[ORDER SOLUTION] The American Tradition

in an essay of four (4) to five (5) pages, typed in size 12 Times New Roman fonts and double-spaced, respond to the following: In your own words, describe what Rossiter meant by “the American tradition.” Be specific. Rossiter delivered this address at a time (the 1950s) when, in his estimation, “The mood of this nation, which considers itself an eminent success and finds itself in imminent danger, is deeply conservative.” Are there parallels between the national mood of the 1950s and the national mood today? In other words, is Donald Trump’s call to “Make America Great Again” a call to return to “the American tradition”? What, if any, elements of the American tradition, as it was defined by Rossiter, are evident in Donald Trump’s agenda? Be specific. Is “the American tradition” even worth returning to? Why or why not? You must cite at least (3) scholarly or primary sources to support your arguments.    Here is a link to read.  Rossiter, The Shaping of the American Tradition.pdf (https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com/blackboard.learn.xythos.prod/589ab7cf1b570/1351169?X-Blackboard-Expiration=1608336000000&X-Blackboard-Signature=ds9osMABrAoZEm0ElnqetBA2H67ijXK%2FGBUALVbAL%2F8%3D&X-Blackboard-Client-Id=306104&response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27Rossiter%252C%2520The%2520Shaping%2520of%2520the%2520American%2520Tradition.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20201218T180000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAYDKQORRYTKBSBE4S%2F20201218%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=ff5a0c0c6af685d763a633a2c2f5edd3f2066e0fb40e3cc902444792c32491ad)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Welfare Policy

Write a 1,000-1,250-word essay. Choose three problems that welfare policy is attempting to solve. For each problem, include the following information: Describe the problem and the policies that were put into place to address the problem. Explain how effective the policy has been at addressing the problems it was intended to solve. Explain any failures of the policy at addressing the problems it was intended to solve. Explain why the policies were successful or not. Recommend changes that could be made to the policy to make it more effective at addressing the problems it was intended to solve. Provide a rationale for the changes you recommend. Provide a minimum of three to five scholarly sources to support your analysis and conclusion.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Transnational Organized Crime

For your final paper, choose: One international crime AND one transnational crime, And one or two theories we have covered in class. Your paper should present a clear argument about how these theories explain international and transnational crime (application), as well as limitations when applying the theory to the specific international and transnational crime. In the paper, you must give some context (definition and actual cases that have taken place) for the crime in question, explain the key points of the theory/theories used, and you should justify your arguments with examples and data. End the paper with policy preventions. Ex. Outline: Intro Define Theory Define specific international crime Apply theory to the specific crime Provide limitations ***Repeat these steps for the transnational crime*** You must use academic sources. The paper should be about 3,500 words (minimum of 3,300 and a maximum of 3,700, excluding the bibliography with a minimum of 10 different references). The final paper will be submitted through BlackBoard under “final paper” due on 12/05/ 2020. Note: The paper will be verified via SafeAssign for Plagiarism. Make sure to use references accordingly as I have requested throughout the class.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Russian Authoritarianism

Was Russian authoritarianism inevitable?  Write an essay arguing either for the contingency or inevitability of Russian authoritarianism. Was Russia’s trajectory affected most by elite, institutional, or structural factors? Of these explanations, which is the most persuasive and why? To do this well, you will need to not only explain the arguments of all sides (and all three factors), but also provide the historical and/or political context for the explanation to showcase its logic. You’ll also need to explain (using evidence and logic) why your preferred explanation is the best one. I really need this essay done on time before the deadline. Thank you

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Prison Abolition Movement

use up to 3 academic resources and use the following questions to write about each resource  -What have others said about this topic?  -What research has been done previously?             -What theories address it and what do they say? -Are past findings consistent or do they contradict each other? -Are there any flaws in the body of existing literature that your research can remedy?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Texas Executive Branch

