[Get Solution]Film Studies

Requirements and Specific Marking Criteria 1.Propose a persuasive thesis (main argument) and corroborate it with logical reasoning and textual evidence; ? 2.Present and explicate the key ideas in the reading(s) specified by the prompt; 3.Compose a critical prose with a coherent rhetorical structure; ? 4.In case you choose the option 2, offer an original film […]

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The Cinema of Luis García Berlanga

The Cinema of Luis García Berlanga

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Too Fast To Be A Woman

Too Fast To Be A Woman

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Double Identity

Double Identity

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Islam in America

Islam in America

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Blade Runner

Blade Runner

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Pans Labyrinth

Pans Labyrinth

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Creative Disney Story

Creative Disney Story

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Joe vs the Volcano

Joe vs the Volcano

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Steve Trevor is a Feminist

Steve Trevor is a Feminist

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