Political science
Codified and Un-codified Constitutions | Instant Homework Solutions
expand on the part about why Canada has moved increasingly towards a codified constitution. The entire essay question is; What are the differences between codified(written) and uncodified(unwritten) constitutions? Give examples. Why do you think Canada has moved to an increasingly codified constitution? The essay needs to be 1000-1200 words.
Political Science Paper | Instant Homework Solutions
“In looking at 2016 Presidential Campaign what made the candidates of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump so Unusual? What were the strengths and weaknesses of both candidacies? What role, if any, did economic inequality play? Will these candidacies’ have a long-term impact on American Politics?” – 6 pages, reference/work cited excluded. – Double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font, and one-inch margins – MLA format
Budget Change Article Review | Instant Homework Solutions
Find a recent article (less than one month old) from a reputable news source concerning a proposed budgetary change. Summarize the article. What is the issue? Explain who is affected most from the change? Evaluate the source. What is your opinion? Writing Requirements (APA format). Refer to the APA manual. Length: 3 full pages (not including the title or references page)
Comparative Analysis | Instant Homework Solutions
This 7-10 page double-spaced essay is due on the last day of class (although you may turn it in early). You will need academic sources, at least 5 solid ones, like articles and book chapters. I do not care what citation format you use as long as you use one that is intelligible and use it correctly. Since there are many disciplines represented in this class, use the one that is standard in yours if you cannot decide.Please outline the following:Compare and contrast your chosen nation-state to the United States (Ch. 3) using the frameworks provided by the authors in The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics. You may choose a country not outlined in the book, and look up the information yourself (although you may still want to look at sample chapters and see what kind of information is contained in them and how it is organized). You can use the ILGA site online (International Lesbian and Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association): are the terms gay and lesbian and any other relevant identitarian labels defined in the country? How does this shape the claims made on political representation and rights?Highlight specific issues and concepts that you will compare in your essay. For example, you may draw out political culture as a defining feature of lesbian and gay politics from your chapter. As Epstein notes, religion seems to be an important factor that inhibits the movement from attaining its goal of rights; however, he does not define this religion. Does your country have a defined religion? (i.e. a national religion, as in Great Britain, the Anglican Church). Or, is your country secularist (like France, for example). Is the dominant religion separate from the political culture?How has the movement defined itself over time? In the U.S. it has oscillated back and forth between assimilationist and radical postures in a dialectical fashion (as Craig Rimmerman portrays it). How has your countrys movement differed from this very American model that inheres progress consistent with political liberalism (the assignment of rights for the opportunity to participate in the democratic process)?How does your country conceptualize citizenship? Is it membership in a group or individualistic? Epstein notes that the mainstream movement in the U.S. has tended to represent itself through substantial consumerism such as symbols, etc.What has the role of the medical and psychiatric community been in terms of defining gay and lesbian behaviors? This is important for early movements in the U.S. toward acceptance.Is there a transgender movement? How is it viewed? An advocacy group for bisexuality?Is there a public discourse about queerness?Is there a rift between gay men and lesbians over the ideology of the movement? Do they work together or separately?Here you may want to outline setbacks in your country that make it differ from the U.S. (perhaps direct involvement in a major war). Or, you may list features that promote the movement (such as a favorable political system or party system).It has often been said that the U.S. was born during the Enlightenment period. How old is your country and how does its history shape its politics in ways that limit or expand the possibilities for gay and lesbian organizing.Are there parties that openly endorse gay and lesbian issues? If so, what are they in comparison to the U.S. movement outlined by Epstein.The trick of the assignment is to compare the two countries without assigning one of them the status of model against which the other is compared.
Changing Character of Warfare | Instant Homework Solutions
This is a 2200 word essay assignment for 3rd year University module, (Changing Character of Warfare). In this essay you are required to give a very well argumented answer to the question: “DO PRESSURES OF THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM COMPEL STATES TO FIGHT? OR CAN STATES INSTEAD BREAK OUT OF THE SECURITY DILEMMA?” You must provide arguments both supporting and challenging in order to build up to your final conclusion. (Introduction, Arguments and Conclusion). Which must be a concise answer to said question. Are states condemned to fight due to the international system complexion? or can they avoid these pressures and scape peacefully from the vicious cycle of the security dilemma? The answer (conclusion) can be in FAVOUR of states being able to break out the Security Dilemma, or AGAINST, or SOMETHING IN BETWEEN! However, it MUST be CONCISE and well-supported by providing clear evidence from the readings in each argument. Additionally, you may sprinkle this essay with your HUMBLE personal opinion, but nothing crazy (always orbiting around the core views). The more sources you use the BETTER. It is very important to build your main argument based on the core views of MONTGOMERY, POSEN and LEVY while mentioning other authors.
Hypothetical Research Proposal | Instant Homework Solutions
This is a hypothetical research proposal. It should be creative and viewed through the lens of having unlimited resources. This is the format: 1. Question: Do protests create nations? 2. Hypothesis: As protests increase, and the government ignores the peoples demands for reform, then the people will develop nationalist ideals. 3. Design/Methods – how would you answer the question? + Ethnographic Research + Field research: Interviewing/Survey + Process Tracing + Newspaper Articles (World News Paper Archive) 4. Scope/Application – Justify the selection of these cases/approach 5. Literature Review – Should NOT prove or disprove the argument
American Electoral Discussion | Instant Homework Solutions
Why do so many people feel disillusioned with the American two-party system? What makes the cultural divisions found in our two-party system so divisive? Is this issue productive or counter-productive in the conducting government business? Based on your understanding of political parties, voting, and elections, what insights can you provide about the latest Presidential election and state mid-term election?
Political Literature Review | Instant Homework Solutions
Machiavelli, Hobbes and Clausewitz (International System) – The exercise should review only one article/chapter from a particular tutorials readings. (500 words ) – Your literature review is not a comparative exercise your primary focus is on the article that you are reviewing Your literature review should aim to do the following: o Situate the articles main argument i.e. in the discipline, where does the article fit o Summarise the main arguments that the article is making o Critically engage with these arguments by demonstrating whether you agree with them or not and why Essential reading (pick ones marked with an * ) * Quentin Skinner, The Advisor to Princes, in Machiavelli, Oxford University Press, 1981. * David Armitage, Hobbes and the Foundations of Modern International Thought, in Foundations of Modern International Thought (Cambridge: CUP, 2013), pp.59-74 * Michael Howard, Ends and Means in War, in Clausewitz, Oxford University Press, 1983, pp.34-46
Interest Groups in American Politics | Instant Homework Solutions
“Should interest groups play a significant role in policy formation in American politics? Why or why not?
Canada’s Political Culture | Instant Homework Solutions
Briefly explain the four chief elements of Canada’s political culture according to the textbook pages 48 to 56. 150-200 words. The four elements: Community, Freedom, Equality, and Attitudes towards the state.
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