Political science
Hard power or Soft Power in Government | Instant Homework Solutions
Find an example of the US using a tool of hard power or soft power. Explain why it is either hard power or soft power and explain the impact it had. Was it successful in achieving its intended objective?
East Asian Political Thought | Instant Homework Solutions
Book: https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/thought_and_writing/philosophy/intro%20confucianism.pdf Choose and answer one of the following 1. Explain moral markets 2.Explain law as reconciliation, law as restitution 3.Explain the Confucian understanding of material and moral incentives. FormattingUse standard formatting (points will be deducted otherwise): Double spacing, 12pt Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header, No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.Cite lecture and class readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise): Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper, Include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the paper (including lecture dates), Please do not use footnotes unless absolutely necessary, Please do not use outside sources, Do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response (this is plagiarism), Please do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book
Effect of Cryptocurrency on Economies | Instant Homework Solutions
Sources: Acadamic: https://ier.ut.ac.ir/ Non Academic: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/irans-muddled-relationship-with-cryptocurrency-is-self-inflicted/
Political Theory | Instant Homework Solutions
The works of Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, and Luther reveal assumptions about human nature. What does each author assume? How are those assumptions reflected in their arguments about the need for government, its ideal or best form, and obedience to authority?
Civil Rights and BLM | Instant Homework Solutions
Watch Aint Scared of Your Jails 1960-1961: Eyes on the Prize: Americas Civil Rights Movement 1954-1985. [55:49] Explore the Black Lives Matter website. In approximately 450-500 words, write an essay to draw connections between the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Lives Matter Movement based on the video, Ain’t Scared of you Jails, and what you learned about the Black Lives Matter movement from its website.
Political Violence in Latin America | Instant Homework Solutions
Your essays need to diagnose key issues. You need to make sure your work has a theoretical grounding and give evidence from empirical studies. Chicago style. The attached file has edits that need to be addressed, additionally the paper needs improved grammar and syntax. The paper has to address a theme and include political violent theories. in all nations.
A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe | Instant Homework Solutions
This paper is on the book “A Man of the People” by Chinua Achebe, there’s no pdf’s online for it. The book is $12, but I’d advise instead to look up a summary and find quotes from the novel online. 1. The paper should be between 10 and 12 double spaced pages. Papers that exceed the 12 page limit (or that employ tiny fonts or narrow margins to squeeze themselves under the limit) will be marked down unless the added length clearly and substantially contributes to the quality of the paper. Note that this is a very difficult standard to meet. 2. The paper should identify four scenes or plot lines in the novel and show how they illustrate particular arguments developed in the lectures and/or readings about the character of African politics and society. For each scene or plot line that you choose to discuss, you should a) summarize the characters dialogue, actions and the events in which they are enmeshed; b) explain what this scene or plot line captures or exemplifies about the nature of African politics or society; and c) explain and interpret the scene in terms of the theoretical arguments developed in the lectures and/or readings.
Europe and Foreign Policy | Instant Homework Solutions
What are the arguments – and what is the evidence – for and against a Europeanization of foreign policy? Can and should European countries act together to integrate and build up a European security and defense capability? What are the obstacles? Do you think Europe is a safer place to live in now compared with the height of the Cold War?
Political Correlations Research Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
Each student will write a paper of 6 pages minimum length, double-spaced. The paper must include the following essential ingredients: a) a theoretical argument describing how one or more variables should be related, b) one or more testable hypotheses speci-fying how those variables are related, c) a description of the data to be used to test the hypotheses, including descriptions of how the variables are conceptualized, operationalized, and measured, and why the chosen measures are appropriate (if the data is not yet collected, discuss how one might go about collecting the data), and d) a discussion of the statistical test that would be most appropriate when analyzing the data. more instructions are provided in an attachment below.
Newspaper Article | Instant Homework Solutions
Newspaper Article Assignment: There are many critical international issues happening in the world today that are directly related to historical events or eras weve discussed in this class. For this assignment you must find a recent news article (from a credible source about an UNRELATED current event (written in 2020) and write a paper about how the 2020 event relates to an event or era discussed in this class. This is not an informative paper, but rather you must use critical thinking to discuss how the current event is related to the government as weve discussed in class and how it differs. Compare and contrast the present with the course topic using course readings, lectures, and outside sources, if necessary, to supplement your paper. Any supplemental sources should not be the main focus of your paper; your analysis of the newspaper article chosen is. *** Your answer must be at least 5 full pages (no less), typed, DOUBLE SPACED, and 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins. You will be graded on content, grammar, punctuation, and following directions. *** *** Guidelines: Find an article from a credible source avoid 24-hour news channels (Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc.) Also, do not use op-eds (opinion pieces), as they are not investigative journalism. Look at sources like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, France24, etc. Be specific. I want you to really think about your articles and your responses to them and how they fit into our course. Avoid replacing arguments with examples. Use examples to illustrate a general claim, not as a replacement for them. Examples by themselves tend toward selection bias and hasty generalizations. I am interested in content, not clever rhetorical flourish. Thus, avoid filler material DO NOT USE BLOCK QUOTES FROM THE ARTICLES OR READINGS. Direct quotes should be no longer than 1 sentence, MAXIMUM. IF YOU DO NOT CITE, EVEN WHEN YOU PARAPHRASE, IT WILL BE CONSIDERED PLAGIARISM. PLAGIARIZED PAPERS WILL BE PENALIED EITHER BY AN F ON THE PAPER OR THE COURSE AND WILL BE REPORTED TO THE DEAN. PROOFREAD YOUR PAPER. You will be marked off for typos, punctuation errors, and/or major disorganization. The heading of your paper should be your name ONLY. 12-point Times New Roman font Double-spaced 1-inch margins all around CITE EVERYTHING. The paper is to be 5 pages long. Not less (No cover page). This paper must be written specifically for THIS CLASS. Any papers submitted from previous courses will automatically receive an F. Topics we have covered have been about anything with the coronavirus, presidential election, debates, anything with the government. Its a National American Government class.
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