Texas Executive Branch Assignment The governor of Texas is considered relatively weak by national standards. Texas has a plural executive, meaning voters elect a lot of the executive branch officials (comptroller, agriculture commissioner, land commissioner, lieutenant governor, attorney general, etc.) independently. The governor, therefore, has little control over the executive branch of state government, since the guys who run it mostly don’t report to him – they answer only to the voters. One area where the governor holds real power, though, is in the legislative process. The Texas Constitution allows the governor to call the state legislature into special session and gives him the sole power to set the session’s agenda. Bills on subjects not included in the governor’s “call” cannot be considered. The Constitution also allows the governor the power to veto bills passed by the legislature. While the legislature technically has the power to override his veto with a 2/3 vote, he generally vetoes bills after the legislature has adjourned – making the threat of an override meaningless. The Constitutional deadline for Governor Greg Abbott to veto bills passed by the last regular session of the Texas Legislature was Sunday, June 16, 2019.  Your assignment: Take a look at the bills vetoed by Governor Abbott in 2019 : https://capitol.texas.gov/Reports/Report.aspx?LegSess=86R&ID=vetoedbygov Pick three. Write one essay explaining what each bill did, why Governor Abbott vetoed it, and whether or not you agree with the governor’s decision. Submit this assignment in Microsoft Word. Cite your sources.  Additional Resources Governor Abbott’s official veto proclamations can be found on his website: http://gov.texas.gov/news/bills The Texas Tribune is always a good source of information. The left-leaning Dallas Observer had a lot to say about this year’s vetoes: https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/heres-what-texas-gov-greg-abbott-vetoed-this-session-11689556  (Links to an external site.) Did Governor Abbott veto a good bill because of a bad amendment? https://www.texastribune.org/2019/06/05/greg-abbott-vetoes-domestic-violence-bill-due-radioactive-waste-fees/  (Links to an external site.) Texas’ Legislative Reference Library has a website that lets you look at governors’ vetoes all the way back to 1846: http://www.lrl.state.tx.us/legis/vetoes/

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Canadian Society

Your exam should include the essay for Part I and four short answer responses for Part II.  (As much as possible, answers should be written in paragraph form, but I will be understanding if you have difficulty doing so within the required time.) The exam is open book.  However, you are not to collaborate or consult with other students on your responses to any questions.   Part I: Essay Question Your response should be at least three pages typed (double-spaced, font size 12). The following is a quote by late Canadian sociologist Howard Brotz arguing that Canada’s shared bourgeois (i.e. classically liberal) culture is much more fundamental than the cultural diversity that exists here: “In fact is Canadian society characterized by diverse ways of life where people have different standards of what they admire, respect, want?  The answer to this is yes and no.  In a fundamental or radical respect I categorically deny that there is any diversity at all.  Canadians of all ethnic groups, as in the United States, stand for exactly the same thing which is a bourgeois way of life… [The] democratic bourgeois man is a person who is tolerant of all other religions which do not violate a rational civil law; who is not a fanatic because he is primarily interested in improving his standard of living for himself and his family by working in an economy which satisfies these wants; and who has the political habits and practical common sense to support the regime which makes possible this way of life.” Write an essay explaining how three (or more, if you wish) authors from our course would be likely to respond to Brotz’ quote on the basis of readings we studied in this course.  Discuss (with supporting evidence from the readings) whether each author would agree or disagree in whole or in part with Brotz’ claims, and/or how he or she might qualify or expand upon them.  You MUST include at least one author from each of the following groups, but you are free to discuss additional authors if you like. A) Henri Bourassa, Gad Horowitz B) James Tully, Will Kymlicka, C) Charles Taylor, George Grant

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[ORDER SOLUTION] American Presidency

must be a three page outline not an essay but an outline using Roman numerals The final exam is not a paper. It is a three-page long, single-spaced, detailed outline complete with correct and proper citation format as outlined in class (see handout: “How To Write A Paper”), In this year alone, we have witnessed a unique Presidential Election, and a rare exercise, and/or non-exercise as the case may be, of power from the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch. So, in your considered view, is the Executive branch of government really the most powerful of the three? If so, why? If not, why not? What interrelationships are involved? In your answer, include an explication how the Federalists believed the relative power of each branch might be and why, and then go to the readings to back up your argument. Other than that, how you use historical analyses found in the textbooks is at your discretion. You must use at least five sources in your answer. only the sources I give u can be used no outside sources are allowed

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Political Violence

The only sources acceptable for this is the chapters/lectures posted on Canvas. You cannot consult outside sources.  Part i  Define and explain in detail. Where possible bring in examples for each terminology chosen to define. Clearly label the key term chosen to define – 5 points each a)  Democratization b)  Neighborhood effect c)  Modernization theory d)  Political identity e)  Interest Groups part ii  Define in detail in a paragraph or two (5 to 10 sentences). Where possible bring in examples for each terminology chosen to define. Clearly label the key term chosen to define – 12.5 points each a)  Constructivism b)  Samuel Huntington and Global Conflict/Clash of Civilizations Part III: Essay  Provide a thorough response to the question chosen (2 to 3 pages). Use examples and provide a thorough analysis to the answer.  a) Discuss what causes political violence. Compare and contrast civil wars to revolutions. What are the factors that cause these two forms of political violence? Consider interests, geographical factors, and state weakness in answering this question. Bonus: 5 points How do states’ governments raise capital? Bonus: 5 points Describe the difference between public and private good.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Petroleum Industry In Iran

This essay needs to include a lot such as the research in oil in Iran.  It must be a research question. The crash in oil prices on Iran would hurt Iran economy, How does Iran deal with this challenge including political instability and economic crisis in Iran caused by the crash in oil prices

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