -Make assertions about the issue in the context of this inquiry. -Suggest possible solutions or obstacles to a proposed solution based on the of this inquiry.

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Motor Learning and Skill Development | Instant Homework Solutions

Purpose: The purpose of this project is for the student to observe, assess, and evaluate a specific motor pattern related to a variety of sport biomechanical demands and identify various constraints that may impact the proficiency of the movement as well as design a motor learning/control program that will enhance the development of the specific movement over the course.Instructions:Select Movement, Observe, Assess, Evaluate, & Design Chosen Movement is: Push-up. Three Stages of Life: a kid (9-10yrs old), an Adult (30-40yrs old), and an Elder (60+). Step 1: Select a sport/athletic movement to be observed, assessed, and evaluated. Provide a brief background on the movement selected and how it impacts everyday life of the individual throughout various stages of life.Push-up brief background I chose the push-up because is a true all-around exercise, engaging the body from top to bottom. It works several muscle groups at once: in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips, and legs. It also can be easily modified to fit your current ability and adjusted as your strength and performance improve. Also, besides adding muscle mass, push-ups can improve many of the vital biomechanics of aging. For example, the motion mimics your natural reaction when you fall, where you extend your arms, hands, and wrists to absorb the impact. “Push-ups can teach better muscle memory, so not only is your upper body stronger, but you can quickly react to protect yourself in case you stumble Step 2: Perform visual observation of the movement being performed throughout 3 stages of life (i.e. toddler, child, teenager, adult, older adult, etc.) and identify the individual, environmental, and task constraints if applicable) that affect the “shape” and technical proficiency of the movement. Discuss how each of these constraints, and others if necessary, impacts the movement (positive and negative). Step 3: Design a movement program, per stage of life (3) that may enhance the specific movement in the stage that it was observed, assessed, and evaluated in. This should include a breakdown of the movement from the point that it was observed and a time frame till expected increased proficiency of the movement to the point that it would require to be reassessed and evaluated in order to prepare a program developed to advance the skill to the next level or life stage. THIS ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMERICAN PYSCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION GUIDELINES FOR FORMAT, CITATIONS, AND REFERENCES. This paper should be between 2000-3000 words in length (not including cover page, citations, and/or references listed).

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Toxicology Case Study | Instant Homework Solutions

Recent studies support the potential of a drug that is derived from the metal iridium to effectively treat cancer. This experimental drug, Drug ZL105, has not been tested for efficacy and toxicity. Imagine that you are the one responsible for approving or denying the use of this drug within the United States. Your job is to propose the testing that is needed for this drug to be determined as safe and effective for the treatment of cancer in humans. In your research and discussion, you should address the questions below. What model(s) will you use for testing (i.e., animal, cell cultures, computer simulations)? Explain the choice of model, and provide support for the reliability of the model. Discuss the pros and cons of your choice. In determining the safety and effectiveness of the drug, would it be necessary to test efficacy, toxicity, and lethality? Explain what each of these tests are for and whether or not one or more of the tests are necessary for your determination. Provide your thoughts on what information you hope to gather from your tests and whether or not the same protocol should be used for various categories of products such as drugs, cosmetics, and herbal medicines. Your case study assignment should be three to four pages in length, not including the title or reference page, and utilize at least three reliable references. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing.

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Legal Pitfalls of Sonography | Instant Homework Solutions

Sonography is Ultrasound Technology** TERM PAPER GUIDELINES  1- Prepare and submit a written report of 350-500 words; Font 12, Times New Roman, APA style.  Page 1: Cover letter with your name, date and course name (DMS 315 Professional Aspects of Sonography).  Page 2: Your Case scenario must include 3 paragraphs:  1) Explain case scenario that brought this legal action Lawsuit (malpractice, medical error, sexual harassment, Negligence, Abandonment, etc.).  2) Explain what the sonographer did wrong.  3) Explain what the sonographer should have done to prevent the Lawsuit (This has more detail, please note it is ok to just use one scenario) TERM PAPER ASSIGNMENT TOPIC: Legal Pitfalls of Sonography INSTRUCTIONS: Please prepare a written report of 350-500 words in length relating to the potential legal problems that could arise in your performance of the duties of a sonographer . Within the report, present three different scenarios, consisting of at least one paragraph each, that might cause legal charges to be filed against the sonographer. Following each scenario, propose ways in which the legal issues might have been avoided.   Your report must include: 1. The reasons that medico-legal aspects of sonography are important 2. Three very specific scenarios that could result in the sonographer being named in a lawsuit 3. Specific ways in which each of the situations named in the scenario could have been avoided

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Stimulation and Inhibition of Hormone Secretion | Instant Homework Solutions

Hormones’ release is strictly controlled in the body. Different mechanisms trigger the release of hormones. Write an essay explaining the different biological processes that cause an endocrine gland to release a hormone. Explain also the mechanism that inhibits hormones’ secretion in the body. (Don’t exceed 800 words.) Read about the mechanisms that control the release of hormones and the process that stops their secretion.

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Cystic Fibrosis Essay | Instant Homework Solutions

I need an essay please based on the topic cystic fibrosis its a medical disease My professor needs 5 paragraph essay in total 1 paragraph introduction  3 paragraphs body 1 paragraph conclusion

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Geriatric Patients with Breast Cancer Paper | Instant Homework Solutions

This paper must be focused on geriatric patients with breast cancer only. 65 years or older ONLY. Must write well about breast cancer pathophysiology from the cellular level! Must have title page, headings (levels 1 & 2) and reference pages. References must be 5 years or younger! (written 2015-2020). References must include doi’s. APA 6th Ed. Paper must be no more than 10 pages but at least 8. PLEASE FOLLOW THE ATTACHED RUBRIC VERY CAREFULLY! Please ask me questions. This is for a graduate nursing program. Outline the paper addressing the following sections: Introduction: Overview of the population and demographics Risk Factors for Primary Diagnosis Pathophysiology of Primary Diagnosis: In-depth description of pathophysiology (at the cellular level) of the underlying disease process including discussion of effect on two or more organ systems Pathophysiology for Primary Symptoms associated with the primary diagnosis Typical Lab and Diagnostic Test Data: Detailed description at the cellular level including why the lab or diagnostic data is important in diagnosis, monitoring, or treatment of the disease process. Goals of Therapeutic Management: Detailed description of the goals for therapeutic management. Health promotion/risk reduction (evidence-based) management of the population to promote health and well being. Summary of application of therapeutics to promote health of chosen population and expected optimal outcomes of care.

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