Political science
Community Issues Address | Instant Homework Solutions
1. Identify one problem in your local community. It can be a pothole near your home, a streetlight that went out, gang activity, bad school for your kid/s attend, etc. You decide which problem you would like to address. 2. Identify the appropriate local elected official (LA Mayor, LA City Council Person, LA School Board Member, LA County Supervisor, etc.) responsible for addressing the problem. 3. Write a short – no more than one page – handwritten letter to your elected official describing the problem and requesting a speedy remedy. 4. Do not disclose you are writing the letter as a class project. Identify yourself simply with your name and as a resident of the community. Do not mention if you are a foreign student, citizen or your legal status. They are responsible for helping you regardless. 5. Write a 500 – 600 word post explaining (This is due 9/6/2020): a. why you picked this problem (1 point), b. how did you identify the elected official responsible for remedying it (1 point), c. what is your ideal remedy (1 point), and d. take a good picture of your handwritten letter (use your phone if you do not have a scanner) and upload it with your post as an attachment (2 points).
Law and Government Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
From where does a governments legitimate authority derive? · What are constitutional monarchs and do they exist today? · What are the Articles of Confederation, detailing each state had what type of representation? · What are the strengths and weaknesses of federalism? · What is cooperative, competitive, and dual federalism? · What is a federal mandate? · How does the federal government exercise control over matters that have traditionally been under the control of state governments? · Why does government exists? · Harold Lasswell defined politics as · What is divine right theory? · Know the difference between autocracy, republic, divine right and direct democracy. · Natural Rights · Great Compromise · Article I, Section 8 of the constitution describing inherent, concurrent, implied and expressed powers know examples of each · 10th amendment · Full Faith and Credit Clause · Supremacy clause in Article VI of the Constitution · Dual/New/Competitive/Cooperative Federalism
Role of Theory in GPE | Instant Homework Solutions
This week, we want to look at what the weekly readings have to say about the role of theory in GPE? Both Slaughter and Walt discuss the major theories here–liberalism, realism, and world systems theory. Explain what Slaughter and Walt have to say about the three theories and at what points they agree and disagree about them. Lastly, tell us your own thoughts here on GPE theory.
Effect On source on Knowledge | Instant Homework Solutions
Submit your reflection paper on the Effect of Source on Knowledge of reproduction here. The document should be no longer than 1 page, single spaced, and submitted as a word or pdf file. This paper is an informal reflection based on your responses to the questions asked in class and the in class discussion with your peers. It should contain the following information: A description of how you believe your primary source of reproductive information impacted your level of knowledge of reproduction. Consider the following areas (you do not have to write about each separately, you can talk about your reproductive knowledge as a whole, indicating what you are most/least knowledgeable in) your reproductive system the reproductive system of the opposite sex pregnancy contraception reproductive disorders and diseases Discuss whether you trust the information that you received, including why/why not. Also include discussion of any sources you would have trusted more/less than the ones from which you obtained your information. Brief discussion of how your experiences compared to others in your group. Consider questions such as: did you get materials from the same sources? do you all have similar levels of knowledge in these areas? was your experience in obtaining this information better/worse than what others experienced? Why?
Political Science Prompt Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
Choose only 1 question: 1. Explain combat compliance. Use lecture notes as sources. 2. Explain domestic commitment. Use lecture notes as sources. 3. Explain the origins of World War 2
Limits of Presidential Power | Instant Homework Solutions
Respond in a page essay: 20th Century history regarding the extent and limits of presidential power.
Public Policy Change by UNDRIP | Instant Homework Solutions
How might the formal adoption of free, prior, and informed consent, as articulated by the UNDRIP, change public policy in Canada? How might it impact public policy in other areas, such as sub-Saharan Africa? Is free, prior, and informed consent a positive development universally, or is it more desirable to implement free, prior, and informed consent in some areas rather than others? Consider implications in both developed countries like Canada and developing countries, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa.
Elite versus Pluralist Theory | Instant Homework Solutions
Please share your thoughts concerning Elite Theory v. Pluralist Theory thus far. At this point based upon your experiences and after reading chapter 1 what do you think to be perhaps the more appropriate approach in studying American Government? Why? Do you find the authors’ description of elite theory to be somewhat troubling? True? Why or why not?
Democratic and Republican Platform | Instant Homework Solutions
Answer the following questions based on the information found on the website and in each party’s platform. I have linked the platforms above, but they are also found on each of the party’s websites. See if you can find them on your own. They are revised every 4 years at the National Conventions which are coming up. The Democratic Convention begins August 17-20 and the Republican Convention is August 24-27. You will be viewing the platforms from 2016 since this year’s will not likely be available yet. You do not have to read the whole thing as they can be pretty long, but you can search for the issue you are interested in. 1) What do the Republican and Democratic parties stand for on one or two issues that you care about? Are their positions similar in any way or completely different from another? Can you see any room for compromise on the issue given what you have found? (Note: You must look at the party platform and website for your answer. Do not base you answer on what you think you know about the two political parties.) 2) What is the role of government for dealing with those issues according to both parties? Do you agree or disagree with the role government should play? Why or why not?
Short Essay Choice | Instant Homework Solutions
Short Essay, please Choose One: Why is the idea of liberal media bias so widespread? Does it exist in practice and if so to what extent? Why is the critique of liberal media misleading? What are major media bias and how do they impact content? Explain the rise of Donald Trump. Include at minimum in your answer, demographics, historical reasons, and the media.
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