[Get Solution]Decontamination Principle
Answer the questions using your own vocabulary and address the conflicts or issues with solutions specific to your topics of choice. To fulfill the requirements of this case studies project, you must employ research techniques. You can utilize your text or other credible sources from the internet to build a thorough paper that contains at […]
[Get Solution]Neurotransmitters and Receptors
Research Paper – Neurotransmitters Objectives of the Assignment Research and learn about the different classes of NTs and Receptors Search for credible information on the web and your textbook Practice research techniques (information literacy) and source citation Practice scientific writing skills and literacy Evidence of Successful Completion of the Assignment Requirements for the Paper […]
Decontamination Principle
Answer the questions using your own vocabulary and address the conflicts or issues with solutions specific to your topics of choice. To fulfill the requirements of this case studies project, you must employ research techniques. You can utilize your text or other credible sources from the internet to build a thorough paper that contains at least six main ideas with supporting details regarding the topic chosen and a minimum of three credible references. The paper must be written in APA format with an extensive introduction, body, and concluding statement per case study. Minimum of four pages, double-spaced excluding title and reference pages per case study. CASE STUDY SCENARIOS Decontamination Principles: Dr. Sarmiento is a well-known neurosurgeon at Baptist Medical Center. He is known for working on complex cases that involve the spine and other neurological issues. This past week, his private scrub tech has discovered that dirty neurological instruments have made it into the OR. The technician consults with the patient care manager of surgical services because the incident has been reoccurring over the past few months. With this knowledge, respond to the following questions: What issue(s) have occurred, and what may be the cause of these errors? What other special precautions may the sterile processing tech need to take with instruments exposed to neurological tissues? What might the sterile processing department have to do to resolve this issue? Thoroughly explain the decontamination process. What extra efforts should be made to ensure that clean instruments are delivered to the surgical suite?
Neurotransmitters and Receptors
Research Paper – Neurotransmitters Objectives of the Assignment Research and learn about the different classes of NTs and Receptors Search for credible information on the web and your textbook Practice research techniques (information literacy) and source citation Practice scientific writing skills and literacy Evidence of Successful Completion of the Assignment Requirements for the Paper Length should be between three pages and five pages long, double-spaced Font should be Times New Roman 12 pt size (can be 11 pt if you went a little over five pages) Format of the paper should have an introductory paragraph, a number of body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph (a paragraph has at least three sentences) – if you are unsure how to write this properly, please consult the library, the OWL writing lab online (Links to an external site.) , or make an appointment with me References should be cited at the end of the paper in APA format (does not count towards the length of the paper) AND referenced using in-text citations (maximum of one direct quote in the paper). For example, Leaf-cutter ants cut significantly smaller leaf fragments in high-wind conditions (Rodriguez 2014). If you are unsure how to use in-text citations properly, please consult the library, the OWL writing lab online (Links to an external site.) , or make an appointment with me All these topics must be addressed in the paper (one paragraph minimum per topic) Start with an introductory paragraph telling the reader what to expect in your paper First, explain the specific release of NT used at the NMJ, the class of receptor it binds to, and how that specific NT is removed from the synaptic cleft Then, explain the NTs used in the parasympathetic nervous system versus the NTs used in the sympathetic nervous system Explain the difference between alpha and beta receptors Explain the effect of certain NTs on five tissues/organs (minimum) in the body (heart, lungs, blood vessels, digestive system, etc.) while detailing the NT receptor class and type on each organ Attempt to organize your thoughts and give some general statements about the different NTs, receptor classes, and receptor types (alpha vs beta) based upon your previous research that you can use to help you study Finally, write a conclusion paragraph restating the main points of your paper
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